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walk in the woods

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Everything posted by walk in the woods

  1. I'm not sure I agree with that but we'll see how boys respond after their first co-ed summer camp experience. I've said before and I'll repeat here, whatever we're calling boy scouts in 2020 will be moved to the gender segregated patrols model at the NAM in May of 2020. We'll be told demand from the field, and parents, and that field experience shows the current girl troop model isn't working, and that it makes sense to parallel the Cub structure for continuity.
  2. Well, that's half the metric, the other half is the number of boys that decide to leave due to the gambit. Earlier in this thread (I think) someone suggested the BSA's goal should be a 50/50 representation of boys/girls. There's two ways to get there, recruit a lot of girls, or lose a lot of boys. We'll see.
  3. Ah, in that case, at least in my district, the workbook would go back with the Scout.
  4. Brian, Are you asking pre- or post- EBOR? For my District, the signed workbook and application are collected and turned into the Council Scout Office (with the letters of recommendation, etc.). From there they make their way to the District Advancement Team and then to the EBOR. After the EBOR I think the Eagle App went with the District folks and the project stuff was returned to the Scout. It's been a few years since I've been through the process though.
  5. Interesting that this was also in the article. "The Council is working on recruiting more fathers and college students as volunteers in the hopes that they might be more motivated to lead girls on camping trips and teach them survival skills."
  6. As I've gotten older I have a much stronger appreciation for the WWII and Korea vets who were an everyday part of my youth. My scoutmaster was on the beach in France on D-Day. He rarely said much.
  7. Aren't Scout Spirit and Scoutmaster Conference two different requirements? Couldn't you do the Scoutmaster Conference to set up expectations for the boy and what is required to complete the Scout Spirit requirement? Requirements for rank advancement?
  8. Well, in fairness to the school, the sports teams are part of the school's extra-curricular activities. Unless the school is also the CO wouldn't they have a loyalty to their own programs first?
  9. Nah. He has at least three choices, comply, walk away, or resist. Question is, do we really want to put boys in this position? Comply is disheartening, resist is hard, walk away is easy. And it gets easier after the first stroll. Nah. Silly rules should be flouted at every available opportunity. We can argue about the wisdom of this particular rule change but blind obedience is not what "A Scout is Obedient" means.
  10. I wonder if there's not a couple of things going on these days. First, I think there are a lot of folks that knew or remember how the Vietnam vets were treated when they came home. There's some desire, at least in some parts of society, to make up for that societal disgrace. It can't be taken back, but, a different attitude can be shown moving forward. I think the second thing that's happening is we're now what 40 years into the all volunteer force. There are two generations of citizens that realize they didn't even have to consider serving. I wonder if some folks are coming to terms wit
  11. The BSA has buckled under any little bit of pressure since Dale. They may find a backbone now but I wouldn't count on it.
  12. I agree. I'm not sure I'd wear the patch but it would be a nice option. My OA lodge as a youth was a spin-off of Mic-O-Say. We absolutely had the red, white, and blue beads for our claws. I still have mine with the beads. I normally don't salute while in civilian clothes. I suppose there might be times I'd consider it. I am fine with saluting in field or activity uniform however. It's taken a while to get used to the uncovered bit though. If I'm wearing a BSA cap (basically anything with a BSA fleur-de-lis), I roundly ignore this request. If my unit had a uniform cap an
  13. For me as a youth and an adult, almost zero. I did get to interact with some scouts from outside the US at the Jamboree I attended as a youth but beyond that it rarely crosses my mind.
  14. I just used mine a couple weeks ago when the can opener at the place we were staying broke. Be Prepared and all...... Separately, don't buy cheap knives, they are probably just as dangerous as dull knives. The tinker linked above is my everyday pocket knife.
  15. and every flier from every unit for every activity will have to be approved by the Commissar of Truth and Language.
  16. For the lawyers, here's the complaint. All 50 pages of it. https://www.scribd.com/document/392523926/110618-SDNY-Girl-Scouts-v-Boy-Scouts-Complaint?fbclid=IwAR1LmH5X0N1xp28vKinf8_RpsRUHF5LInNhLNLWugrnqsMGGpBkXceriBL0.
  17. Those of you wondering how people can confuse the two organizations are missing the point. Most of the parents I deal with have never been involved in scouting in any way, shape, or fashion. Even if you use the terms BSA and GSUSA, they assume they are divisions of some greater single entity.
  18. We could have some fun with this though. This telling of the story quotes the suit:: Pick your favorite new name for the program formerly known as boy scouts, add to the list, or suggest a single-name program moniker (e.g. Venturing, Exploring): Cavalry Scouts, BSA Dragoon Scouts, BSA Pioneer Scouts, BSA Buffalo Scouts, BSA
  19. Yeah, but clearly ageist and sexist saracam! Why should strong independent women and children have to hide? You are clearly part of the patriarchical power hierarchy that must be destroyed!
  20. The only way the BSA could play this game to win was not to play. Prior to allowing girls the BSA was emblematic of the male power hierarchy of society oppressing girls. Now that BSA is allowing girls, the BSA is clearly exploiting them to oppress the the gender specific GSUSA. If the GSUSA loses this fight it will be something else. Harvard chased down this rabbit hole two years ago when they banned single-gender organizations, then backtracked to allow female single-gendered organizations as long as they were gender focused. That's the same basic zeitgeist the BSA is facing.
  21. I did the individual credit the first year I was kernel (had the scouts use their own order forms and mark the sale as delivered). After the first year I dropped it. Too much hassle. Booth sales were for the good of the unit.
  22. Well, there are safe spaces and then there are safe spaces: Safe space: a space set aside from the normal pressures of social life where people are free to experiment, fail, dust themselves off, and try again, under the guidance of trusted mentors, without fear of embarrassment. Safe space: A space where grown adults run for coloring books and stuffed animals because someone said something that contravenes their world view.
  23. You are correct, NIMBYism isn't at play here. The folks that live in the range are all for getting the jobs associated with the mine.
  24. Looking at the south as a region probably won't provide much insight. Council-by-council is better and could be improved if we knew their rural/suburban/urban makeup. That said, if we're talking in generalities, I don't know that this should come as a huge surprise. The south also over represents in the armed forces as a percentage of population of each state (https://www.cfr.org/article/demographics-us-military). @qwazse hit on part of it with the difference in southern culture. Johnathon Haidt points out in his book "The Righteous Mind" that social-conservative moral foundations val
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