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About robert12

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  1. That is essentially what is says. Read it like this: "The Charter Organization agrees to" "actively participate in the local councils annual giving campaign and product sales to ensure quality Scouting throughout the community. (ex. Friends of Scouting campaign, popcorn, camp card, etc.)"
  2. I went 25 years ago, and it was great. Back then while we got to ride horses, we carried less gear than hikers and there was lots of work pack and unpacking everything and quite a bit of time was spent tending to the horses. We were able to bring horn bags, and they were really nice to have.
  3. From the Baptist Press Boy Scouts bankruptcy could leave churches liable in future sex abuse claims "Churches who chartered or have ever hosted a Boy Scouts of America (BSA) troop should seek legal counsel now in case they are named in future sex abuse claims against the BSA, a Southern Baptist legal representative told Baptist Press." https://www.baptistpress.com/resource-library/news/boy-scouts-bankruptcy-could-leave-churches-liable-in-future-sex-abuse-claims/
  4. Here is the Unit Money Earning Application, point 7 states "At no time are units permitted to solicit contributions for unit programs". I have always held the position that grants should not be considered soliciting funds as the are saying "we have money, fill out this application and we might give you some". I doubt your council will see it the same way. Also, your money is your money, you do not have to give the council a 1¢. https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/34427.pdf
  5. It would appear that some these changes go against what is laid out the in the "RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA" https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/membership/pdf/Rules_and_Regulations_June_2018.pdf
  6. This sounds like the changes that the Northern Star Council has implemented.
  7. I remember have an email conversation with a high up in venturing from the national office on why there was an advancement criteria on the crew JTE scorecard at the time, when advancement is not a method of venturing. I basically got "it is what it is, we think venturers should be advancing"
  8. Here is a council charter renewal form. filestore.scouting.org/filestore/mission/pdf/523-027_WEB.pdf In short a council pays an annual National Service Fee of 3.5% of the total of the salaries of the professional and office staff, though some councils could pay closer to 4%. There is also a national charter fee of $1,000. This fee is waived if the form is submitted on time.
  9. The two people to contact would be your council's president, though your SE could have been the one to basically put him in this position, and the Area Director that your SE reports to, this is a BSA national position.
  10. First a bit of background. -I am an Eagle Scout and I have served as a district advancement chair where I approved Eagle Projects and as well as chaired EBORs, and I currently am a EBOR member for my district and serve on our councils advancement committee. I have reviewed dozens of Eagle projects either on the front end as a district approver or on the back end as a EBOR member. I have seen some really good projects and some that were "eh" at best. I was having a conversation with a fellow leader and his wife about the quality of some of the Eagle projects of late out of our district
  11. Per section of the Guide to Advancement: References: Must list all six (five if not employed). If not affiliated with an organized religion, then the parent or guardian provides this reference.
  12. Agreed, it was founded in 1915 but it did not become a full Boy Scout program until 1948. From oa-bsa.org/about/history,
  13. My background is I am an Eagle Scout and obtained Brotherhood membership in the OA as a youth. I have not been very active in the lodge as an adult but keep my dues paid. At the unit level I have served as an ASM and troop committee member, for the district I have served in several positions including district commissioner and district program chair, and at the council level I served on the very first venturing committee in our council. I currently serve as a district religious emblems coordinator and a member of the council advancement committee. I do not have any children in the pro
  14. Found these on scoutstuff.org http://www.scoutstuff.org/nsearch/?q=district#?q=district&keywords=district&res_per_page=12&search_return=all
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