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Everything posted by Saltface

  1. This is already in process. Grand Canyon Council will be absorbing Catalina Council some time this year. This will result in one council covering most of Arizona. The SE for GCC has announced the elimination of nine staff positions and the formation of a committee to determine what scout camps should be sold.
  2. Ah, yes. The standard by which all other skits are measured. Personally, I wouldn't consider this a YP issue but if you want to go that route, the closest I could come up with is from the Barriers to Abuse document: For me, I would say no to the underwear. If my scouts really needed a long-winded explanation: God created our bodies. Certain parts of our bodies are sacred or special in that they allow us to create life, one of the most Godlike powers mortals have been trusted with. A Scout is Reverent.
  3. I emailed National about this and was told "If an event is 72 hours or longer the adults must be registered whether they attend for 1 hour or the entire time." Given that no one has a clear, authoritative answer to the question and that no one is following adults around with a stopwatch, perhaps we should just use our best judgement? Are we still allowed to do that?
  4. There was an email sent with instructions on that matter. We don't have the details yet, but the new program will probably not require as many adults as a troop or pack does. Anything that's not a direct youth contact position probably won't be needed.
  5. This is what I was going to say. It sounds a little fishy that girls that effectively audited the program are outperforming boys that were actually enrolled in the program. And I've never seen non-scout siblings of either gender at a camporee/summer camp/event larger than a troop campout.
  6. Some models do, but it's not always well designed. I tried teaching one of these classes and learned more than I taught. Lesson 1: Everybody needs to have the same model GPS unit or smartphone app, otherwise you're stuck teaching general theory (this is how trilateration works, WAAS ground stations improve your fix but cellphones don't support them, cold fix vs. hot fix, you can add waypoints but how to do it depends on your device, blah, blah, blah, eyes roll back into the head...). Lesson 2: Don't assume everyone remembers what latitude and longitude are. Or skip it entir
  7. @PACAN https://www.lds.org/bc/content/shared/english/young-men/16635_000.pdf?lang=eng The Church has a policy of not allowing membership lists to be used for non-church purposes or using the Church to promote external organizations. These communications are more reminders and clarifications than anything new.
  8. This was my first thought. I'd rather see a scout successfully and sanitarily cook for adults in camping conditions than a scout cook for other scouts in backyard conditions.
  9. Isolating LDS numbers wouldn't paint a true picture of activity. On paper, everyone is still engaged. There wasn't a recharter for LDS units this year, our charters were just extended out to 2020 with the current roster. Church headquarters pays a lump sum every year so individual wards have no budget benefit to drop out early. Furthermore, there are good reasons for finishing strong regardless of whether individuals want to continue in BSA or drop it. In reality, it's a mixed bag. Attendance at my district's roundtable has dropped off to about 50-75 people or so (about 25% of norma
  10. You might check eBay every now and then. There are a few death march patches on there, but not that exact one right now.
  11. @HashTagScouts As someone close to the situation, do you have any more information about what occurred? When I read the article yesterday, I pictured some 14-15 year old junior staff members who watch Family Guy (Evil Monkey is a character on the show) giving him the award/nickname without realizing that it was racist. Am I anywhere close to accurate in my guess?
  12. I'd like to know your motivation for this. Is the normal Webelos program not challenging enough for them? Easy, now. The LDS 11 year-old program has often been disparaged for being exactly that.
  13. Is it this? https://meritbadge.org/wiki/index.php/International_Activity_Badge It's been replaced by https://meritbadge.org/wiki/index.php/International_Spirit_Award
  14. https://www.reddit.com/r/scouting/ is full of posts from scouts from various nations saying hello.
  15. My council camp used to require this during summer camp around that same time. We all though it rather amusing given that we were already under a No Fires Whatsoever restriction every year due to the forest being so dry. I've never seen the requirement anywhere else. It's not required now.
  16. Did you complete all four modules? In my district, 90 minutes was the minimum.
  17. According to Bryan Wendell: https://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2019/02/13/bsa-best-study/ I would like to know what were the other organizations that BSA was compared against. From what I've read, it was just scouts and non-scouts.
  18. We have the same problem but with ceiling fans. It's fine when the flag is in the stand but the color guard hasn't always been fully aware of the situation when marching to the front of the room. I bought a few feet of 1-1/4" dowel from Home Depot and another screw joint online. I fitted the screw joints to the new lowers and stained the wood to match the old poles. By flipping the joint on one flag upside down, you can use one new screw joint for two flags--one new lower is threaded female, and the other is male. And now we have a troop flag that barely clears five feet indoors but
  19. What it must feel like to go to college in your 60s. I should have bought it but didn't. I mostly collect handbooks.
  20. There were two documents attached to the email. https://vhcbsa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/BSA-BEST-Informational-Flyer.pdf https://vhcbsa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Letter-from-MSurbaugh.pdf The letter from Surbaugh states that the study "will help explore and describe the Scouting experience and how it develops character for both adult volunteers and youth in Scouting." I'm guessing (but could be wrong) that it might be a repeat of the 2005 studies about American and Scout values (https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/marketing/pdf/02-882.pdf & https://filestore
  21. I received an email announcing the study a few weeks ago. I don’t know if that means we will be invited or not.
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