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Everything posted by Saltface

  1. I sent an email on the 6th. How long did you wait for your response?
  2. You're probably right about it being local issue. The fleur-de-lis also looks a little wonky, probably another sign of the same. I'm coming up dry on this one.
  3. Day 2 http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:JgtNAs9TdJAJ:centennialwoodbadge.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Gilwell-Gazette-BSA-18-2-Day-1-Final.pdf Day 4 https://docplayer.net/84696033-Today-s-flag-2-opening-song-2-led-by-scouts-2-patrol-news-3-4-the-critterscope-corner-5-today-s-schedule-6.html Day 5 https://docplayer.net/81812347-L-g-a-z-t-t-bsa-g-philmont-quote-of-the-day-ten-facts-about-boy-scouts-merit-badges-centennial-wood-badge.html# I was able to find some of it.
  4. We're talking about how female involvement affects BSA. Okay, maybe I could have said it in softer terms, but I still believe it's fundamentally true.
  5. I think we may already be seeing it. As I've whined about previously: Maybe it's a case of No True Scotsman, but I honestly don't think there's a man alive that would think this a great idea, especially when all the resources for alternative ideas are right there at your fingertips. But a scout mom who still sees her Life Scout as a little Wolf Cub? Yeah, that's definitely an activity she would plan.
  6. Tour a Titan missile silo and an as-yet-undefined shooting sports event were the other two.
  7. So does the clock stop while you're asleep? Hopefully that's a solid eight hours of not interacting with the scouts.
  8. Canoeing and camping Learning to weld/metalwork Backpacking excursion Visit the Grand Canyon There's at least one more item but I can't remember what they decided without looking at my calendar.
  9. Evidently my council interprets this as 72 hours on one single activity. In the lead up to summer camp, we were reminded again and again that any adult attending a council camp for longer than 72 hours (consecutive or not) needed the new YPT. But they didn’t give a hoot if you had already camped with the troop 71 hours. At any rate, it would be nice to have some more stability in policies (and rank advancement).
  10. Is there a secret turbo mode or warp zone hidden in the videos? I think it took me an hour and a half.
  11. Not to mention that it will ruin a bimetal axe. I know the work is done by whomever shows up and I appreciate a willingness to serve; but if the instruction is pointlessly bad, what’s the point in teaching?
  12. Wow, @cocomax. I applaud your restraint. I would have started asking tough questions: How do I get UTM coordinates from your “GPS” for geocaching? What’s different about your saw from my dovetail saw at home that you can’t sharpen it (assuming no induction hardened teeth)? How do sundials work if shadows always point north? Moments like yours sometimes make me forget that a scout is kind. Side note: The fluxgate compass inside a smartphone doesn’t require cell service to work. Also, most phones don’t require service to use their GPS component. However, they often use cellular data to dow
  13. That would depend on your Scouting experience and previous exposure to Stephen R. Covey. Two years might still be the best generic answer for a Scoutmaster or ASM. I’d be curious to know what Bear or Wolf den leaders found most useful at WB (other than how to deal with other adults).
  14. I can't speak about Cubs, the memories are too hazy. As for Boy Scouts, there's nothing that can replace actually going through the program. The near-flawless patrol experience of Wood Badge is what Scouting would look like in Shangri-La.
  15. You might have better luck with Body Integrity Dysphoria. Hernias and paunches are physical maladies, not mental ones.
  16. Wood Badge is the Family Life MB of adult training. It's too much information for someone in their first year of Scouting and not enough useful information for someone in their fifth year. Naturally.
  17. I see what you're saying. Thank you. How would I say this then? The pH is acidic?
  18. This is correct. What gives me the creeps are the rah-rah cheerleaders who wholeheartedly endorse anything National says (usually on Facebook). It's definitely no fringe group, but if BSA could prove even a simple majority of supporters in BSA4G with the results of the internal survey, they would be trumpeting it. Instead we get to endure celebrity endorsements (OMGosh, Ashton Kutcher!!!), erstwhile martinets ignoring a very big rule about how the program is to be implemented, and a never-ending drumbeat from BSA about how great this is. And I've never finished an issue of Scoutin
  19. Here's one not in a frame if you want to scan it: https://www.scoutstuff4sale.com/1930-national-certificate-of-service-presented/ I could clean it up in Illustrator if I had a better image.
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