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Everything posted by Eagle94-A1

  1. We have one troop that traditionally serves meals at one of the local restaurant chains that was started by veterans. Other than that, the Scouts in my area do not do anything special for Veteran's day as it is called in the US. Now our Memorial Day is different. We have a district wide service project in conjunction with several veterans' groups. We are the ones putting the flags on Veterans' graves at 5 cemeteries. As others have commented, Memorial Day has turned more into a "Beginning of Summer" or a three day weekend than a day of remembrance for most Americans. When the local sch
  2. Agree 100% A MBC needs to have the knowledge, skills, and abiltities to cover all aspects of the merit badges
  3. One of the few things I liked from the Improved Scouting Program on the 1970s. I think those Skill Awards alllowed a Scout to focus on a skill, master it, and get immediate recognition for it while working on advancement. I only wish I would not have traded my belt with all the Skill Awards I earned for that British neckerchief. But hey she was cute
  4. While MBs are introductory, the standard written in older BSHBs in regards to skills was "mastery." Do not know if it is in the current Guide to Advancement, but previous editions stated, " the badge represents what he can do, not what he has done. Lifesaving MB is one of those MB that IMHO mastery MUST be achieved, because even with mastery, there is a risk to self. Even with my extensive experience in lifeguarding ( 2 different lifeguard certs, lifeguard instructor, Lifesaving MBC for a number of years after certs expired until recently, and currently holding both Aquatics Supervision cer
  5. It depends upon the merit badge. Some are very easy to review with a Scout and sign off once you verify. Personal Management comes to my mind. Some may require both review and teaching.Indian Lore is one example where you made need to mentor techniques (beadwork tricks), and teach the games or songs. First Aid is another example, especially when procedures change, like next year. Then there are some MBs that no matter how much study a Scout does, he will need someone to work with him and teach him in order tomaster the skills. Lifesaving immediately comes to mind. Even someone with yea
  6. 1. WELCOME TO DA FORUMS! 2. Lots of good advice. 3. My pack got a new CM & CC right when I joined. CM began a downward and for me frustrating, downward spiral. We lost half the pack between him and one our exleaders starting a new pack. BUT you do what you need to do for your den. Work with the other leaders, but set the example, and you will be noticed. It may even help the other leaders.
  7. Recruiting issues are as varied as the locales. Growing up, each pack had 1 or 2 schools they recruited from. Because my current locale has gerrymandered school zones, 3 packs may recruit at the same school, and may have 4 or 5 schools to recruit from. Round ups starts mid Sept., and can extend up to Dec. When hurricanes are involved!
  8. SDR, In folks defense on terminology, BSA has caused some confusion on the topic. Even after Tigers became fully integrated into Cub Scouts, the terminology on charters, used in training, etc has divided Cub Scouts into three groups: Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, and Webelos. I haven't done the new training yet (I'm focusing my attention on Boy Scouts), nor have any of the new leaders' guides, but I am hoping with the abandonment of "Cubs" after Tiger now, the new badge, the streamlining of advancement, etc with the new program, this will change. And folks will no longer divide Cub Scouts into t
  9. Eternal rest grant unto her, oh Lord. and may perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.
  10. In regards to the original topic, the Webelos Badge required adventures can be used as electives for the new Webelos working on AOL since he didn't get a chance to use them for the Webelos Badge. IMHO, I would use the analogy of the Boy Scout MBs required Eagle. If a Scout has both Emergency Prep MB and Lifesaving MB, only one can be used as a required MB, the other can be used as an elective. In regards to AOL is now just another rank, I hate to say it but I agree. Although you never needed to have the Wolf and Bear Badges, and Tiger Cub when it became fully integrated into Cub Scout
  11. BSA no longer sells them, at least according to scoutstuff.org . I really miss those kits as they were perfect for patrols.
  12. With my troop, we use second hand pots and pans that make storage "interesting." Only one patrol has nesting pots and pans, and that's because it's backpacking gear found in chuckbox at a garage sale. How much are you looking to spend? What type of camping do you do? How good is your quartermaster? This may be a good t\thing for him to work on. I say that becasue my old troop needed new tents one time, and the QM spent about a month doing research, making calls, talking to friends, etc. He found the ideal tent and place to get it at the best price. Went up thru the chain of command
  13. Bradne, #1 WELCOME TO DA FORUMS! #2 Unfortunately not every council has an individual in their council to put on the course, let alone charge it at cost. I wish my council offered the course. #3 THANK YOU FOR OFFERING THAT COURSE AT COST!!!!!!!!!!!!! If the process to get a WFA course approved and conducted is anything like doing AHA courses, it is a pain to set up.
  14. Exibar, I think the issues a lot of us old fogies have is that the first aid training in the past WAS more along the lines of wilderness first aid and not what is taught in a standard first aid class today. Trust me, I would not use the AHA Heartsaver First Aid video to teach the merit badge. It needs to be more hands on, and more relevant to an outdoor environment. In that respect from approx 1972 to 1989, EVERY Boy Scout had the necessary First Aid skills for HA since First Aid MB was required for First Class Scout in that time period. Also, the requirement for WFA for HA is a relati
  15. Middle son is in a similar situation, i.e. a late birthday. He realized under the new program that he could skip Webelos and go directly to AOL and get into the troop in time for summer camp. He changed his mind when he found out that he would not be joining the patrol his current Boy Scout friends were in, but a different NSP. And his buddies in the Webelos would also be in a different NSP when they moved up. Thankfully he's sticking with his friends.
  16. What part of the country? Sounds like mine. While not in a B.A.L.O.O. course, a comment from a new ASM, "Man, Scouting is cramping my camping. I haven't been backpacking in 4 months (due to the monthly troop camp outs). "
  17. Everybody is spot on IMHO. My oldest was one of those 5 year old Tigers due to his birthday. And yes it gets tricky when it's time to Cross Over. My son was age 10 years 3 months and X days old when he Crossed Over.
  18. From http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/GuideforMeritBadgeCounselors/MBCounselorGuide.aspx As a merit badge counselor, your mission is to join fun with learning. You are both a teacher and mentor as the Scout works on a merit badge and learns by doing. Your hands-on involvement could inspire a Scout to develop a lifelong hobby, pursue a particular career, or become an independent, self-supporting adult. [Emphasis added] Me personally it depends on the Scout. Some Scouts take to topics like fish to water. In those cases I mentor, maybe a little teaching is done, and verify
  19. STOP THE PRESSES! In looking for the syllabus online, I found this link which shows that OWL can be done in conjunction with IOLS or as a 12 hour standalone course http://www.scouting.org/filestore/training/pdf/511-336.pdf
  20. Exactly. I got the red and maroon polo shirts while I worked for supply. I would wear the 1997 activity uniform to school, then show up at work and put on the tan field uniform shirt The tan shorts were actually a gift from one of my Eagles. he worked at a local army surplus store that was a BSA distributor. He got the shorts for me as a thank gift so that Icould "complete your [uniform] collection."
  21. Have heard about this happening, seen it, and my own son was a victim of this, The difference in my son's case was that while the MBC was extremely knowledgeable, he used old, out of date requirements, and focused on specific "fun" requirements and completing ignored the time consuming ones. But everyone passed. As a leader, once signed off, he earned it. As his dad, we had a nice long discussion on it. May have been wrong, but we used the version of requirements that the MBC used, several years out of date, and had him complete the missing MB requirements. He didn't go to the MBU thi
  22. The nuances are not that difficult. Just need a little more time. I've found folks would rather spend a little more time on 1 weekend getting both OWL and IOLS completed, than have to take up 2 weekends doing essentially the same course over again.
  23. Ok here is the link to the first SM Specifc Syllabus. http://www.scouting.org/filestore/training/pdf/34879.pdf
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