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Everything posted by T2Eagle

  1. You maybe on the way to being registered, but you may not be there yet. In order for any adult to be registered with BSA they have to first complete Youth Protection Training (YPT). If you haven't done that yet AND also submitted some proof of it to go along with your paper application, then likely your app is sitting on a desk somewhere waiting for that to happen. Most registrations, I mean probably 95%, happen through individual units, and so the unit leaders make sure that applicants end up as registrants. Being a nonstandard part of the process in a big, slow, stodgy, bureauc
  2. That still seems a little inexact to me. I never understood the two adults requirement to apply to all meetings in the same way it applies to trips and outings, but they say that for boys this is not a change. But assuming that this is the new rule it doesn't specify there has to be a registered female leader, just a YPT trained female adult. We have a fair number of people who are YPT trained but not registered. In the troop, if you want to come camp with us once a year we don't register you, but we do require that you take YPT; we're chartered by a catholic CO and we require that t
  3. Interesting, they haven't put that on the website. Here's what it says currently. Adult Supervision/Coed Activities Male and female adult leaders must be present at all overnight coed Scouting trips and outings, even those for parents and children. All male and female adult leaders must be 21 years of age or older, and one must be a registered member of the BSA.https://www.scouting.org/training/youth-protection/
  4. I've allowed scouts to make dumb decisions that left them uncomfortable and used it as a learning experience. I have also intervened frequently and told scouts I'm uninterested in their preferences when it comes to clothing and safety. Clothing is part of your equipment, a tool, and like all tools needs to be used properly. Uncomfortable scouts are their problem, scouts on their way to hypothermia (or sunburn) become my problem, and I like to solve my problems before they really become problems. It's a fine line, and you have to take into account a myriad of situational facts to decide whic
  5. I realize that this person SHOULD be speaking from a place of expertise, but has anyone seen this in writing as a policy? I haven't yet taken the new YPT, is it in there? The FAQs I've read have said that there can be male den leaders and SMs for female dens and units, and has been silent about having to have a female leader always present. Even requiring the second adult at an event to be registered is somewhat of a change from the current two deep requirements.
  6. I don't know the actual numbers, but I don't think our Lodge has as many as eight people on our ceremonies team. My suggestion would be to refocus on what is most important and cut back on the rest. If you only have time to practice the ceremony just practice the ceremony, leave trail clearing, etc. either to others or undone. The quality of the trail is irrelevant compared to quality of the ceremony itself.
  7. I'm unclear why this is seen as a bad thing. For folks championing an outdoor program I would think encouraging families to camp and/or hike together, including and maybe especially into the back country, this should seem like a good thing. This is the kind of thing I did with my family growing up and the kind of thing I've done with my family raising my kids. I'm assuming this is being driven at least in part by economics which would seem straightforward. To make all the various program areas, like rock climbing, available at Philmont, you have fixed cost X, if you don't have enough p
  8. You're correct; turns out it can't be used for transfers, which is what a Webelos crossing over is. The unit guide for the online application said "Youth and adults who use this system should be new to Scouting or be currently registered in a unit and applying to multiple in a different unit than the one in which they are currently registered. This system is not designed to register non-paying adult positions, position changes in the same unit, or youth or adult renewals." Since it didn't say it wasn't for transfers I was hoping the "multiple" part would cover them. Our Pack
  9. Has anyone used the online application in my.scouting to enroll Webelos who are crossing over? We are just starting to use the online application, and the first parent who tried to register said she received a message saying that he is registered already and if they need or want to transfer, they need to contact the scout master. When I check Application Manager I don't see anything indicating someone is trying to join the troop. My second question is whether folks using the online application find it easier, harder, or neutral to use compared to old fashioned paper applications. T
  10. We had a young man with pretty severe Downs become an Eagle scout a while back. Lots of paperwork to get the right dispensations. I have to say I was happy witth the outcome but really disappointed with some of the reactions of some of my fellow scouters outside the troop. Best guess, the local guys got out over their skis with their approvals, and didn't give the family a realistic view of the possible obstacles they could encounter. That National got involved before all the paperwork was submitted would indicate someone locally was unhappy and made a complaint over the heads of t
  11. The only reason I returned to Woodbadge after the first session was because it was required in order to be SM for the Jamboree contingent.
  12. This scenario used to bother me a lot. After a decade as SM I've come to see it differently. I've now seen several years worth of scouts I've known since they were Cubs move their way through the program;. Some of them stay enthusiastic the whole way, for some of them the enthusiasm waxes and wanes. I've had kids lose interest and then come back in exactly the scenario you describe, parental push plus some belief (frankly mistaken) that it will have some effect on their college app. Some others come back because they decided that being an Eagle Scout was something they wanted to accomplis
  13. Thinking back on it, there was a discussion on the merits, or lack thereof, of Dutch Oven cooking, that got pretty off the rails. So I take it back, not the weirdest.
  14. This may be the strangest discussion I have ever seen in this forum. You guys can read significance into anything. This is nothing more than a job description for a just past entry level HR department position. Someone with either a bachelor's degree and a couple years of experience or maybe someone straight out of an MBA or Master's program. This is the type of back office position that helps the wheels of any organization keep turning --- the equivalent of a junior level accountant or finance person --- a bean counter. Nobody thinks these positions are sexy, but the fact is the
  15. This is part of what makes it somewhat interesting to me. Both my sons will be over 18 and in college by this summer, one of them will still be registered, the other dropped off this last recharter because despite the best of intentions he just hasn't found any time to help with the troop. Timing is everything, but the Summit is about 5 hours away, it at least crosses my mind that this would be a fun way to go spend a long weekend with them.
  16. I think there are certainly going to be challenges, including with finding sufficient volunteers to staff new units, but I think your last sentence indicates where they're going to come from. I may be a little off in my math, but I think roughly half of all volunteers are already the parents of a girl. I suspect that's where much of the crop of needed volunteers will come from, scouters who have daughters as well as sons. Different people place different emphasis on what programs they most want to invest their time in, but my experience is that the folks I know who are volunteers, men
  17. This just popped up in my email. INVITING ALL ADULT SCOUTERS AS A THANKS FOR WHAT YOU DO!ADULT ADVENTURE WEEKEND http://www.summitbsa.org/AAW?utm_source=adobecampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=aaw_2-2018 I'm sure there's going to be a lot of disdain for this idea here on the forums. But although I'm not that personallyinterested in going I can see there being some merit to the idea. For now I think I'll just grab some popcorn and see how my fellow forumers want to proceed.
  18. I think the first few responders may be misreading what was posted. This isn't a case of not having two adults on an outing, clearly there is a den leader and at least this one parent . This is a question of whether Cubs must have an adult directly watching them at all times. There is nothing in the G2SS that mandates this. So the answer is going to be very subjective, seven year old Wolves aren't ten year old Webelos, and walking through the local park isn't the same as either a back yard or a big Metro park. In my opinion, 7, 8, 9, and 10 year olds don't have to have adult eyes on
  19. We haven't fully decided yet, but our most likely approach is going to be doing the same recruiting we always do, just opening membership up to everyone, girls and boys. From there we'll probably handle recruiting den leaders for girls the same way we handle recruiting for Tigers --- get all the appropriate parents in a room and explain that there can be no program unless one of them is willing to step up and be the den leader. One thing we will not be doing is targeting Girl Scouts or GS leaders. We're sponsored by a Catholic parish, and we're one of many ministries for youth, we've
  20. Our council used to, maybe still does, allow a unit to care for a cabin at one of our camps in return for a reduced or free weekend rental. Seems pretty easy concept to apply to a campsite.
  21. As a former HR executive, what I tell people is that anything you have on your resume should have a purpose, usually either to convey an argument about why someone should hire you, or as a prompt to a discussion that will then allow you to make the argument why someone should hire you. An additional consideration is the amount of space you have available on your resume. Since you're young, I assume you don't have a lot of other experience and so using some space to highlight scouting is good idea. If you want to put something about the prospect of becoming an Eagle scout on your r
  22. I think you're going to see a lot of rescue/search and rescue with drones in the future. Think about the time and energy that can be saved in say searching for a lost hiker with a handful of drones ahead of a handful of on the ground personnel.
  23. Yes, more accurately, I don't believe there was a violation to report.
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