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Everything posted by SSScout

  1. Ah, memories. I once dated a lovely, intelligent, fun to be with girl. I first picked her up for our dates in a car, then asked her if she'd mind traveling by motorcycle, as I had just bought a Suzuki GT550. Nice machine, smooth, comfortable with the fairing.... She said her brother had been badly injured in a motorcycle accident, no, she wanted nothing to do with motorcycles, far too dangerous. The next time I asked her out, she demurred, because she had signed up to take skydiving lessons...…
  2. Ch Ch Ch Chaplaincy and f f f f faith Thread ? I have seen special arrangements made. Catholic folks over There.... LDS folks over There.... Sensitivity is the watch word, as always. Sabbath sensitive courses on occasion, start Saturday evening, include Monday...
  3. Yep. As a Sub Teacher in Middle School, I've often seen the general reticence of kids to stick their necks out, ask questions, be "up front". Some schools insist on the kid waiting on instructions (that's okay) but then when they wait to see what the teacher wants them to say, rather than saying what THEY want to say.... Even in the drama classes, being able to speak up, take a chance, insist on something, can be rare. Correct an adult ? Please, if I'm wrong , correct me , politely, courteously, but prove me wrong.
  4. Yes we can. But, again, I find it interesting how "outside" folks like to view the "inside" folks. In Utah, is there a "LDS Legacy Corridor" ? Mmmmmmaybe not. When I noted to the MD SHA folks that one of their new QLC signs pointed in the wrong direction, they thanked me. That was three weeks ago, the sign still points AWAY from us. Oh well. Freezing rain tonight, gotta cancel the big potluck amateur talent show.....
  5. Phone? Que es Phone ? I get emails, and have to remind the Scout to copy to another Scouter for YP requirements...
  6. The fellow was catching fat trout after fat bass. An onlooker asked him how he was so successful, The fellow handed him a pampthlet that advised using worms and to " keep the worms warm." The onlooker asked, "and how do you keep the worms warm?" the fisherman smiled and said " thath eathy. Keep'em in yer mouf."
  7. Books . . . . I was once asked to suggest an activity for Lion or Tiger Den. I suggested, why not read a story to them, say a chapter a meeting? A classic adventure story, Treasure Island, Jungle Book, even Profiles in Courage. The Den leader looked at me like I was speaking Chinese...…. I can think of no better way to quiet down a class (Den?) then to read to them. Appropriate voices and inflections as one is able. Pictures optional. Make it worth while, a reward for accomplishing the cleanup. Ten, maybe even 15 minutes of sit down and rapt attention, it is worth practicin
  8. Books.... see the other CUB thread....
  9. Again, ""the work is done by whoever shows up". What I hear is the drum beat of the present age. Service clubs (Lions, Kiwanis, Rotary, etc. ) are seeing fewer young folk show up, see the NEED to show up. PTAs often see/hear the parents want the "best" for their kids, but that's for the teacher, the coach , the youth pastor to take care of. I think the souls active on this electronic typing practice page for the most part came from families , parents, that jumped in and saw the need to BE parents, to set an example of community activity for their kids. I still meet folks who
  10. Usta be Summer camp: Camp Director , on wednesday, requires anyone who wants dessert (special peach pie ! and Ice cream !) MUST present themselves at dinner bell with at least wet hair, betoken of having taken a shower before. Name list on shower house porch is checked by a Counselor as the kids come out...… So at least, the camper came "close" to the water and soap.
  11. I am sure the chart exists but I learned it by listening : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7w_ZqF2wpU and from Captain Gallant of the Foreign Legion. : Because of the limited range and at the Bugler's discretion, such can be played "businesslike" (get it over with, time to go home) or can be made as evocative and thoughtful as the player is capable of. Quick and dirty, or displaying the talent . Melancholy? Absolutely. Nothing wrong with that , appropriately so. I remind my "students" that Buglers are musicians too. AND,,,, they are learning a "foreign language", it
  12. Tripod lashing (Scout Pioneering camp gadget requirement) tripod about 5 feet tall. . Gallon milk jug dangle from tripod with appropriately long rope. On other end of rope, dangling is a nylon mesh bag (kneehigh stocking? Cherry tomato bag? ) of soap chips collected from Whitlin' Chip instruction/earning (camp out activity?) . draped over tripod is old, big colorful beach towel (mine is the Suncrest Raisins, always a hit). Tip jug, rub hands, tip jug, wipe hands. Fun. Place someplace where the drainage is not a problem, NOT adjacent to the hydrant, outside the latrine. Assign/rotate duty
  13. Oh, it definitely has other value. Scoutcamp will often pay you more if you are a Bugler. Bugles Across America is a clearing house for Buglers needed for ceremonies (taps over veteran's burials, for instance) where there is an honorarium paid. Local notoriety can lead to being asked to play at various ceremonies. Being able to play "open valve" leads to greater skill on your original (trumpet? cornet? trombone? baritone?) instrument. I played for my Wood Badge course , and I had folks thank me directly for playing "Tatoo" in the evening. Taps , it seems, was expected.
  14. Our Aussie Scout brothers and sisters have a new patch. Proceeds to go to fire victims support and rebuilding. READ THE FINE PRINT ! Postage/delivery cost internationally is the same whether you order 1 patch or 100. Package/courier delivery fee is expensive, but I am told it is to guarantee the package gets to you. Might ask your Scoutshop to order a supply? Gather a bunch of orders? https://scoutshop.com.au/products/bushfire-badge
  15. A DE’s Lot (with apologies to Msrs. Gilbert and Sullivan) When a DE’s not engaged in his employment (his employment) or planning to go camping with his Troop (with his Troop) his capacity for innocent enjoyment (-cent enjoyment) Can easily be knocked off for a loop (for a loop) Our feelings we with difficulty smother (-culty smother) When a DE duty’s to be done (to be done) Ah, take one consideration with another, (with another) A DE’s lot is not a happy one. Ooooohhhhh… When a DE’s duty’s to be done, to be don
  16. There ya go. It is my opinion that THAT is the reason most DEs become DEs. They originally want to be SCOUT Scouters, to help give the (youth) Scouts opportunities, to be examples and role models for the vast number of volunteer Scouters. When they discover they are judged on things other than that, and being paid less than they are (we hope) worth, they move on. We have a "real DE" in our District and we treat him as such. He answers emails, phone calls, visits our Roundtable, camporees and even IOLS sometimes. AND he is about to be married !
  17. Cautionary tale: Before I retired from County Gov service, I met and was inspired by a man who I will call "Dave". Dave was in charge of planning and was the go to fellow for just about everything. What he said got done, what he signed off on was Okay, He negotiated contracts with private entities, oversaw mapping of routes and was not above calling folks "out in the field" to get eyeball information and opinions. He had a staff of three, and they were kept busy. When he retired, TPTB revamped his section, added THREE section heads, maybe 8 more staff, and totally redefined who did
  18. Oldscout and I turns out we were sort of neighbors. Met at a local place, Dempsey's, to get acquainted. Coffee and peach cobbler is always good. Scouty stuff makes it easy to recognize a brother Scouter.
  19. About ten years ago, I once witnessed a DE being asked by a new Cub leader if he (the DE) would come to their meeting and speak to the new parents. His response was (quote) "I don't do that. I have people who do that. " He meant the District Commissioner(s), of which I was at the time one. The Cub leader was angry, rightfully so, and we talked later. That DE was gone in about 6 months. Is this National's attitude in a nutshell?
  20. Tag this a Faaaaith and Chaaaaaplaincy issue, eh? There is at least one fair sized church nearby that was named the "XYZ United Methodist Church", long history in the community, charters a very well known and active Scout Pack and Troop . Only a few years ago, the signs quietly changed to read "The XYZ Church" . Still Scout friendly.....
  21. Cub Scout Day Camp. Our Council required a certified RN or PN or EMT for Medical Officer. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. We once had a Cub who refused to drink anything that did not have a sweet flavor. The first day, our Director and MO consulted, and called the parents and told them, either the Cub drinks plain water, or YOU stay with him thru camp and provide the sweet liquid or he goes home. He did not return the next day. My prime suggestion, keep a good log. Note every visit from Johnny Cub, Ms Parent or Janey Sibling. Even to say "hello". Note the time, the name an
  22. Way to open an old thread. Last weekend, MBCollege in Elkton MD. Ten would-be buglers. All said they played in the school band, all brass players. One said she (!) "used" to play trumpet in the band, and thought she might sign up again when her schedule "allows" No future Wynton Marsalis' but everyone has promise. I could not in good conscience pass anyone, more's the pity, but since this Council schedules (!!) TWO weekends a month apart, I encouraged and instructed everyone, and I know with some practice, everyone of them can do it. Nice philosophical discussion with a senior, nascen
  23. SSScout


    "Sold South", "sold down the river". Y'all need to follow the drinkin' gourd.....
  24. SSScout


    Yes, Akela (!) is the parent, the CM, the DL, …. When I was a CM, I had both types of parents in the Pack. The "give it to the Cub because he tried, no matter what", and the "when the Cub accomplishes it, he will get the award " type. Back then, we had the Cub Scout Promise and the Law of the Pack. The whole enchilada Scout Promise and Scout Law had not been put to the Cubs yet, that was years ahead. I ALWAYS put it to the Cub, "did you enjoy earning this beltloop/elective/badge?" and the Cub would usually give things away by how he reacted. I was once phoned by a parent who wanted h
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