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Everything posted by skeptic

  1. Thank you for that comment. I hope that they have already recognized this issue and it is part of "Council" having instructions in this regard. I am speaking with our own council tomorrow and will have additional info. The good thing, fingers crossed, is that the Methodists are still on board to be a CO, just with better protection.
  2. Part of this notes that the registration element is separate from the Charter, and that is supposed to happen still if necessary. Councils should have the details in regard to that; again as per the article.
  3. This just posted in the United Methodist's Men web site. Charters extended through June to allow time to work through the myriad remaining concerns. https://www.umc.org/en/content/united-methodists-extend-bsa-charters-through-june-2022
  4. Sadly, unless a major revamp of the legal system is also made, disreputiel legal people will prey on this as a feeding ground. And, because of our societal perversions, not just sexual, people will respond negatively and loudly against the BSA and other YSO's perhaps. The can of worms will be even larger and less useful in carrying on needed real youth work and growth. Somehow we need, we in the sense of the broader society, to find a way to take the hype and knee jerk condemnation out of anomalous problems, but also realistically react and protect. As I have suggested over and over,
  5. I have read it, and the it is reprehensible. And that is why the efforts to improve YP should continue. But, it is not the norm, and never has been. Weaning out the worst that prey on others, whether in Scouting or elsewhere is a constant challenge. It is also not an abosolute possibility. Back to the old adage of the baby and the bathwater. But it is your option to refuse to look at the worst as the norm. But, as noted before, I cannot make you get beyond whatever demons push you to ignore the larger and more complete picture. Please just stop painting others with your same negativity
  6. You seem to be one with one of the broadest brushes and no periperal vision. Many of the ones in your "pervert files" were there for other reasons, as has been noted many time. Reality is that it is a societal problem. I did not say survivors should be overlooked, though I am sure you read that and just choose to ignore it. Your comment about what leadership just indicates to me that you have little or no real grasp of how beneficial overall Scouting has been for the larger society. We are talking about the youths that have stepped up and used their positive scouting experiences to better
  7. Me thinks you paint far too broadly and darkly. I seriously would doubt the numbers suggested, though because of the era involved, and the societal responses at the time, many poor decisions likely "could" have occurred. But, the picture you would have us see does not include the efforts very early to find a way to head off undesirables, as they were recognized. It has been pointed out that while it was not nearly enough, at least some efforts were made far earlier than was common for the times. On the other hand, much of the hyperbole is based on little or no evidence of the level purport
  8. This gets muddier as we go. Not the legal guru, but I want to know what is the status of the vetting of the huge amount of last minute claims? How much of an effect does that have, and would it not benefit the survivors by weeding out outright fakes and overblown claims? Want to get this in the rearview mirror so we can move forward locally without too much worry.
  9. Without complete rebuilding of the legal system that got us here little will happen without waste and actual balance.
  10. Three things come to mind initially for me. Living in California where a new Volunteer law took effect this year, we have to adhere to that state madate. It is not overly expensive, but there is a price factor for the fingerprinting and background check. The councils within the state are supposedly developing a plan to to include all councils, but it is still not presented to us. This is on top of any other background checks already done through BSA. It is my understanding that some other states also have some type of similar law on the books now. These, it seems to me, should be joined
  11. Some of the earliest Rockwells also were published in the Redcross Magazine. Also, a few were on the Saturday Evening Post, and one or two other peiodicals. He was a prolific illustrator in his prime, and so some there was a wide variety of periodicals that on occasion has something from him, though The Post and BSA publications had the most due to his early connection when just starting out.
  12. Today is the official anniversary of the BSA, 112 years.While it has evolved and is evolving still, and it has struggled often, mostly due to it membership being real people and burdened with human foibles, it continues.Just think if the tenets most of us here know were strived for by all, and not made fun of, how much better ou society might be.
  13. It is hard to understand how the Girl Scouts can not be embarrassed by this. The BSA claims on the basic symbols of Scouting predate any the GS might declare. Their sour grapes is somply their own fault anyway, as they did nothing to meet the long term demands of many girls to have programs similar to BSA. It has been obvious from almost the beginning that Lowe was not fond of BSA, partly because she was not fond of BP or the Girl Guides. The desire of some girls to become Scouts can be documented to the girls that showed up at the first international gathering in England, telling BP t
  14. Very possibly a separate thread, but I continue to shudder at what in my view is a major problem in our society. For over a century, one of the things that has made our country, and its myriad communities successful and viable has been the many types of non-profit groups that have reached out to the less fortunate and also taken on much of the community interactions for overall societal improvements and solutions. Now, due to our messed up and terribly skewed legal system, that basic tool of community interaction and helping others is being bludgeoned by a constant threat of legal prob
  15. Truly on point, especially the first few sentences. I would add, just from my own reading and long time overservations, that just getting parents to review YP in reality would be a huge positive thing. Still, I am not sure how we get past the still too common "stigma" if there is an incidence, and the family chooses to either not let it go public, or they even choose to not pursue it all. Add to that, as too oftens still, power of money and politics if the perpetrator has it. But, just actually paying attention and religiously following the alread in place rules would keep most preda
  16. The fact that many of the IV files have little or nothing to do with abuse, or at least sexual abuse seems pertinent. By labeling them as they were, it leaves exactly that impression in the minds of many. Of course the media loved it, and loves it still, and uses it as often as possible to mislead. There is evidence the files actually did in some incidences help stop abusers, though unless there was good reason to contact National, nothing was computerized, so it likely easily fell through cracks. That still seems to ask, for me, what was being done to attempt to respond to these issues by
  17. I suppose it depends on your definition of damage. But, he is the one that labeled the IV files the perversion files early on. He has interfered with the ballots, and he has apparently intruded on other communication of which he is not a part. Most importantly, he has done all he can to paint the BSA as the predator, rather than those that actually were. His actions very likely have put the larger case in jeopardy. Just my interpretation and impression, so take as you will.
  18. Fair enough; but that will not cure the damage he has done, and may continue to do, with his game. As it almost seems like one much of the time. "Poke the bear"; and maybe I have become an annoyed bear?
  19. Fascinating is an odd word for him. But my words for him are not acceptable. Suffice it to say, he certainly reflects much of the worst that causes the legal profession to be seen in such a negative light much of the time.
  20. Can someone perhaps clarify how this new California law affects Scouters that are registered in other states and visit Califonria? Also, how will it apply to things like the Reserve charter entries, especially college? For that matter, outside of Scouting, how will it apply to youth groups from other states, or even out of the country?
  21. Now I think it is good just as it is. What needs to be modified is the ignorance of far too much of the general public. If you need proof, just look at the continued success of the inane, and really stupid "reality" shows. More and more, and some have been on air for a while now. They make the soaps seem like good TV. Of course, there is also the slow progression of little or no public concern about the use of vulgar language, even in front of kids. And, that is magnified by the incessant beeping of stuff on TV. Nobody is being fooled by the loud beeps, only the censors. And I do not r
  22. Here is the third part, I hope. It would not load with the others.
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