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Everything posted by skeptic

  1. We have some of that "excess" property. But the church is woking within the large community to turn it into outreach options for the homeless and others. They do not want to simply sell it for the dollars, especially to turn over to the the larger national level for sins of others. Our unit has never had any claims, nor have most in our area. Again, it is the view of community versus individuals in most of these cases, and too many do not care, as some have accused me in regard to the victims, about the broader picture or group(s). Balance.
  2. It annoys me that some feel that today's churches should abandon their property assets, from where they continue to do outreach to the larger communities, just to fund the mistakes and judgment errors from decades ago. Our over a century and a half old church has a half dozen major charitable entities that use their site for almost nothing, tending to drug and alcohol remediation, and running a preschool with low costs to parents, supporting food banks, supporting world wide mission outreach, and so on. Just because the buildings may be worth money today, and even more so the properties on w
  3. There is no amount of maney that will "fix" the real pain, and certainly, as stated before, fixing societal issues from decades ago at the expense of current youth is just as wrong. But, as I have noted more than once, I am looking for balance, and not destroying the program for today's youth to pay lawyers and somehow actually help survivors with real conseling and so on as possible, not just throw money and say it is good. Because, it will not be good for those that were actually affected, and to expect more money to do that is foolish. Just me view, and perhaps my view of fair, and fair
  4. Some seem not to understand that the turnip is done, and the other vegies have little to offer that is real. We all know the Catholic Church has its own mess, that is interrelated with this one. As for the Methodists, the idea they somehow have deep pockets is ludicrous. Anyone that is a member of the local churchs understands the edge on which most of them teeter.
  5. Much of it may have to do with the stress on the two largest remaining CO's and their concerns about the future. That is the Methodists and the Catholics. Our unit is experiencing a lot of frustration, and even some anger in response to the recharter issues. And most of the pressure is from outside, caused by and broght to them by the whacked out legal system and , IMO impossible expectations of a few claimants, most that appear to care little for the broader issues involved. And I am not dismissing legitimae survivors, only looking at what seems to me reality, versus pie in the sky wishes
  6. Of course, once it all shakes out, that 82,500 is likely to be far less. I cannot see anything being approved without some vetting, especially with the ones that apparently were just pushed through at th last minute.
  7. It is not the Oath and Law that are flawed, but the individuals that choose to not adhere as most of us, "today", interpret it. We come back to the idea that somehow we in this time in history are responsible for the misguided peceptions and attitudes of another era. And, even then, there were many groups that were able to welcome the Black youth in some manner, often having to buck local attitudes and so on. It is never going to be "fixed" in the past, and human nature will never allow it to be totally "fixed" today. That is on the individuals, not the organization. As is so
  8. This is simply sad, but also very frustrating. The very organizations and groups that contribute so much to the betterment of our communities are now at the point of withdrawing almost all of their effort due to our misquided legal system. We are looking pretty much at the ideal of "the good samaritan" conundrum. Nobody will do what they can see needs to be done, or improved, due to fear of litigation that is rarely a direct result of their interactions. Bad people exist in society, and a few, find ways to sneak into a position to do harm. But, if we are all afraid of the very s
  9. While there is apparently some helpful connections that occur through NESA for the aged out Eagle, most of it is aimed at trying to reengage the members locally and to offer scholarships. The books are one of those resources, just as the subsidiary puff items. They are only another option, and few local chapters are particularly active, as it is another one of the pieces of our "hour a week" committments. None of us have inexhaustible time for doing good things, and so we have to choose what is important and what we may be good at. NESA serves a purpose, and in our Council, it does take le
  10. It seems to me that you answered your own comment. Other than the paperwork, what is different if the two units, one boy and one girl, actually fly together, as it were? KISS should be the guide word here. Too many of us are far too "anal" much of the time. JMHO
  11. So, at least somebody in the media thought to take note of the Elephant.😬
  12. We can only hope that most who choose to sign in will choose also to adhere to the rules. But, there is never an absolute. And it has little to do with BSA, but rather with the reality of the bad side of human nature. And to think somehow because the precepts of BSA are upright and on target those in it will be also is naive. But, if the heavy majority are being aware and paying attention, it is far less likely to happen.
  13. Let's put another exclamation point. It is not that the YP was not enough, it was that it was not followed. As we have trumpeted regularly, YP is only as good as its proper use. And, in reality, even before the much enhanced rules, most things would have been avoided if precautions were in place and action taken when it appeared something was not as it should be.
  14. I suspect that many girl troops do not choose to be separate. Depends on the members and the established interactions with a boy troop, or not. It seems though that separate patrols would allow pretty much the same thing for much of the time in a coed group. The thing is, it should be the youth that decide, not the out of touch National hierarchy. All Scouting is local; remember?
  15. And that is part of growing up. Why should scouts not be exposed just like non scouts? But, coed and separate can all work together as needed. If all are an option, then each works the best they can in their particular unit. New directions might derive for some, while others may choose to forego the challenges. Twice, way back when, we encountered GS groups actually backpacking and we shared nearby spaces. Everybody enjoyed those encounters, and we had a couple of lively and different campfires. Also, once, when we were camped at Balboa Camp in Balboa Park, San Diego over a spring break
  16. Not a grabber, but maybe one of those little dust pans on the end of a pole with a special broom? Or maybe someone can design a small portable vacuum that would do the job, solar powered perhaps? Do not have a dog, so do not have that issue. But, when I drop things at times, it can be a real challenge; I do not seem to bend well.😗
  17. That simply shows me that the male youth are not willing to step up. The real leaders will come to the top, given the opportunities. If the girls are taking the lead, what does that say for the boys? They can either take the challenge, or let the girls do the job and simply coast. Again, the ones that want to will come to the fore. Still, just my own view.
  18. It works fine with Cubs. One or the other, or both. No reason it cannot work with older youth. It is all a bunch of nonsense that somehow they cannot mix. In really small units, we lose that option for the random girl to join. As long as you keep the leadership, male and female, in order and follow the YP guidelines there should be no issue. As far as girls and boys and leadership is concerned, the boy that is ready will not be buffaloed by a slightly more mature girl who like to take charge. That is, in my view, basically faux psychology based on 20 years of subbing in middle schools a
  19. Some, especially we more seasoned individuals need some type of walking stick. I now carry at least one hiking pole in my car for just general use in areas where I may be walking and need balance aid. I actually always try now to have a set on real hikes, whether in the city, or more wild areas. Again, balance at least, and often simply something on which to lean. Now if I can figure a way to add a grabber of some sort, I will be set to do my civic duty and leave it cleaner than I found it. And I can do it without a lot of bending. On our beach cleanups now, I always use the grabber; eve
  20. Well, since we have the ubiquitous note at the article's end that Skylar is considering legal action. Who would have thought that would not pop up? Back to the legal morasses we create with our "creative" system.
  21. This is a very odd perspective to me in scouting. Not sure what you mean by this. I do not see a program or council wide concern regarding safety rules, other than the foolishness relating to basic tool use and age, especially if properly suprevised. I know of no Scouters that have serious issues with helmets, knee and arm guards, proper foot wear, eye protection, shooting safety rules, and so on. Now restrictions on certain games is another story, as it is so vague. Again, we do also have the concerns with litigation that rise up regularly. So, for example, the old king of the moun
  22. Seems to me that once again we really are stymied by our ridiculous legal system. The constant fear of law suits does not contribute to reporting things that are not absolute.
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