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Everything posted by nldscout

  1. I think a personnal visit is in order. Take the CC with you and knock on her door.
  2. The government can mandate a form of ID if it wants to, be that a passport or an ID card, and they should. Then if your asked for ID and don't have you get deported within 24 hrs to the country of the polices choice. That would cut down immensely on undocumented people sucking up our tax money.
  3. The reason the national policy is wrote the way it is because you need to follow the laws of the state you are in. In some states its ok for a leader to hold and dispense the meds to the scouts. In some states its a crime to simply have someone elses medication in your posession unless you are the parent. So national can't publish a hard fast rule for everyone.
  4. I used to be the SFF coordinator in our town ,before the State said I couldn't be involved, we used to get Bags from a local store. We would staple flyers on the bags and pass them out on thursday night and collect on Saturday morning. We found if you wait more than 3 days people forget. On our flyer we advertised it as Scouting for Food for the Neighborhood center and Scouting for Cans in support of local scouting. We also got several Banners from the local Pepsi distributor to put up. By dividing the town up and assigning area to different Patrols and Dens we covered the Town pl
  5. I know a few hard core scouters who if you didn't finish your ticket would want to hold a Court of Dishonor and strip you of your totem.
  6. The lesson learned here should be you cannot screw a friend without consequences. Sue him in small claims court. I know that if you appeared in front of me on this and he started the old 2 square shuffle and couldn't show that he had paid it would be almost a sure bet he would lose.
  7. You, the CC, and the other leaders should jointly speak to the COR and the DE to make sure they are onboard with you if they get asked about the issue by council. You don't need one of them saying something when they don't know whats going on. I think you have made the correct decision for the troop as a whole.
  8. SR540Beaver You really should read the rules. Q: Who decides what camping activities qualify for the camping requirement needed for election to the Order of the Arrow? A: With the camping requirement, as with all other eligibility requirements, it is the Unit Leader's job to interpret whether a Scout has met the requirement. As stated in the Guide for Officers and Advisers (#34997A, 1999 revision, page 20): "Unit Leader Approval. To become eligible for election, a Boy Scout or Varsity Scout must be registered with the Boy Scouts of America and have the approval of
  9. SR540Beaver You really should read the rules. Q: Who decides what camping activities qualify for the camping requirement needed for election to the Order of the Arrow? A: With the camping requirement, as with all other eligibility requirements, it is the Unit Leader's job to interpret whether a Scout has met the requirement. As stated in the Guide for Officers and Advisers (#34997A, 1999 revision, page 20): "Unit Leader Approval. To become eligible for election, a Boy Scout or Varsity Scout must be registered with the Boy Scouts of America and have the approval of
  10. It does not matter if the council approves your summer camp or not. It is solely a Scoutmasters call, the SM and only the SM deceides who is qualified and what meets the standard. If the OA election team disagrees thats to bad for them. Once the SM signs the form thats the end of the issue.
  11. NC Scouter The answer is doeas your SM consider Philmont long term camping? There is no yes or no answer, remember what it says in the OA guide "With the camping requirement, as with all other eligibility requirements, it is the Unit Leader's job to interpret whether a Scout has met the requirement."
  12. I don't think the decline is any one issue, but life in general. If it was cause bythe Gay issue, then why has GSUSA suffered the same kind of declines as BSA?
  13. The more stations the better, even if that means they can't accomplish all of them. Thats the way we used to run our Klondike, let them choose which ones they want to do.
  14. You would need to talk to your motor vehicles people or a scout friendly local attorney to find out the laws and regulations in NC, They deffer greatly from state to state.
  15. File the small claim, what do you have to lose at this point. Based on my experiance, once he is served the papers he will fold and pay you. Most people do not want to be embarassed infront of a whole courtroom full of people.
  16. In any state in the US oral contracts are enforceable to some degree. In most states you are also well within the Statute of Limitations also. You should as soon as possible remind him about the debt. Then if he doesn't pay, you should ask for it in writing. If after a short period you get no response, file a Small Claim. If you have proof you paid for his kids, that would be big help.
  17. A better idea is have him ask his Den leader. Help him put together a chart showing what and when he did the requirements and then have him talk to the DL. You of course could hang around the edges to help him out, but he should be able to do most of the talking. Remember, shortly he will be a Boy Scout and he will have to do all the talking then, why not start him out now taking responsibility.
  18. First off save your money and DON"T buy junk like that from wally world. If your set on buying a canoe look for a used one to start. What kind of canoe depends on what kind of canoeing you intend to do. If your talking mosting flat water with maybe a occasional rapid then an aluminum canoe with a keel like a Grumman is fine. they are stable and easy to paddle and keep on a straight course. If you start getting into a lot of river running with rapids, aluminum canoes suck. They dent and bang and aluminum tends to cling to rocks and the keel will make steering sharply more difficul
  19. Single shot is also been interpertated to mean you only load one bullet at a time. In NY the age limit is 12, allowing a youth not your own child to fire a firearm under 12 is a crime.
  20. Quite frankly, I see nothing wrong with this request. It makes the process of record keeping much more efficent and manageable and its not any more imposition on a scout than making photo copies. And its NOT adding any requirement, you all that say is is are reading into the into things
  21. We have 2 businesses in our area plus a private individual that makes annual donations to scouting and other youth groups. They will not donate to FOS and don'r even want to talk to council about it. The one private individual used to be a big FOS supporter years ago to the tune of 5000 a year, then the nugs at council pissed him off big time and he quit talking to them and quit donating except directly to the troop and pack.
  22. CNY can't do the breakfast thing because the preception at the council is that this will interfere with the councils Boypower dinner the coucil does which raises 400-500 thousand.
  23. I have never heard of a troop doing this. However certain MB's like shooting ones, depending on the state, there may be age limits. In NY you must be 12 yrs old to do Shooting other than a BB Gun.
  24. There is no elaboration necessary, Venturing youth that were not Boy Scouts are not qualified under the present rules. You, I nor anyone on this list is ever going to change that. It will take a major rethinking at National, and thats not going to happen anytime soon. The biggest problem I see is people keep bringing it up and mentioning it to Venturers. Then when nothing happens someone get bruised feelings. The answer is if asked, those are the National rules, end of subject.
  25. This is all about traditions, thats what the BSA program is, unchanged in how many years?? So if we start taking females just to be PC, where do we stop?? Gays? Athiest? Crossdressers? Its a slippery slope and we should not go there. Again I say, if venturing wants an Honor Program, make one. Its just that simple.
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