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About Trevorum

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  1. Wow, that is terrific, LatinScot! I am so impressed by the way this has been expedited to encourage young LDS fellows to remain within the BSA. Congratulations to all the LDS Scouters who must have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to achieve this!
  2. As I mentioned above, this whole situation reminds me of the early days of the UUSO. After our faith's formal leadership severed ties with BSA (ironically regarding the same set of issues that led to the LDS schism), the existing UU religious emblems were no longer offered to Scouts. In reaction, a group of Scouters created the independent UUSO organization to open a dialogue with BSA and to develop a new set of religious emblems. We were invited to participate in the National Council's Religious Relationships Committee and we then proposed a series of newly developed UU emblems. Eventually, t
  3. Thanks, LatinScot! I figured someone here would know more about this initiative. Is Vanguard recognized/approved by the LDS Church? That was one of the obstacles we had in the UUSO.
  4. Hello gang! 😃 Great to see some old "faces" here and also nice to see lots of new(er) members too! I hope all my old friends are doing well. Some of you may remember that way back when, I was a member of the BSA Religious Relationships Committee in my role as a leader of the UUSO. I am no longer on that committee (the UUSO was replaced by the UUA) but I have just recently been copied in some email correspondence by a committee chair using an old email list. I have of course redacted myself from the discussion (and notified the OP) but some of the continuing email has caught my eye and I
  5. Hey there Pack! Congratulations on #1 grandson joining cubs! It'll be deja vu for you I suspect. I have three grandkids coming up on Cub age in a few years and I, too, am looking forward to the next Scouting chapter. Things have changed a lot in the last 15 years!
  6. I'd gladly sponsor a UUA guest and would also be happy to relinquish my UUSO seat in the RR Task Force.
  7. I sincerely hope this policy reversal leads to a rapprochement between BSA and UUA. I also hope that more UU congregations will step up to sponsor units that may be in danger of loosing their original chartering partner.
  8. Singing for your lost stuff CAN be a fun learning experience for all, if it is done right. However, it can just as easily be a humiliating experience for a young fellow, even if it was not meant to be. Best just not to take the chance. If you want to teach a fellow to keep track of his gear, there are better ways.
  9. I've never done a remote or video SM conference, but I can see the circumstances where that might be the least bad option. Especially since video BORs are now permitted. That seems contradictory to me.
  10. Hey there, Eamonn! Nice to see you again. I too have just poked my head up after an extended absence. And I too am looking forward to becoming a Grandpa. Your free-verse posts make me feel feel at home here again.
  11. wow, things sure look a lot different sine I was here last! Glad Terry upgraded the site, hope it is more user friendly.
  12. Thanks, Schiff. I missed sending out my annual solstice greetings, mea culpa! Previously, i had received a not so nice note protesting my promotion of an 'alternative holiday.' For the record, the winter solstice is a very special day for me, for personal and not mystical reasons. ( I also celebrate Christmas, but not for religious reasons.) Merry Christmas to all my Scouting friends here on the forums.
  13. Greetings of the season, all! In the spirit of Pack's notion, what are y'all having for your feasts? We had roast venison last night and a ham tonight. Mmmmm! Tamales for new years eve.
  14. Barry, you should totally petition for an upgrade. I think "Old-Timer" would be just the ticket. Or maybe just "Highly Experienced".
  15. see http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/AdvancementandAwards/MeritBadges/relig.aspx also http://www.scouting.org/filestore/membership/pdf/522-031_WB.pdf and http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/512-879_WB.pdf and http://www.praypub.org/main_frameset.htm
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