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Everything posted by John-in-KC

  1. This is the time when I wish for the Bronze Bobcat pin. My cub master, back in 1964,made me and a couple others recite the Promise, the Law of the Pack, and then gave us, through our moms and dads, our bobcat pins, to be worn upside down. Time: 5 minutes.
  2. Anatomical differences, that are useful to know in field sanitation, for starters.
  3. My Tribal Name is Warrior Freedom’s Defender. I entered the Heart of America Council (H Roe Bartle Scout Reservation) branch of the Tribe. The other branch is the Pony Express Council, Camp Geiger. I know one decision making member of the Geiger Branch. At this time, he is not talking about anything. I suspect the first priority is to figure out the issues gender integration will bring.
  4. Most Scout camps are pretty easy to walk about. Medications to control your heart work really well. Most of the big brand name meds ... Toprol, Lipitor, have generics now. Talk to a physician or CNP.
  5. Moderator Note: This is not advertising, it’s a link to a blog article on the history of Scouter training.
  6. I had a pretty good network, so I sought diversity of thought and attended at the council 40 miles away.
  7. First, a lot of people need to take Troop Committee Challenge, or whatever National is calling it this week. Committees are not democratic bodies, they are consensus or chairman’s decision bodies, acting on program needs the PLC and the SM present. Folks who want to sit in on committee meetings? Sign them up! You’ll have more YP trained adults that way. As to the boat... if the troop isnt on a lake in a year round boating environment, I’d say sell it. It’s an expensive tool for limited use.
  8. I forget if my son learned web design in the 7th or 8th grades, but around here it’s middle school stuff.
  9. Welcome to the forums. First, I hope you are trained. 🙂. If not, training always helps understand things. There are three people who need to know about this: - First is the Committee Chair. He or she is the chief admin officer of the Pack, just as the Cubmaster is the operating officer responsible for program. - Second is the Chartered Organization Representative. He or she represents the interests of First Church of Anytown, the actual licensee of Scouting (the charter) for Pack 123. - Last is the Executive Officer of the Chartered Partner. Normally, most Scouting
  10. Two comments: I took WB in another Council. I grew my network as a result. If you've had executive leadership and management training (such as you were/are a career member of the Armed Forces), WB is a useful review of well plowed ground. If you've not had such training, it's a good introduction To those who say it does not support the unit program, I respectfully disagree. The Patrol does have to get together and decide how it's going to execute the campout. We made decisions and we got things done at our intra course patrol meetings.
  11. First, congratulations to the young man. Second, it sounds like a District or Council Advancement Chair heard about what was going on and simply made an executive decision ... saving himself the record-keeping of an appeal. It may not be perfect to Hoyle, but it's good enough. Third, from the GTA (format only modified) After the Review If the members agree a Scout is ready to advance, he is called in and congratulated. The board of review date—not that of a subsequent court of honor—becomes the rank’s effective date. If a board does not approve, the ca
  12. Has the National Committee issued guidance on the conduct of ceremonies including youth women? My specific question is to regalia for youth members: Will there be a requirement to put a shirt on for boys, since when we have girls joining C Teams in a year or two, they will have to be shirted...
  13. As others have said, you cannot deny a Scoutmaster Conference. As others have implied, Scout Spirit is living the Scout Oath and Law in your daily life. This young man needs some hard questions: - How did doing what you've done demonstrate your TRUSTWORTHINESS? - How did doing what you've done demonstrate your OBEDIENCE? - How did doing what you've done demonstrate your being MENTALLY AWAKE? - How did doing what you've done demonstrate your being MORALLY STRAIGHT? I don't know how your Council does Eagle Boards, so, once you've finished the SM Conference, I'd call yo
  14. First, this will only be in Open Discussion, Program for a week, then I’ll move it to the WB and Adult Leaser Training Forum. Second, on topic responses only, please. If you have incomplete training courses at my scouting, you have until 31 Dec to finish them. National is rolling out new versions, and incomplete will fall in the bit bucket. Heres the link https://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2018/12/06/why-your-partially-completed-position-specific-training-wont-carry-over-into-2019/
  15. I grew up in Southern California...it was a not trivial effort to get to snow. Frankly, National needs to look at this for desert and Oceanside camping...more options...
  16. If the SM didn’t know a Scout was a parent, what else does he not know about the lad?
  17. I have questions about the Scouts TRUSTWORTHINESS and REVERENCE. I cannot tell you I’d unconditionally clear the Eagle had I been part of the Council appeal team. If I were the IH, I’d be telling the COR to have the SM, DE, and UC in my office for a business meeting. Let me be blunt: The Scoutmaster would no longer be part of this unit.
  18. I hope you can accept a back burner to 4 Dec. I’m on vacation in Austria. I’m not feeding the telephone meter US—Europe unless it’s life threatening in my family. I have gained contact with my SE friend, but unless this is THAT urgent, I want to get home to do the rest.
  19. Here’s my question: Have you called you DE yet, and asked him to sit down with you, your IH, and your COR?
  20. I picked this up from the Wood Badge group at bookface. It’s apparently not open for negotiation. _______________________________________________________ Subject: *** National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) syllabus UPDATES *** BSA Scouting U is announcing updates to the current National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) syllabus. These changes are effective on February 1, 2019: The minimum age requirement to attend NYLT will change. All participants must be 14 years old or 13 years old and have completed 8th grade; there cannot be any exceptions. For 20
  21. My educated guess is this came from the NRA safety and liability people.
  22. If you wish to comment on the lawsuit itself, here’s the link
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