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Everything posted by John-in-KC

  1. Please note the poster. Note that using the term ‘girl scouts’, even in a generic lower case usage, is infringement.
  2. I chose the BEST troop for my boy back then, not the USUAL troop. Its your choice, not theirs.
  3. Every person is different. Every situation is different. We are about to have young women who may need to be highly motivated to achieve Eagle from tenderfoot in just over two years. OTOH, we have young men who start at 11 and get their SM Conference in the night before they turn 18. My advice is always...it’s a journey, not a race. I want the life experiences which happen on the trail to be effective. That’s an order of magnitude more important to me than efficient.
  4. There is a forum for Venturing. Venture Scouts as a specific program element ... isn’t, anymore. Think of it like one of the 10 Varsity teams still under charter nationally.
  5. If you’re tracking bike riding or pushups, or daily the,peratures, some form of worksheet makes sense. If you’re asking questions about the town council meeting, TALK WITH THE KID Scouting. Isn’t. School. Moderator note... moved to cub scouting forum.
  6. We as leaders choose which tool to pull out of the toolbox. I don’t pull out a 1” stud 3/8” hex socket and a cheater bar for the ratchet when a 1/4” stud 3/8” hex socket and ratchet fills the bill.
  7. A Note, from a Moderator i still remember my Mom being my Den Mother. I remember a ton of old magazines we had in our hall closet, to support activities. I still remember The Law of the Pack, and later I remember learning the Scout Law. I remember being told as a Boy Scout the Scout Law was a positive description of who I should be. Boys like clubs. Boys like “no girls allowed” clubs. 8 year old boys aren’t always ready to mix with eight year old girls. Sometimes, a boy will get, shall we say, boisterous in telling that to a girl. may I submit a good path to deal with t
  8. For a lot of Councils, the charter cycle is now Feb 1 to Jan 31, which means your Registrar wants it in the Council Office by Dec 15. National wants $33/person in 2019 Heres’ what they posted on Bookface...
  9. BSA went from the First Class Badge to the Tenderfoot FDL in the late 60s. That puts a lower limit on the hat carrier.
  10. See this item in open discussion, program, please.
  11. For your information and immediate action https://www.facebook.com/groups/169420456448496/permalink/2004635909593599/
  12. Who are the three? it might be the training costs them, so they are doing the minimum for compliance.
  13. While internet advancement isn’t perfect, if they play games with his records, at least there’s a computer record already. Log on to my Scouting for him and snag a download...or have him do it.
  14. If the client of Scouting is not the youth member, then Polaris is a house of cards built on thin ice v
  15. Mark, i dare you to post this in the forum you moderate.
  16. Acco, remember when we went round the axle, and National foisted that definition you have on us? and people wonder why we are so cynical about Project Polaris?
  17. Acco’s definition is not the current one. The current, multi test based definition of active is on Page 24 of the Guide to Advancement. If I get to a laptop, Vice my iPad, I’ll cut and paste the pertinent paragraphs. https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/33088.pdf
  18. If I thought they were going to simplify unit JTE to “how many unit camp outs did you do, how many service projects did you do?” (Everything else being auto captured by ScoutNet) if I thought the G2SS would be made less restrictive, and the activities chart opened up, rather than continually closed down if I thought FOS would become “this is how we turn on the lights at the council office, and pay for the ongoing maintenance at our camps” i might buy it i don’t know what this actually is, besides buzzword bingo. BSA needs an effective financial management s
  19. Or lawyers and safety people thinking everything a young person does is a liability suit awaiting filing.
  20. The above said, the Unit Chaplain, if there is one, should review prayers and services conducted by youth. What might be sincere by one Scout may be outright heresy to another.
  21. Direct from the National Commissioner Service Office My comments: Buzzword bingo. This is language straight from a business school. KISMIF. We have a host of educational attainment levels in our unit serving Scouter corps. If the language flies over them, they will blow it off. There should be only one goal for every Scouter above the unit serving level: UNLOAD THE leader and committee chair time backpack. Their time needs to be with youth, or being provided tools FOR youth. Every other item in their time/task backpack needs to be thrown away. YIS. ~~~~~~~~~~
  22. It’s never a prayer if it doesn’t invoke a Godhead. It’s a statement.
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