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Everything posted by Gunny2862

  1. Then I might suggest giving her (D-Popcorn chair) a timetable of when you will start doing what and if she hasn't given you the required feedback about "sales zones" and tracking information by your deadlines then just go ahead and do it. My cooperative suggestion was really for between you and the other troop and pack anyway. You do track which Scout in your unit sells what product don't you? It would then just be a matter of whether or not you can work together with two other Scout Leaders who want the best for Scouting in your town. None of you win if this becomes a public Scout figh
  2. I feel certain I will see the negative side but it does work both ways. My Wrestling, Football playing, Cellist, decent grade getting, Tenderfoot son wears his Scouting t-shirt to school and only gets positive comments about Scouting. (Could be because he's a full head taller than anyone else in his grade though) He also speaks to some of the "closeted" Scouts from other units who are afraid they will get the negative comments and won't admit that they are Scouts to the school peer group.
  3. My reconciliation question is - Would it be possible for you to keep track of individual sales (which Scout from which troop/pack sold what) and then cooperatively blanket the town with the entire Scouting community. Then having sold the town out - take each units percentages out of the whole of sales. You might cooperatively be able to then hit the rural towns (if any) around you that don't have native Scout units also. This rather than fighting about the division and rotation of subdivisions, which will most likely get more picky and rancorous as the least slight is found. Which will g
  4. Is that the Basic Wilderness First Aid or the Wilderness First Aid from ASHI for Philmont? Can you cite the Philmont reference requirement please? Thanks!
  5. Well, it sounds like you have a clear idea of the dynamics going on here. Are they the potential leadership of the troop - or people who will do their POR time just to get the advancement and then get out of the way as quickly as possible? And will you allow them to just do the time or will they have to do(and will they do) the job to get their POR time? One more idea for Scout 1, if he is here and Dad is riding him about doing it anyway - then why shouldn't he try to get the things he wants out of the time he is going to spend anyway. Just because he gets the primary gain of getting
  6. Wildhog, IMMHO, It sounds to me like you may have three sales presentations to make. Scout one just needs the standard pitch and a little Dad coaching about letting him have some independence when he is with his peers. Scout two can probably take the same pitch, with the emphasis on how the little skills lead to the High Adventure trips. Scout three needs a wake up call - will he really join the ranks of the "cool" kids if he leaves Scouting or will they just deride him even more because they now "know" that they can control him, only what will they try to take away next? If h
  7. I will emphatically agree with AnneinMpls. Not just about Aspergers and its manifestations but that ADD and ADHD are also expressed differently by different people, which is why context is so important when answering or asking these kinds of questions.. You don't always have a problem child, occasionally you just have one who needs a different kind of interaction/expectation. And while having had ADD and ADHD in my family doesn't make me an expert on those topics I probably know more about it than most people who are only dealing with someone one evening and one weekend a month. As does
  8. Actually, the Tribe of the Mic-o-Say also has members in the Ozark Trails council. One of my Life Scouts just did his Hardway(sp?) Warrior this summer, joining his Eagle brother in that esteemed fellowship. Ostrich vs. Mushroom - the information IS out there. It is not readily available to those who do not know where to look. But this forum has been an invaluable resource to me because people will help out by not just telling you what but where also. It has also helped me be aware that I need to feed information to my Scouting Parents and Scouters rather than having them just sit in
  9. OGE is correct! The Scout Learns, is Tested, is reviewed, and recognized. I've had Scouts come to me to be signed off on a skill where they were still looking at the book and obviously had just read off on the skill; but when trying to show it to me, either took several tries and attempting to get a hint or wanted to use the book to guide them through doing the skill. If I had accepted their accidentally getting it right as having learned it then I would have perpetrated a fraud on Scouting and the Scout himself by accepting that kind of non-performance. In the above situation, I expla
  10. Yes, I am also familiar with the "just can't float" syndrome. It's never been a problem for me but there ARE certain body types that just won't accommodate a floating position - especially back floating. I am a fan of the drownproofing style where one floats face down, arms and legs relaxed and hanging or even suspends as much as a foot under the surface (fresh water) taking a scissors kick or slow arm sweep to rise for a breath and then resting 15-40 seconds before repeating for the next breath. It is a very restful position when the back float cannot be achieved/maintained. My PADI cour
  11. Lisabob, I hope you are getting the input you need here. One more thing, unless you are committed to helping out with this situation in particular, there may not be anyone to carry the ball in terms of actually doing the work with this boy. In that case I really like wingnuts suggestion that he be allowed to EARN his way out rather than being thrown out. I would hope your SM would see the value in this idea. If during the time he is hopefully not earning his way out - see if you can get at least one of the ASM's another interested parent and yourself up to speed on the disabilities
  12. My brain, I tend to pack too much - trying to have everything for everything. It's always a struggle to pare it down - you'd think I'd know better, but when You need Superglue and don't have it... you won't be the silly jerk who carried it there. And yes, you are welcome to use it if I haven't wised up and thrown it out.
  13. I'm hearing the religious ditty "If you're happy and you know it." It looks like the right meter and a close syllabic match. I can sing it to it. It may not be the right tune but It'd work.
  14. Still have one(tube tent), still use it - to punish any one who won't take care of the good gear! Somehow it is still in great shape.
  15. As the parent of an ADD, formerly ADHD and ADD, child (admitting my biases) I still say there is a point where it is more than you may be expected to handle. So I ask the following questions? Do you have adequate parental support for your outings/ meetings to provide one additional pair of eyes for this child at all times? Do the rest of the boys actively dislike him or is it simple annoyance? Is he so distracting, and getting a secondary gain reinforcement from the attention even negative attention, that you cannot hold normal troop function with him in the mix. Is he an inh
  16. And character, "Doing the right thing is never the wrong thing." "What do you do when you think no one is around." Man, I would hate to be wearing Luke Rodolph's shoes. Or dealing with Molly Absolon's loss.
  17. Gern, it occurs to me that although the incident involves a politician that is a rather thin attempt to politicize the event. If that is your goal then why not just make the real political hay that is there out of finding the hypocrisy in two republicans who espouse "Family Values" being involved in "Family Values" scandals instead of going for the cheap shot you were working? I'm a schlub at this but I expect better arguments from you. (This message has been edited by Gunny2862)
  18. Pack, I don't think you are a Luddite for keeping paper. Is there a template of your Spreadsheet I could see? No real data please! What ever we go with I believe that paper will be filed as well. I have personally dealt with two incidents(outside of Scouting) where the maintenance of paper files saved a whole, large, big, excessively problematic, load of trouble from coming to fruition when the electron storage device failed. 1st problem with both of those scenarios, no electron backup file.
  19. One of the more dangerous qualities of this stuff is that if it freezes in transport it can actually force the container open as it becomes a solid, and then if conditions don't provide for it to stay frozen, leak everywhere as it changes into a liquid state - if it gets hot enough it can then also escape as a vapor - a difficult item to transport. And all within a (relatively) small temperature range.
  20. Well yes, and you can die from too much oxygen too. Of course it takes more than 24 hours at 100% at normal pressures for a "normal healthy adult male" but...
  21. On this University campus virtually every student is exposed multiple times daily (or I wish they were). What terrible outcomes could occur from their repeated, long term exposure? Oh, the humanity...
  22. What's next? He was looking at me! Newscaster voice - "Blinders prescribed for children in Schoolyards, film at eleven." Tag, you're it...
  23. Time to examine re-inventing the wheel or adopting the same plan as someone else. What do you use? Why do you think it works? What is bad about it? What would you use if it was painless to change?
  24. I don't have much to say on the subject yet, but I've already encountered the "Boy must have book and Blue Cards" and if it gets lost Doom on him because the adults(any adults) aren't able to provide a reliable authoritative backup. You can reconstruct records, but will they match what the boy had purportedly, and by SM memory, accomplished. I will be in the process of getting the cross-check done to provide a "this date" baseline soon but I'm not sure how reliable my committee advancement person is yet either.(This message has been edited by Gunny2862)
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