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  1. Past hour
  2. This is the way. Then go to Scoutbook and end their positions there.
  3. They were PDFs before, but choose to charge for them on Amazon. Like @InquisitiveScouter pointed out, plenty of BSA info is a pdf or on a Website. They aren’t motivated or capable of keeping them updated.
  4. Today
  5. Me too, except the pdf of the G2SS is WAYYYYY out of date. https://www.scouting.org/health-and-safety/gss/ This is a huge foul. We often take trips to places with no cell/data service. I download the pdf to my phone for reference whilst out and about.
  6. @Chisos is correct. You cannot take a CC off and leave the position blank. You should be able to drag and drop the new CC first, save the change, then expire the outgoing CC position by moving them to Unit Scouter Reserve.
  7. Yesterday
  8. As COR you should be able to move them around in the Position Manager screen. Drag the name tiles to where they need to be, then "Save Changes" on the bottom right. Be sure you're in the "Registered Positions" side and not the "Functional Roles" side. It probably won't let you save if you don't have a "legal" roster (ie, a SM, CC, two more committee members). As @skeptic said I'd just move the retiring CC to MC or Unit Scouter Reserve then let them drop off at recharter. They've already paid for the year, and you're not getting a refund.
  9. Been a while since I did that type of thing, and it may have changed. But we always had to wait to remove them at recharter unless we asked the council office registrar to do it manually. Unless it is serious issue, just wait would be my thought. Others more involved in modern paper work likely can give better answers.
  10. Hey All, I'm the COR for our troop and need some help with handling some Roster / Position Management issues. Our CC is retiring as is her husband an MC and our Treasurer is stepping down as well. I can't seem to find in My.Scouting where I can remove them from their positions. There is a "plus sign with arrows" type icon next to everyone's name on the left but it doesn't seem to do anything except move that person around on the screen. The "minus sign" to the right of their name looks like it "expires" their position but when I try that I get a "NOT FOUND" message. I know that I c
  11. Once more, reality of human nature rears. The long discourse here proves that few paid any real attention to the material on the permits. They just made sure to fill in the blanks and hopefully verified the various certifications of training and licenses. In our troop we asked for verification of driver information, including coverages. We also made it clear that if warranted, some might not be drivers, for whatever reason. We did accomplish one thing though. Almost the first thing one scout would say when all were in. "Seatbelts".
  12. I have to speak up as I'm an opposing view. PDF documentation enable BSA to rapidly update documents and provide the documents free to the end-user. BSA should just partner with a printing company that then can print and ship on demand. It is wrong wrong to charge for materials that volunteers need to volunteer and have already paid their membership fees to volunteer. ... Maybe, BSA should charge for bigger books like the scout handbooks. Beyond that, we want BSA documentation to get into the hands of volunteers as fast and cheap as possible. We don't want people volunteer
  13. And I do not doubt you for one second. What concerns me is that this point is likely missed by far too many. And if the risks of convoying are high, then National should make a much better effort to emphasize them. National has done a fine job emphasizing the risks of people riding in the beds of pickup trucks. That has been a no-no since my early days in 1969-perhaps even earlier before my camp staff days. I never see that violated, and I am at camp at least a day a month. Whether the Tour Permit is currently required or not, the accident statistics behind the statement in th
  14. I have one of those date stamps by every chair where I work and a stamp pad. Everything gets dated. (And the time also.) A client gives me two conflicting directions to me regarding dispositions in their Will. Very important that I can document which direction was LAST. All of my documents bear revision dates, so I can tell which document was "last." "Tom gets $400,000." Then later, client directs "Bill gets the $400,000." If I can't prove which client direction was "last" client's estate pays either Tom or Bill $400,000 and I pay the other $400,000. I don't charge
  15. Claytor Lake Boy Scouts Aquatic Center (Virginia) sold to Shah Development, real estate arm of Shelor Motor Mile, for $2.7 million. Lack of bookings and maintenance is mentioned, not surprising with reduced membership (covid) and competition with Summit which is 2 hours away. It is a rather new camp, predating Summit by about ten years. Will money go to bankruptcy and/or program rebuild? June 14, 2024 behind paywall: https://roanoke.com/news/local/business/development/shah-development-shelor-motor-mile-purchases-claytor-lake-boy-scouts-aquatic-center-sold-debt-free-pulaski/artic
  16. Last week
  17. I wish it was SOP for all BSA documents, press releases, messages, etc to be CLEARLY DATED (publication and effective) WITH AUTHOR (person or group) on Page 1 and again on page footers. My $0.02,
  18. In the 1930's, Marty Griffin found his social milieu in Boy Scout Troop 51, under the leadership of Brighton “Bugs” Cain, who earned his nickname for his love of entomology. He never had trouble finding a passion, starting with knot-tying in Boy Scouts. He mastered more than 100 of them, some as complex as those used by sailors on ships, and affixed them to a board that had to be widened with two hinges in order to win the local competition. The troop did most of its overnighting in Camp Dimond in the hills of Montclair and when the camp closed Griffin never got over it. “The
  19. THANK YOU ! I love seeing how documents change over time. I've repeatedly compared versions of G2SS, GTA and rank requirements. It's extremely useful to understand how things evolve.
  20. See this post... This policy was solidly in place within the last 20 years, but is no longer found.
  21. Well, I said I would not say more, but being sure about what I thought I had seen, I found an online copy of the discontinued Tour Permit. Here is what I likely read and to which I referred. Read the last line or two; it specifically says "If more than one vehicle is used to transport our group, we will establish rendezvous points at the start of each day and not attempt to have drivers closely follow the group vehicle in front of them." "' 1. We will use the Safe Swim Defense in any swimming activity, Safety Afloat in all craft activity on the water, and Climb On Safely for climbing ac
  22. I saw that once in northern Indiana. Some places have unwritten rules that are more solid than legislation,
  23. Apples and oranges. My polling was between 1995 to 2005. Nothing has changed that would affect my conclusions. Several events have occurred in the last 15 years to draw National’s conclusions today. But, the burnout problem is still there and not being addressed. Barry
  24. Most but not all of the Scout Reach programs in our area are school based programs rather than traditional units.
  25. Most of the minorities in my area are part of "scout reach" units who's numbers are suspect. They never appear at summer camp, camporees, etc. There is history of BSA inflating their minority stats by counting kids in scout reach that are never active.
  26. We're both probably missing stuff here as not everything is available/clearly defined yet. Supposedly the SB+ stuff is being cleaned up right now and some of this confusion should go away. I really wish they had just published hardcopy leader guides for the wolves-aol. Hoping back and forth between the handbooks and the website is going to get old fast.
  27. Let me kick the hornets nest here. During the NAM the marketing presentation broke down the demographics by race and locality of BSA and made some crazy claims. Specifically nationals marketing was concerned about over-representation of Asians and Whites, and suburban and rural. I had to just accept the numbers on what national considers suburban/rural/core city membership (right?); however, they gave percentages of membership race composition and I took those right away and compared them to the 2020 US census national composition and BSAs racial makeup is +/- 1% by racial composition. Ther
  28. When you asked those people to step up did you provide any written position descriptions? In my experience literally taking the position descriptions out of the leader guides and providing them works wonders. Written position descriptions sets fair barriers for people. Did you explain that volunteering for the position is not forever and is a 1 year obligation that they can renew or walk away from? I am involved with several units and I will compare and contrast the best functioning to the worst functioning. The best functioning literally just runs the program; no "we do it this way be
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