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About Tatung42

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  1. Thank you. This post is good materials for an interfaith service, but unfortunately, it is not what I am looking for. The Worship book from Philmont was about 25 pages long and had all Protestantism based material.
  2. This document was an amazing resource for finding material for interfaith services. I had the PDF bookmarked, but the link is now broken. I guess I should have downloaded it. And nothing shows up when I google search it. https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/philmont/pdf/ProtWorshipBook.pdf
  3. I was just having a conversation with another scouter, who asked me why we were not traveling to camp in a convoy. I told him that even though our Troop normally does it that way, it actually specifically says in the GTSS that caravaning is not allowed, so on outtings where I am supervising, we won't do it. He said back to me back "ya right, show me where". To my shock, when I tried to looked it up, I couldn't find anything, even though I swear that it was there in older editions. Am I just imagining things or was it removed? Old posts like this one, even quote exact parts of the GTSS tha
  4. I had this same question about 5 years ago. When BSA's documentation has conflicts, I think the G2SS should trump everything else. In this case, the age sheet says it's okay for wolf and above to paddle on "gently flowing water", but the G2SS says no, so I would use the the G2SS.
  5. I'm not going to lie. When I clicked on the topic, I thought it said "CHP arrests camp buglers". 🤣 On topic, you have to be a truly despicable person to steal from a scout camp. I am glad they were dumb enough to get caught.
  6. This is a good change with Packs bridging earlier and earlier. We had a 5th grader join us in December, and he enjoyed his few months with his Den, but then all of his Den-mates bridged to scouts BSA in February. He was not able to go with them since he had not earned his AOL and his 11th birthday is not until Aug.
  7. Not my troop, but I just heard this bizarre story from a Scoutmaster (lets call him Dave) asking for advice. I am not really sure what to tell him. Here is the back story, the past Scoutmaster of the troop (lets call him Bob) stepped down around 5 years ago when his son aged out. Dave took over as scoutmaster and ran things a little bit differently (or maybe a lot differently) than Bob. This disconnect caused some bad blood between Bob and Dave; however, eventually Bob went away, and Dave has been running a successful Troop since then. One other thing to note is that Dave's troop
  8. My understanding is that in the past, we had neighboring Packs all trying to recruit from the same elementary schools while at the same time totally ignoring some schools, so Council decided to intervene and tell Packs that they were only supposed to recruit from specific schools. And now Council is changing up all the schools to try to get more numbers in the struggling Packs.
  9. My big concern: Many Packs in our area basically went inactive during COVID and now are emerging with only a handful of families left. At the same time, we had some Packs “do their best” to keeping scouting going virtually, and they still have healthy numbers. Council says that they need to boost the number of scouts in the struggling Packs, so they decided to redraw the recruitment boundaries. Now, the struggling Packs are supposed to be recruiting from elementary schools that have historically been easier to recruit from and produced many new scouts, and the successful Packs are
  10. In my district, we only have one pure girl troop left. From what I know, they are struggling (granted that with COVID, I would guess that it would be hard for ANY new troop to get established in these times). Even with great adult leaders, the youth leaderships are inexperienced and still developing, so the program is a bit rocky. It makes it hard to keep scouts in the troop interested and engaged and makes it even harder to recruit new scouts. Many of the girls that initially joined have either quit or have moved to a “linked troop”. Now onto linked troops… Our four large boy tr
  11. All good information from others in this post. One "conditioning" item that I would recommend is that you have to get in and out of the war canoes very often. Having all the scouts and especially adults being able to get themselves into the canoe on their own without needing someone to help pull them in is really helpful. Picture three 120 pound scouts trying to pull their 250 pound scoutmaster out of the water over the gunwale into the canoe... A good way to practice would be to find a swimming pool where there is about a 2 foot distance between the pool water level and the deck.
  12. A scout in my troop came up with one of the more interesting eagle project ideas that I have seen in a while. Our district advancement chair rejected the idea saying that it is not appropriate for an Eagle project. I guess he will just end up building a bench like everyone else... His Eagle project plan is to hold a live esports tournament for the community playing a game called Fortnite. He put together one of the best project plans that I have seen for an Eagle project, taking into account all aspects of holding the tournament including physical arrangements, marketing, schedule, rul
  13. I can't give you any advice on the right way, but I can unequivocally tell you the wrong way. In my troop, if the scoutmaster has a service project that he is personally in favor of, he will just schedule it, without consulting the SPL or PLC. He then will "require" everyone to be there by threatening to not advance them in rank if they don't show up. Also the service project will be on a day that already has another troop activity scheduled, and that activity was planned by the PLC and has been on the troop calendar for the past 6 months. Yeah...my Troop is a 9 on the 1 to 8 ladd
  14. I have always discretely tipped my ranger/island mate/interpreter/etc. However, last year at Northern Tier, they specifically said no monetary tips in the introduction presentation. Instead we bought him gear at the trading post.
  15. We are getting to the point where the motivated girls who joined in February 1st are starting to earn first class and need leadership for star and beyond. Has it been answered how the 18 year olds with the with the Eagle Scout extension can earn their leadership requirements? Scoutmaster-approved leadership project could work for star and life but are not allowed for eagle. Possibilities I see: Allow them to serve in a youth leadership role even though they are no longer youth. Count adult leadership positions like ASM towards their rank advancement even though they are not
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