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Virtual Campfire


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Not having much fun right now,  ran my hand into a carbide tipped saw blade a while back.  Still have all ten fingers but did some damage to the extensor tendon.  I'm in PT. now and slooowly getting better.


But the scouts want to cut a corner off my totin chip card!


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I'm just glad the fingers are there to heal!   It's no picnic though. I took myself off the opioid faster than the surgeon recommended, but that stuff scares me.  I lost a cousin to an overdose a few years back.

As near as I can figure it, I have about 40,000 hours on power tools. You would think I woukd know how to stay safe by now.

As for the boys getting on my case, I think it shows they like me. I have been teaching them tree felling and cutting techniques from the old green and brown field books. while admonishing them to be safe.  So they are just delighted to pay me back in my own coin.

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Sorry about that! You are lucky. We have a scout that has a shorter thumb now. Nothing says "fun campout" like looking for a missing piece of digit. And mom was a personal injury lawyer--we were sweating that one out*

I was doing microsurgery on a sticky yard gate with a dremel with the tiny wheel of sawing death the other week and my mind wandered and nearly took my thumb off. I no longer use chain saws around my property because I get tired now and that always leads to trouble. I hate getting old.

* All she cared about was what thumb was hurt. He played cello and since it was the string hand vs the bow hand she was cool with it.  

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I limit myself to one tank of gas in the big chainsaw now. My back and bad left shoulder will be sending me nasty reminders next morning if I go much past that.

Old age is no place  for wimps !

"Tiny wheel of sawing death"  I love it!  They can trim your fingernails faster than you can blink.

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21 minutes ago, Oldscout448 said:

I limit myself to one tank of gas in the big chainsaw now. My back and bad left shoulder will be sending me nasty reminders next morning if I go much past that.

Well there's my problem. I'm using and electric saw and wait for my back to tell me when to stop. Which makes the next day miserable. I've been needing an excuse to get a new one. I will look for the one with the smallest gas tank.

I cut my right pointer finger off with a radial arm saw when I was 30. It was reattached, but not 100 percent since I took an 1/8 inch out of the knuckle. What I find most frustrating about that experience is allowing my kids to use power saws. I didn't want to restrict them because they would eventually use them in their adulthood, so we practiced safety, ALOT. I sold my radial arm saw several years ago, but I still cringe when I hear one start-up at Lowes and Home Depot.


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My fingers and hands hurt just from reading this thread.

OldScout, what I would do, just to go along with the fun (and possibly bring closure to this episode as far as the boys are concerned), is get a Totin' Chip card, issue it to myself, stand up in front of the boys, and cut a corner off it myself.

With kindgergarten safety scissors.

If that goes along with your sense of humor.  It goes along with mine, which is why I thought of it.  That's all the "Help" you'll get from me on this subject.  :)

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And since I am not at work I have more time to.... well, it's pretty hard to do anything right now.

But I was out in the backyard yesterday and suddenly the crows started screaming.  I have heard them get upset before but this was a whole new level.  Looked up and saw  two big Turkey vultures circling above. Ok that's nothing. ... Wait a minute,  the " vultures " seem to have straight wings and white heads!  

I wonder what else I have missed in my own yard.

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I'm totally just wandering by to show off my boys' updated merit badge sashes, 11 year old's is on the right, 13 year old's is on the left.  

My 13 y.o.did his family project for Family life and has his chore log done.  It's been months and months but he's getting there.  11 y.o. is/was having difficulty for swimming, getting down to the bottom to pick up an object. He'll get there eventually. 

Proud  mama!


merit badges Mar 2017.jpg

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    Much to be proud about. I guess I thought the sashes were the other way around, but it's all good. It's tough not to compare, but as long as there're having fun, that's what matters. Each at their own pace.

Congratulations to them both, they've earned it.



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