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One of the many reasons to get rid of MB "colleges". You simply cannot show, demonstrate, explain, etc., effectively in a group of 30 people.


Was at one of these large group classes for Cit in the Nation a while back. 30+ kids. MBC says, "You cannot get credit unless you participate." So he asks, "What was the purpose of the American Revolution?" Then goes around the room. The entire room. All 30+ kids asking them the question. Each kid parroted back the exact same response...or in some cases worded differently but with the same meaning. #wasteoftime, #learningnothing.

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I'm in IT and even I have a limit to what I will keep track of. Can't for the life of me understand the reason for hast tags or Twitter.

Hashtags help twitter associate similiar tweets. More or less the hashtags let you make your post likely to pop up if somebody is searching for or posting under a similiar hashtag.

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Hashtags help twitter associate similiar tweets. More or less the hashtags let you make your post likely to pop up if somebody is searching for or posting under a similiar hashtag.

Instagram also uses hashtags. These tags allow someone to follow a tag and not just a person.

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Hashtags help twitter associate similiar tweets. More or less the hashtags let you make your post likely to pop up if somebody is searching for or posting under a similiar hashtag.


Don't misunderstand. I *know* what they are for. I just don't get why something like that is necessary. I don't "get" Twitter. I couldn't care less that you are in line at Starbucks and someone cut in front of you, or that you think a certain cat video is cool. No offense, but no one is THAT interesting.

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I can't think of ANYTHING that requires a hash tag.

I disagree, when confronted with a variety of hashes I like to have tags so I know whether I am choosing the corned beef, ham, or vegetarian.  This is especially important if I am going for seconds and want to narrow my selections. 

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