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  1. I would like to make something clear once again. There are two separate concerns pertaining to "Owasippe". One concerns 4765 acres of land in Michigan's Manestee National Forest and one concerns a BOY SCOUT CAMP which has been in existence since 1911. When Jschlich speaks about saving Owasippe, and he speaks about the formation of the OOEC (Owasippe Outdoor Education Center)he speaks about 4765 acres of land. Jschlich is a resident of Blue Lake Township in which Owasippe exists. He says that >>"There is no concerted effort to stop the sale of Owasippe...the controversy is about the build
  2. I'm going to leave comment about the governance issues and election to someone closer to what transpired in Chicago earlier this year. All I really know is that a new Board and all was elected and took their seats in March. **** Concerning the overall concerns and background that "eolesen" brought up: The "Save Owasippe" campaign is very wide across the region and was most evidence of the supported of the campaign begins at the residences adjacent to the Owasippe property. The Chicago Council has voted to sell the Owasippe property and the legal actions are all centered ar
  3. Here is an update on the Owasippe property status. The Blue Lake Township Planning Commission voted to not recommend the residential rezoning proposal of Owasippe advanced by the Chicago Area Council. The issue now goes forward to the Muskegon Area Planning Commission for review and, following that, to the Township Board. There are several more months of consideration before the rezoning proposal has a final disposition with the Township Board. The Township Planning Commission based their recommendation on extensive research and public comment. More than 2,600 people expressed the
  4. We were in Calumet Council when the PTAC merger came about, and I remember a lot of anxiety about what properties would be sold off and which would be retained - the only guaranteed property that would be kept was Owasippe. I was told at one of our roundtables that prior to the merger that Cal Council was going to use their excess capital and "a lot of dedicated volunteers" to upgrade their properties, so they would be less likely to be sold off. As far as I'm aware, it was most of the old Des Plaines Valley Council properties that were the ones to be sold off. Finances aside, as a Cub
  5. What a day, and what a couple of years it is going to be as we go through this. By the way, thanks everyone for contributing to my recent postings. Hope we came up with some good initiatives and tactics to use as we go forward. Tort lawyers in the US are among the best advocates in the world. The people arrayed against the BSA are very good and their obligation is to take the BSA down and take every penny, including selling the very last basketry merit badge stool kit in the warehouse. The technique to do this is to first take a run at killing the BSA outright. This would be attempted
  6. LH - First of all I don't know who you address as Joe. Then, I want to repeat something from two years ago, "I believe that the Owasippe Outdoor Education Center was created as an effort to find a single solution that satisfies all interested parties. Fundimental to the OOEC effort is that the property remain zoned FR-I, not rezoned to allow residential development. Don't get me wrong. I'd love to see the Council recind the sale and go forth with a long-range redevelopment plan for the Owasippe property. It is something that could have been done decades ago." Nothing I hav
  7. Here is some info on one of the oldest Boy Scout camps that is still barely hanging on - Owasippe - Chicago Area Council - 94th year - --- THE SCARLET SASSAFRAS...Fall Colors Blast ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ October 7, 2004 "Owasippe's Unwebsite & E-zine", http://scarlet_sassafras.tripod.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ S-A-V-E O-W-A-S-I-P-P-E I-N-T-A-C-T F-O-R A-L-L ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Opening Quote: "We learned to be pa
  8. From the OOEC web site; Will Owasippe continue to be used as a Boy Scout camp? Yes, we certainly hope so. Owasippe will offer outstanding programs and facilities and will make them available to any BSA Council or individual Scout Troop or Venture Crew. The OOEC would assure that the Owasippe facilities, staff and operations will meet or exceed the National Standards of the BSA before making it available to Scouts. The OOEC would love to have the Chicago Area Council as an anchor client. We have no reason to think that Boy Scouts will stop wanting to use the property for summer camping, a
  9. Scouting takes place at the unit level. District and Council Services help to enhance and provide scouting to a local community. Scout councils are not different in their life than the community themselves and the people who live there. They all have an ebb and flow to their lives. Times when things are good and times of struggle. You can be sure that nation al plays a role in helping local councils to succeed but it is still the local council. The people who live there have the burden of the responsibility to make their community work. No amount of righteous indignation from others will chang
  10. Owasippe. Yes, that happened. But what followed? The Council was rebuilt, the publicity was wonderful, the federal court case was unique, and Owasippe was ultimately saved as a camp ground. The CORs have the effect they can have. Or they can stay home and let things happen. Phone calls, publicity, "follow the money", refuse to back down to bullies (even in Scout uniforms), enforce zoning regs. Sounds like politics as usual.
  11. Cheers to Philmont and National! The upgraded tents for families sound great and are exactly what we need at this time. We need more of this across the BSA property footprint where appropriate and soon. The Philmont Training Base is not the back country, and never has been. Wade Phillips built his magnificent mansion complete with its own small row of hotel rooms before the BSA was ever a factor. It was used to bring in people from around the world to experience the American West who otherwise would not have ventured there. The result? The land and wildlife was experienced, preserve
  12. Searching just our previous forums in 2005-2008 timeframe, I found some. Have aspirin handy. http://www.scouter.com/forum/council-relations/23141-hello-owasippe http://www.scouter.com/forum/summer-camp/15361-camp-owasippe-summer-2007 http://www.scouter.com/forum/council-relations/22975-goodbye-owasippe http://www.scouter.com/forum/summer-camp/15221-what-s-going-on-with-owassippe http://www.scouter.com/forum/council-relations/22996-chicago-the-grim-future-of-scouting http://old.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=129632 http://old.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?thre
  13. Our $40,000 yearly budget includes everything for 40 Scouts. So, the all-in expense to the Troop of a Scout is about $1K/year. Includes all program and recognition, weekend campouts, summer camp, but not the annual special trip. This is less than the cost of a single "travel team" away game where a child and parent fly somewhere. Scouts BSA is truly a bargain in comparison to just about any other youth activity. We can all be very proud of this. Our special annual trip is modest. This year a 4-day camping trip including a day visit to the World Jamboree (will probably charge somethi
  14. At Owasippe the practice during the main season has now spanned many Scouting generations and absolutely has a vibrant life of its own. I think if there are usable facilities available, councils are crazy not to allow people use them during the main season. I go so far as supporting the idea of establishing carefully-managed trailer use in segregated parts of camps. The Memorial-Labor Day approach is a good introduction to our properties for families, but does not let families and younger siblings experience the wonder of a huge closing camp fire, for instance.
  15. Yes, the BSA good ol' boys network sometimes is an embarrassment. I am reminded of some past events. Do we remember Owasippe? This Scout Reservation in Michigan became the unwarranted center of discussion some years back. Chicago Council started selling off camps and other property , a Scouter raised flags, garnered support, National got into the fray and lots of bad PR erupted. Somebody wanted the money somewhere.... We have lots of back and forth here on Scouter dot com, you can research it. Then we have the recent New England, Cape Cod Camp brou haha. Same issue. Let's sell off t
  16. The only "legal" way around this is to lobby the CORs in all the member Scout Unit COs. The CORs are, by definition, the voting trustees of the Council, no matter how it was /is constituted. If you cannot persuade the PTB of the present Council (are there any not so obvious conflicts of interest?) that what they are proposing is not "Scouty", , then someone (you? ) needs to research the actual ownership of the camp in question. Trust? Deeds? Conditions of transfer? There have been other examples of Scout camps being (or trying to be sold) sold in less than transparent ways. See t
  17. Here is the latest... Posted: 4-18-2005 Blue Lake Township: Needs county help to rezone Owasippe Blue Lake Township has officially appealed to Muskegon County officials for technical help as it deals with a request from the Chicago Area Council of the Boy Scouts (CAC) to rezone the 4,700-acre Camp Owasippe for development. Blue Lake Township Supervisor Don Studaven made the appeal to the Muskegon County Board of Commissioners last Tuesday afternoon. Displaying a color-coded map of Blue Lake Township, Studaven pointed out the camp that encompasses nearly a fifth of the townships total
  18. I understand how it is supposed to work...on paper. This was all explained to me way back during the Owasippe controversy. I also know that it doesn't actually work that way. BSA does not operate the way their corporation paperwork says they should. That was the basis of the Chicago Area Council lawsuit. Yes, the fact that the board has never fired a CSE is a clear indicator that things are not right. These unanimous votes are another. The ridiculously high salaries are the clincher. The governing bodies have no control over the execs. This is what I think should change. The owners of the
  19. Go we again here... http://www.chicagobsa.org/camping/owasippe-scout-reservation/3820 http://www.scouter.com/forum/camping-high-adventure/400605-chicago-area-council-does-right-and-rebuilds-100-yr-old-owasippe-scout-reservation Good Scouting, Chcago et al. And so forth...
  20. Shades of Owasippe ... http://www.scouter.com/search?q=Owasippe&searchJSON=%7B%22keywords%22%3A%22Owasippe%22%7D
  21. Stosh, do you think this issue needs to take on an all or nothing approach, or do you see a middle ground here? You mentioned two areas that might be improved, "less than authentic dress" and "rituals reflected of their religion." If OA insisted on authenticity and shied away from religious rituals, do you think that would do it? By the way, cultural appropriation issues go beyond OA. Take Chief Owasippe of Chicago Council's Owasippe Scout Reservation. Do I see a Western styled headdress on a Great Lakes tribal character?
  22. The COR is what they choose to be. They can be a paper official, or take an active role, be there to help make decisions. "Offishully" , the COR and IH decide and approve who is and who is not the Unit Leaders. It is their signature on the appointments and applications, yes? When Chicago Council set about disassembling their camps, it was the volunteers that got the Council Voting Members (the CORs) together and embarrassed the Chicago Council leaders AND National, who thought they had a slam dunk in selling off all the camps. Owasippee is still there, thanks to the CORs who got tog
  23. Jschlich, Sir, I didnt respond to your first post because we are on the same side. Your work and that of the OOEC is much appreciated by us rank and file volunteers. I feel I must respond now because you keep claiming that the fight with the board and the fight to retain Owasippe are totally seperate. While the sale of Owasippe is not the reason for the law suit brought against the Board, it (the sale) is a result of the refusal of that Board to act in good faith with the CORs and youth it is supposed to represent. The OOEC (Owasippe Outdoor Education Center) was not even form
  24. 2009 "After countless rejections over the past seven years, the slate of nominations to the Chicago Area Council Board was finally approved by the voting membership. On June 22, the Annual Meeting and Board Election was reconvened, with about 60 CORs and Scouters gathering to vote. All five slates of nominees was approved by hefty majorities. Leading up to the election, there was much talk encouraging both sides of the election. While some felt enough concessions as to the members of the slate were made that they could be approved, others sought more changes and specific persons to be inc
  25. LH says: "I wish this court case was about saving the camp but it is not." *************** Some Chicago Area Council members attempted to go the course of "saving the camp". They failed to do so from within the Council. The local community, as well as some from the Chicago Area Council, worked together to preserve the Owasippe property intact with the goal of having the property available for controlled use by Scouts, other youth and the public. ########################## LH further states: "The fight to preserve the "camp" found little support from the locals whe
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