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Everything posted by CalicoPenn

  1. Who is requiring "First Year Camper"? I don't think it's the Scout Camp. Their website gives no indication at all that they require it. It sounds like the Troop is requiring it - and given what you've already mentioned about the Troop, that would be a second (maybe even third) strike against them and I'd be looking for a new Troop.
  2. Separate out the clauses: (Meet the age requirements.) (Be a boy who is 11 years old, or one who has completed the fifth grade or earned the Arrow of Light Award) and (is at least 10 years old, but is not yet 18 years old.) To be a Boy Scout you must: Clause 1: Meet the Age Requirements Clause 2: Be a boy who is 11 years old (Be a boy) who has completed 5th grade (Be a boy) who earned the Arrow of Light Clause 3: Is at least 10 years old, but is not yet 18 years old. No, a 9 year old bot, even if he completes 5th grade, cannot be a Boy Scout because he do
  3. Stosh, As soon as I read this I thought of this quote from you: She's well versed in outdoor environment, forester by trade and many years working with the National Forestry Service in Alaska as a crew supervisor. Somehow I get the feeling that she's not worried about camping in bear country when she's with you because she knows she'll be able to outwit both you and the bear in the wilderness.
  4. My response: 1) Do any planning or development of his project. It was handed to him turn key from a city looking for labor. There is nothing in the requirements that say a Scout has to develop the project - there are many beneficiaries that already have projects developed that can be perfectly acceptable as an Eagle Scout project. Just because a project has been developed and handed to the Scout as the project a beneficiary wants to see done, doesn't mean there isn't planning to do. There is a big difference between developing a project and then implementing it - and there is plen
  5. This is not quite correct - the order did not apply special vetting to "all" travelers from six countries (tossing Obama in there is just a red herring - has nothing to do with anything other than to re-iterate that these 6 countries were already facing "enhanced screening"). Read it more carefully - the order applies to "certain" travelers from those six countries - and never defines which "certain" travelers. If the order(s) applied to ALL travelers from those countries, it probably wouldn't have been frozen. But because it applies to "certain" travelers and doesn't then define what t
  6. The best answer is "Yes - it counts". The ONLY Scout that is required to participate is the Eagle Scout candidate himself. It's his project, after all.
  7. Considering only about 50% of voting age American's vote, it's more like 25% of the population. And who are you to decide it's a non-issue for other people? For the Canadian Girl Guides organization, current government immigration and visitation policies are an issue because it could affect some of their members. While some in this thread seem just fine with potentially leaving some members behind on a trip if they can't get through customs so the other members don't lose out, I applaud the Girl Guides for coming out with a position that says either all of their members have the ability
  8. I expect on any flight, there will be a problem at the airport. If one or two are delayed (I really mean detained) by TSA, do we all stay behind, scrap the trip, and eat the expenses. No.............CP Response: Actually, yes, yes you do - until the situation with the TSA is resolved, especially if the situation is with a Scout or two that you are traveling with and you are acting in loco parentis.
  9. Oddly enough, no one seemed to complain too loudly with the Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act which was passed by Congress and not vetoed by the last administration. It treated folks without previously granted waiver the exact same and the current restrictions. This was not vetoed or signed by the last administration because it was not passed by Congress. It passed the House and was sent to the Senate where it languished and died. The site you linked to shows what the disposition of the legislation is - and the last thing it shoes is being sent to
  10. Stosh, I think he meant that the shirt would be passed on from one First Class Scout to the next deserving First Class Scout. pchadbo: Though the Brotherhood of the Traveling Shirt has merit, I would suggest that you use a name that gives title not to the shirt but to the person wearing the shirt so that when people ask, as they might when they notice one scout wearing a completely different shirt than the other Scouts, you can simply say "That's our current Distinguished Scout" or something along those lines (Illustrious Scout? First-Rate Scout? Master Scout? (ooohh - Master Scout
  11. I suspect I'm reading this in a completely different way than most. Given the scope of the troubles you've reported - 20 packs and 5 troops - this is not a unit issue at all but a Council governance issue. Based on what you have written, it appears that the DE may have been fudging membership numbers across the board and s/he's just got caught. Unfortunately, that affects all of your charters. You might have more people "on record" than what you reported in your recharter, it could very well mean that you reported your numbers accurately in your recharter document but that someone a
  12. National will not give a clear directive on this because they know that they are not able to enforce it- it's why they use terms like Should and May and Guidelines instead of terms like Shall and Must and Rule. I know it seems like a rule to a layman but when reading BSA documents, you should always keep in mind what purpose does the BSA have for writing these - and a reminder - the BSA is writing these to cover their butts. By using those weasel type of words, they are setting up a defense FOR THEMSELVES against someone claiming in court that the BSA is liable if a Unit posts a Scout's fu
  13. Source #1 (A): This language applies to Scouts and should be used as part of Cyber Chip. It is not a prohibition against units using Scout's last names - it is a suggestion to the Scouts that scouts shouldn't use their last names, post anything about school, etc. In fact, the introduction to that entire section states this: Any Scout units that plan to use social media should share the following Internet safety guidelines with Scouts, parents, and leaders, and all Scouts should abide by the following Internet safety guidelines and personal protection rules. That's a section of advice for
  14. There is no official prohibition. It is a suggestion - whether you follow it is up to the unit and parents.
  15. And that is really the whole bone of contention in a nutshell - the idea that someone who is transgendered really isn't transgendered just because they say they are. There is a divide between the people who believe that - who believe that what is typed into someone's birth certificate is the way it is, the way it should be, the way it always will be - that it is an immutable fact and the people who believe that what a person feels and says they are should be accepted and valued - that it is not our place to judge. When I became a Cub Scout, no one demanded that my parents produce a birth
  16. Reuters got that impression from an interview with a spokeswoman for the BSA - they didn't get it from any documentation that the BSA has - at least none that any of us has seen.
  17. In your state, it was once illegal to sell margarine - and I'm surprised it's legal to sell butter produced in other states. Can Wild Alaskan Salmon be a product of China? Sure it can, if the fish was caught in Alaska, lightly processed (read gutted), frozen and then shipped to China for canning.
  18. New Jersey's laws against discrimination are abhorent? Care to explain that?
  19. Qwazse - I was indeed responding to Ranman 328. I would have quoted him but ever since I "upgraded" my Internet Explorer on my home computer, the quote function, the post function (I have to go in to more reply options to post), and the ability to make proper paragraphs has gone poof (when you see posts from me properly formated and quoted, I'm using a different computer.
  20. OK...Bye...Se Ya....So Long...Au Revoir....Bye Bye...Adios
  21. Something else you should do that's not really programming related. From what you wrote, it appears the Cubmaster has control of the finances. That should be a Committee/Treasurer responsibility - I'd suggest that you give that responsibility to the Committee.
  22. The SpiralScouts apparently did respond to the Boy Scouts of America and the BSA never responded. The word Scout does apparently have trademark protection despite it's generic-ness, based on Wrenn vs. Boys Scouts of America I'm guessing - and this is only a guess - that the BSA might have backed off because the SpiralScouts is a mission of a specific church and not an association of churches so there might be some 1st Amendment issues at play that the BSA didn't want to get entangled with.
  23. Where is the adventure? It is wherever you left it. Blaming National and it's rules and it's attempts to keep the organization alive by adapting to the times and to the attitudes of todays youth and parents is easy and we seem to do it all the time. I'm going to be bold here and say none of it is National's fault. None of it. Let me repeat that - None of it. National, Region, Council, District - they aren't leading the boys. Volunteers in Troops, Packs, Crews are. Is your unit providing adventure? If not, why not? Because National has all these rules? Let me be blunt - Nationa
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