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Everything posted by InquisitiveScouter

  1. Much rings true...unfortunately, it seems only hard times will bring back the focus. And we are primed for hard times coming...
  2. Very easy for small numbers... check the websites, crews often have several slots open and want you to join them to help lower overall cost for everyone. Here's the Seabase Connections site: https://www.bsaseabase.org/scouts/scout-connections/
  3. Just returned from Summer Camp. 33 of 38 Scouts attended. (86.8%!!!) Would have been 34, but one pulled out last minute due to a broken foot. ($465 per head with $50 early bird discount...some came in later at $515. Plus a $40 bus ride to/from camp...so minimum $505 per camper.) Last month, we offered a 35-mile hike over 5 days/4 nights on the Appalachian Trail. We used this to conduct a Leave No Trace Trainer Course. Only five Scouts took the opportunity. ($110 per head.) We also do a Troop high adventure each summer. In two weeks, we leave for a 50-mile canoe trek (no portag
  4. Concur, but if you don't have the basics down...awareness, repellents, and good checks, then the other stuff is just more chaff
  5. We now have over 10 Scouts and adults who have contracted Lyme over the last five years...it is endemic in our area. Cannot point to all cases being contracted while on Scouting events, but at least four were, since we began using a Sharpie to circle the bite area for monitoring, and are taking pictures (with permission) if not in a sensitive area. Those who have contracted it are now absolutely religious about repellents and tick checks. It's funny how most parents (and certainly not most Scouts) will take this seriously until after exposure... BTW, BSA insurance pays supplemental for
  6. For your easy reference... https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/33088.pdf
  7. SB does not reflect everything in ScoutNET that they have on you...call your registrar and ask for your record. One problem also was, in the past, the lack of record transfers when moving from council to council. Lots of stuff was lost.
  8. Because you are, my friend....you are
  9. You just won't stop dropping fantastic knowledge on us, will you?? #DuctTape4NationalCommissioner
  10. Almost I would contend that referencing is a tool in the toolbox for the "E" in EDGE. Don't always have to use it, but I do in most cases. Also think the "E" should include explaining WHY we do things, versus just the HOW. Why do we wash our dishes this way? Why do we use a particular knot? Why do we go 200 feet away to dig our cathole? Why do we use the EDGE method???? 🤪😜🤪 Most people respond better to learning when they know the "why." Gives them a sense of purpose more than just "Because that is the requirement!" yuck...
  11. Yes, do. But the same essential problems rear their head: 1. No one reads. (This includes adults.) 2. Many do not learn from reading. (This includes adults.) When I give rides to Scouting events, we always use the drive time productively. Scouts who want to cover requirements, discuss merit badges, troop or patrol business, often jump in the car with me and the SPL/ASPL. I point the way, and the SPL/ASPL or senior Scout does the instruction and sign off...it is a beautiful thing. The Scout/SPL/PL Handbooks (my personal copies) are staple items during the ride.
  12. Preach it, brother!! This is the same with parents For adult leaders, take a moment and ask yourself, "How would this decision violate the Scout Oath or Law?" If you do not come up with an answer that you can reason through and articulate to another adult, give the Scout the leeway to pursue. And yes, you will often be tempted to say "I've seen this a hundred times, and it never works out, so do it the way I recommending to you." Don't. Pick your battles wisely. Bite your cheek, swallow the blood, and resist the "I told you so" when the time comes. Your Scout will grow, and
  13. Guide to Awards and Insignia, pages 15-17 https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/33066/33066_Guidelines_for_Custom_Patches_And_Emblems.pdf?_gl=1*b4ey4f*_ga*MTgzNjYxMTcxNC4xNjIwOTkzNDI1*_ga_20G0JHESG4*MTYyNjE4NTU3OC40Ni4xLjE2MjYxODY4MTEuNTI.
  14. @SiouxRanger and others, please read Section 1 of your Scout Handbook The model is there...
  15. We have Scouts plan outings...tooth to tail, using a one-page checklist from Troop Leader Guidebook, which is pretty good. They have to report to PLC at each milestone...3 months, two months, one month at the formal PLCs, and then the two weeks, one week at short PLCs after meetings See page 20 in the pdf... https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/512-150_appendix(15)_web.pdf
  16. Who is held accountable for any of the other items?? One of the most often repeated ideas to parents is, "Stand back, shut up, and watch..." Of course, in much nicer terms than that Leaders don't develop until you put them in the hot seat. Scouts are amazed, at first, when you "Train 'em, trust 'em, and let 'em lead!"
  17. Even more evidence requiring...DuctTape for National Commissioner!!! #DuctTapeIsTheMan! #DuctTape4NationalCommissioner
  18. Yikes... Nothing wrong with have more than one Quartermaster, Scribe, Outdoor Ethics Guide, etc... Heck, we have an Eagle Board of Review tonight for a Scout who has only held a Den Chief position for his entire time. At one time, he actually thought he was required to hold some other positions. When we told him he could do what he loved and still develop as a leader, he was very stoked. We told him his ultimate aim was to instill in all of his Cubs/Webelos a desire to continue on to Scouts, whether they joined our Troop or not. Then we helped him set SMART goals every six
  19. Ha! Just went mountain biking this morning, and cut loose buddy pairs on over 10 miles of loop trails. "You have a map, water, and a first aid kit?" "Yes!" "OK, have fun..we'll be here at the picnic table if you need us ;)"
  20. -The smile and look of absolute, pure joy from the Scout (with a single mom) with cerebral palsy who caught his first fish! - The grin from the small-statured Scout who learned to handle a canoe solo and completed Canoeing Merit Badge... - Running into an Eagle Scout at Philmont, now a Scoutmaster, who I hadn't seen in 20 years, and he tells his Scouts there, "This is Mr. X!", and the look of wonder from them that I really do exist...I can only imagine the stories he told...like how he felt when he finished his first 50-miler in our old Troop, or really learning to navigate and orien
  21. One of the prizes for our uniform inspection contests is you get to take one CSP from my collection
  22. So, will they just tack on a $150 price hike to HA tuitions as a "make you pay for our sins" tax?
  23. All, you would do well to review the CDC recommendations for treating backcountry water. Bottom line up front: When in backcountry, best option is boiling. When in possible chemical contamination/heavy viral load areas, filtering AND chemical treatment are recommended. https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/pdf/drinking/Backcountry_Water_Treatment.pdf (Main page link https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/drinking/travel/backcountry_water_treatment.html ) https://www.msrgear.com/blog/water-treatment-101-viruses/ I teach classes on this at our Scouting University, with discussion
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