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Everything posted by InquisitiveScouter

  1. I wish that was my experience and perception...sadly, it is not. I could change my perception, but then it wouldn't be based on my experience.
  2. @vol_scouter, very glad your experience, in general, has been positive... But, help me please... on the one hand you say and on the other, you say... Those two assertions seem to be at odds. Our entire district program is planned and run by volunteers. We haven't had a DE in I don't know how long... Council program is non-existent, other than Summer Camp...there has not been a council program event here for units in over three years... (But there are at least five council fundraisers per year...golf outings, skeet shoots, silent auctions, popcorn, camp car
  3. And here is the essence of Kosnoff's stance...see in his tweet, "BSA has forfeited the moral right to exist." https://twitter.com/SexAbuseAttys/status/1359252870462205954 Has it?? Only individuals can be moral agents, not corporations. But, when the collective decisions of those individuals in a corporation tend toward objectives that seem, much of the time, to be in opposition to the beliefs/mission/ideals of the program they exist to support, then does the corporation take on the embodiment (which is what incorporation means ) of a moral agent? That's the question I strugg
  4. Another great resource... http://www.thedump.scoutscan.com/scouts.html
  5. @SiouxRanger, you are scaring me only because it is like you are inside my head...perhaps I am schizoprenic, and you are just one of my multiple personalities exposing some of the demons I face in this council... Well...expose away But do tone down the rhetoric a bit, please...
  6. Sure, continue the movement, but do not shuffle it into the hands of that organization. Get a new team together, and do it much better than they... Heck, I'll sign on...full time...at $100K per year. That's $900K less than Surbaugh got in 2018... https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/Form-990-2018.pdf
  7. Never underestimate this as a legal strategy some might take in order to achieve their desired ends... Insurance companies, in order to pay the minimum they'll have to pay... BSA, to a much lesser extent, but, still, in order to pay the minimum they'll have to pay... Kosnoff-ites, in order to bleed BSA into a Chapter 7 situation... As @David CO points out, "Bankruptcies are about money. Period." No matter what else we want this one to be about...
  8. Nope...does not put a damper on it. A mentor of mine pointed out long ago...yes, there is often a price for telling the truth, but there is also a price for not saying anything when the truth needs to be spoken.
  9. You mean, STILL required for Eagle, right? http://usscouts.org/usscouts/eagle/EagleHistory.asp
  10. You wanted some advice on being a Merit Badge Counselor (MBC)... 1. Read the current Guide to Advancement (G2A) https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/33088.pdf, particularly Section 7. Read it again. 2. Get a current Merit Badge book for each Merit Badge you wish to counsel. Read them. Read them again. Read them a third time. 3. A Scout must complete the requirements, AND NOTHING MORE!. A Scout must complete the requirements, AND NOTHING LESS! (see above) Too many times I see MBCs cutting corners, skipping requirements, or adding stuff that is not in the badge.
  11. @SiouxRanger, concur. For all...whenever they ask for your opinion on surveys, they don't really mean it...and never put your name in the "yes, you can contact me" portions if you have given input on anything that could be interpreted as criticizing the organization. For the professionals, "feedback is not a gift". And I have several personal experiences (scar tissue) in this, having questioned finances, program, YPT, condition of properties, etc. And your decades of volunteer service don't give your opinions (or facts) any weight 😵
  12. @yknot we must live in the same neck of the woods...you anywhere near Lakehurst, NJ?
  13. Just back from Summer Camp. Had a great discussion with a Scouter well-plugged into his council. He was asked by the SE to participate in a "soft release" of Citizenship in Society Merit Badge. SE gave no information other than that... Anyone out there have more intel??
  14. Much rings true...unfortunately, it seems only hard times will bring back the focus. And we are primed for hard times coming...
  15. Very easy for small numbers... check the websites, crews often have several slots open and want you to join them to help lower overall cost for everyone. Here's the Seabase Connections site: https://www.bsaseabase.org/scouts/scout-connections/
  16. Just returned from Summer Camp. 33 of 38 Scouts attended. (86.8%!!!) Would have been 34, but one pulled out last minute due to a broken foot. ($465 per head with $50 early bird discount...some came in later at $515. Plus a $40 bus ride to/from camp...so minimum $505 per camper.) Last month, we offered a 35-mile hike over 5 days/4 nights on the Appalachian Trail. We used this to conduct a Leave No Trace Trainer Course. Only five Scouts took the opportunity. ($110 per head.) We also do a Troop high adventure each summer. In two weeks, we leave for a 50-mile canoe trek (no portag
  17. Concur, but if you don't have the basics down...awareness, repellents, and good checks, then the other stuff is just more chaff
  18. We now have over 10 Scouts and adults who have contracted Lyme over the last five years...it is endemic in our area. Cannot point to all cases being contracted while on Scouting events, but at least four were, since we began using a Sharpie to circle the bite area for monitoring, and are taking pictures (with permission) if not in a sensitive area. Those who have contracted it are now absolutely religious about repellents and tick checks. It's funny how most parents (and certainly not most Scouts) will take this seriously until after exposure... BTW, BSA insurance pays supplemental for
  19. For your easy reference... https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/33088.pdf
  20. SB does not reflect everything in ScoutNET that they have on you...call your registrar and ask for your record. One problem also was, in the past, the lack of record transfers when moving from council to council. Lots of stuff was lost.
  21. Because you are, my friend....you are
  22. You just won't stop dropping fantastic knowledge on us, will you?? #DuctTape4NationalCommissioner
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