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Everything posted by InquisitiveScouter

  1. Whoopie Ti Yi Yo, Git Along, Little Kitties!
  2. Understood...and I wrestle with this daily. My wife wishes I would just leave Scouting and start beekeeping and gardening...and start a cat rescue, too (she's a cat-lady‐in-the-making). Things haven't gotten so bad that I'm ready to go so far as the cat rescue thing yet.
  3. OK, I unquit...see how easy that is? Merry Christmas! And WOW, way to kick them while they are down, brother... I regularly talk with Scouters who are carrying loads and loads of straw. Often, since they have dedicated much of their lives to Scouting in one geographical area, they are attached to the local program in meaningful and sentimental ways. And often, they have witnessed decades of poor decision making and mismanagement which has affected them on a personal level. It's not like they are "waiting for a reason to step away." It's just that, finally, one day, there is the straw that breaks the camel's back... But you intimate in your comment that this is all on them...that somehow they are not malleable enough. No. To channel Jefferson, "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object (protecting BSA rather than Scouts) evinces a design to reduce them Scouters and the program under absolute Despotism Idiocy, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government Idiocy, and to provide new Guards for their future security Scouting.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Scouters Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain Boy Scouts of America is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States to protect the BSA instead of nurturing the Scouts under their wing." Yeah, I know, Jefferson is rolling in his grave this Christmas morning.🎅 ---------------- I have no problem with reaching the point where I am...that my membership in the BSA is under my terms, no longer theirs. BSA has lost any place of authority, moral or otherwise, and I am under no obligation to listen or follow dictates that do not focus on safeguarding and teaching Scouts. When the ludicrous extension of YPT to non-Scouting venues was first inserted surreptitiously into the G2SS FAQ, I had discussions with my DE and SE, that this was foolishness, and simply an unenforceable move to CYA. Further, I told them flat out, if this provision was ever written in, that I would not follow it simply on principle, and, if they wished, they could terminate my membership without remorse. They both agreed. That is where we are. This rule does nothing to protect young people. Do you honestly think that anyone with designs to engage in sexual activity with a minor is going to obey YPT rules anyway? This rule simply exists so that BSA can point to it in some way and say "See, we had a rule; They broke it, so we aren't liable." I seriously doubt, as others do, that BSA bears any culpability in that situation. I do pick and choose, if you will, what rules I apply and the situations I apply them in. I use my own judgement, trusting that it is superior to the clowns in Irving. When a rule exists clearly to protect Scouts, I follow it. When a rule clearly exists to protect BSA, I am selective. It is not in my purview to protect the BSA. Now, I would never publicly announce such, nor put it in writing with my name attached, because, as my SE and I understand, it would tie his hands and he would be forced to evict me, and the Scouting program would lose a valuable member the team. I also do not pontificate on these things with Scouts. They are here to focus on other things. As @SiouxRanger so eloquently put it... Want to protect kids from predators? Teach them about predators and how to avoid and fight them. Then, when we, collectively, deal with a predator, do it harshly. I, for one, would advocate that child molestation should be a capital offense. Swift and final punishment, and let the Good Lord impose His final justice. Matthew 18:6 is a good model. "But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea." Drive them out to the middle of the ocean, give them the stone necklace, and push them overboard...and broadcast it. I see this as neither cruel nor unusual. Remove the evil from among you.
  4. We have a 'Trail to Eagle' board with all the Scouts names on it. When they advance in rank, we chant "Change the Board" while they move their name up. Maybe we should change it to 'Trail to First Class.' And let the rest be icing on the cake 😜
  5. SO, do you think the BSA will take any suggestions from these young people? I don't.
  6. ^^^^^This From G2SS: "Parents and youth are strongly encouraged to use these safeguards outside the Scouting program. Registered leaders must follow these guidelines with all Scouting youth outside of Scouting activities." What I do outside of Scouting is none of BSA's business. If my son wishes to have a friend over (with his parents' consent), and my wife is not at home for an hour or so because she is running to the grocery store, we'll be just fine, BSA, thanks... And can you imagine this conversation? "Dad, is it OK if Jimmy comes over after school? We would like to work on our science project together, and then do some gaming." "Sure son, if his parents say it is OK. Let me text his Dad real quick to verify... OK, his Dad says he will pick him up after work. Will Jimmy be staying for dinner?" "Nope, he is going out with his parents, and needs to be home by 6." "OK, fine. I'll be here working in the yard. Mom won't be home from work until about 5:30. Wait...didn't Jimmy join Troop XXX last month?" "Yeah, why?" "Sorry, you'll have to cancel. BSA says I cannot allow that, as we will not have two adults here." Actually, our humorous solution is that my son and I agree to quit BSA temporarily until the activity is done. When we are done, we mentally reactivate our membership. But, we are always Scouts. This is the kind of stuff from BSA that the average person just shakes their head at...and it kills confidence in the organization, and generates results like the OP. Oh, and where is the exception for family members? We have a Scout who just turned 18. He is a senior in High School. His brother is a sophomore. Are you telling me the older brother (now a registered ASM) cannot be at home with his younger brother after school while his parents are at work? If you interpret the text according to the letter, the answer is, ridiculously, no.
  7. He met the one criteria most councils, districts, CO's, and units feel forced into: he had a pulse.
  8. I do wish I could get across to all...the loss of the BSA does not mean the loss of Scouting (the program). Please separate the two "entities" in your thinking. Scouting was around before the BSA appeared, and we can continue it just fine if the BSA disappears. Is your loyalty to Scouting, the movement? Or to BSA, the corporation? (Or neither, or both 😜 ??)
  9. I think you may have missed the point... They already ask for the Scout's email in another section... In the section where they want to have info from you (Your Information), as the purchaser of a Gift Membership, it would only go through when entering the Scout parent's email instead of your email. And I go NO email confirmation of the purchase.
  10. OK, so, this is new...I figured out that, if you are purchasing a Gift Membership for someone, you must put in the parent email address in on the section where is says "Your Information" Never had to do that before.
  11. It's lame, that's what it is...don't really know where that came from, but I have a good guess... My old PB card says, "Demonstrate how to fell a standing tree 4 inches or more at the butt..." I recall an old OSHA regulation saying anything more than 6 inches required safety gear, but I cannot find this reference anywhere now. Apparently OSHA applies to felling any standing tree now (https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/standardinterpretations/1998-03-04-0) (maybe ridiculous?) And, you will be hard pressed to find any references in modern BSA literature to youth felling a tree (Fieldbook included), including G2SS policies. If you know of any current BSA tree felling guidance anywhere, please point it out to me...I'd love to read it.
  12. You are most welcome...it says it was updated October 2020. I had not seen it until very recently...
  13. Moving large logs into position for cutting, and for moving rocks when doing trail work. See requirement 7 in the Paul Bunyan...you would use this to meet the requirement to build the retaining wall or irrigation way. The long prybar (rock bar, crow bar, tamping bar, lots of other names and configurations...) could be used for both logs and rocks. I also have, teach, and use a cant hook (would like to get a Peavy one day) for the logs, but you can't (pun intended) use it for rocks. https://woodmizer.com/us/how-to-choose-a-cant-hook-vs-peavey
  14. Well worth the investment for your woods tools box. https://www.magidglove.com/ellwood-safetyr-4-carbon-steel-toe-guards-702-tg?gclid=Cj0KCQiAzfuNBhCGARIsAD1nu-9EYQhWJytibMWSJT6oIQ3be4SXTMINkJYYZNhEr8IyHkljK_tBRoAaAhhZEALw_wcB
  15. BTW, Here's an awesome Forestry Service resource for axes...mainly for use by adults who want deep knowledge... https://www.fs.fed.us/t-d/php/library_card.php?p_num=1823 2812P
  16. After proper training, practice to proficiency (I don't see this a lot..."one and done" is a really bad idea here), group discipline to maintain the standards, and the behavioral example of adults and older Scouts in proper tool usage. One good practice is to have Scouts look at the pictures in the Scout Handbook and describe what the sawyer is wearing for safety (correct) and the pictured saw technique (which is iffy...hard to tell if the sawyer has the end off the ground or resting on the ground...will potentially bind the saw...page 382 of my early 13th edition) And there are so many "county options" out there it is pitiful...Totin Chip card carrying "requirements", cutting TC corners, insistence on ax yards on all camping trips, "blood circle" (a detestable term), "Thank You" requirements when not really needed, etc, etc And here's a sweet piece of cringy footage https://www.facebook.com/Rovering4Life/videos/569755051050258/ And, as candidate for future Chief Scout of the USA, I'd lobby to put loppers in the woods tools section as the preferred tool for most firewood prep.
  17. Asking a question is not reading anything into it. If anything was read into the post, it was your supposing the job was delegated. And, it does matter. You and I generally see eye to eye on things, but we may diverge here... The requirement says, "...serve actively in your troop for xxx months in one or more of the following positions of responsibility..." Now, of course, the devil is in the details....what does "actively" mean?? That's a whole other discussion. But, from OP, if a Scout vanishes like flatulence in a zephyr (paraphrasing), this is absolutely a situation that needs to be addressed. We had the same here on the PL level. PL was elected, but never showed up. As SM, I had a discussion with SPL about the vanished PL, and how he wanted to handle it. Long story short, the SPL called him, set reasonable expectations the PL, which he then did not meet, and the SPL informed the acting Patrol Leader that his patrol could elect a new PL, if they wished. They did this promptly. I documented everything. The vanished PL needed the POR for Eagle Scout rank. I declined to give him credit for time served based on his performance. (His father agreed.) The SPL asked him how he wished to serve the Troop to fulfill the requirement. He asked for, and was given, another POR (unelected), a written set of expectations which he agreed to fulfill, and he fulfilled them. That was a win-win-win. Everyone in the Troop (and parents) learned that this matters, and that was the key lesson of leadership...we held him accountable. P.S. I did give credit to the APL for time served as PL (about two and a half months), because he stepped in and did the job. He was subsequently elected, and, after a month and a half, he ranked up to Star (needed four months total)
  18. Stay! But, you are there to observe the bigger picture... 1. Who is running the program? Scouts or adults? If Scouts, awesome! If adults, then, on the side ask the SM corps what's the deal? Find a way to help the SM corps put meeting program planning and execution into the hands of the Patrol Leaders Council. At the BEST Scout meetings, the SM is the only adult who says anything, and that is for the SM's Minute at the very end. 2. Are the SM and ASM's keeping a "distant eye" on things, or do the inmates have free reign? SM/ASM should only step in for matters of health and safety. (For example, if the meeting is about setting up and lighting stoves, then an adult should watch fuel handling and check the connections prior to lighting.) We also ask SMs to assist when no one has the skill set needed for the program. 3. Are the Scouts having FUN!? If they are not, you will lose them over time... Remember: "A game with a purpose." If they are not having fun, have a discussion with the SM, but not during that meeting (maybe the next day?). That isn't the place for that discussion. 4. If your Troop does BORs during a meeting, you will certainly be needed for those. Consider having a BOR for a Scout who has not advanced in the past six months (If the climate in your Troop is such that this would be viewed as a bad thing, then something is wrong!! Figure it out and correct). Ask the Scout what their goals are, and if the Scout wants to advance, then you should ask about that. If they do not wish to advance, then ask only program-related questions: "What patrol are you in?" "Who is your patrol leader?" "Have you had any patrol meetings? Tell me about that...?" "What do you like about being in the Troop?" "What don't you like about being in the Troop?" "What was the last camping trip you went on? Tell me about that...?" etc, etc, etc 5. Recruit parents who are there a lot...they should be your committee members and the ASMs. It is your job to recruit adults; it is not the SM's job!!!! So, watch the current ASMs and ask yourself, "Who is the next SM?" If there is no clear answer to that question, you have work to do. Use your observations to develop a Succession Plan!!! (OMG, wouldn't that be wonderful?) Again, YES, by all means, stay at the meetings! Please! I loved having a CC who would herd the parent-cats so I could focus on finding the order in the Scout-generated chaos 🤪 Do you have, have you read, and do you follow your Troop Committee Guidebook? Here's the 2011 version: http://commissioner-bsa.org/kit/Troop Committee Guidebook 34505.pdf You have to pay for the new version (imagine that!) Item number 647783, for only $6.99 https://www.scoutshop.org/troop-committee-guidebook-647783.html No steak knives included...
  19. Please tell me the resume builder did not get credit for a term as SPL??
  20. Anyone having issues purchasing a new membership?? "Error Whoops!It appears important information is missing from your Eagle Scout profile.Please contact your Eagle Scout council updating the following information." All data is correct...and it does not tell me which data is triggering the error message....
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