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Everything posted by Eagle94-A1

  1. According to all the stuff provided to EA packs, the answer "NO." That is why I keep saying BSA has begun a double standard. Id doesn't matter if no males are with the boys, but a female MUST be with the girls. Why i am also concerend about "Linked Troops" meeting and camping together, no female no meeting or camping
  2. Every bottle, whether Gatorade or Nalgene must be properly clean and sanitized in order to be reused.
  3. Have not seen the new YPT2 training, but if it using the policies that the EA Cub Scout dens are following, and as reported by others who met with a national level person and asked about this, then YES, meetings with girls present will also require a registered female over 21 in attendance. Why I do not like the double standard that 2 females can work with all male dens, but not two males.
  4. With the exception on 18-20 year old ASMs, who can only register as ASM or Unit Scouter Reserve, they need to camp. We have a troop locally that has 2 adults with health issues, and they go on camp outs. They may stay in a camper, but they are there.
  5. Nalgene is out of my budget. But my middle son has one he won. Aluminum is OK. Had a canteen for years out of aluminum. But it is heavy. Reusing Gatorade et al bottles is enviromentally friendly, cheap, and comes with a drink
  6. I have recycled Gatorade and Powerade bottles for years. Moved up to reusing Life Wtr bottles because A) 2 of their bottles will fit in a single pocket on my pack and B) my filer can attach to the bottle.
  7. https://www.scoutshop.org/totin-chip-pocket-certificate-single-34397.html $0.19 each What I find hilarious is that it is now a restricted item requiring paperwork
  8. I agree taking out a knife and damaging an expensive piece of electronics would be overkill. But I have seen people do it nonetheless. That is the parents' choice. But cutting a corner of a $0.19 card that can be easily replaced when re-earned is a completely different story IMHO 1) Thank you for your sevice. 2) we will have to agree to disagree. I cannot see you can compare cutting corners to true hazing.
  9. Considering I know who wrote that comment on the blog and heard him talk about it, I can tell you it was made to show how BSA policies and literature is constantly changing, contradictory and confusing. One BSA official document, Bryan's Blog, is NOT stating that the practice of cutting corners of TOTIN" CHIP ( emphasis) is being denied. And many Packs use those policies in absence of specific Cub Scout ones, or to help Webelos transition to Boy Scouts. But then a change is made in another BSA document, 2017 BALOO Syllabus, stating that you cannot cut corners on Whittling Chip. As a f
  10. It probably will.. But I forgot to mention the other reason for not switching, which is also the #1 reason, their friends. They do not want to leave them behind, even though they both have friends in that troop. They know it's on the table, but both want to try and change the troop from the inside. Last night's announcement got the middle son to run for PL, and after some consideration, oldest is running for PL again.
  11. Good question. 1 troop does high priced activities. 1 troop is closed until they have openings. 1 troop is LDS. 1 troop just folded and 1 troop that is in worse shape than us just got one of the reasons why the troop folfed joining theirs. And after camping with them last month, they are not a fit for my boys. That troop left early due to rain. This led to a domino effect: they started packing up, causing a most of the Webelos to pack up. My youngest was willing to stay until it got to the point that it was me and him camping by ourselves. He went home with mom. and I stayed with older 2.
  12. Let's not go there. She is already trying to maintain leverage in a financial way, and it's about to come to a head with the pack and the IH. Yes you are being too optimistic. Let's face it, troops not following BSA policy and procedures are part of the reason why we now have 'Family Scouting." And I know of one troop's proposed way of getting around not having female Scouters on a camp out: calling it a family camp out. And that is part of the double standard. A female over 21 could take out a group of boys with an 18 year old male. Canceling once is fine,
  13. Sorry I missed this until today. Second canoe orienteering. Sailing canoe i.e. rigging a sail was fun. If you have 4 canoes, forming a megacanoe is fun. Stern walking, aka Deck walking, aka Swamp walking in which a person stands on the aft deck and uses an up and down motion to propel a canoes is challenging and fun. With a kayak, we would island up/raft up and play Duck, Duck, Goose. Rules were 1) No running 2) could not pick the person in the canoe next to you. THAT. WAS. FUN!
  14. Update: SM announced the changes tonite. For once there was no side conversations whatsoever going on. Talking to my peanut gallery on the ride home 1) both do not like the adults making the decision arbitrarily 2) both do not like the ASPL automatically becoming SPL, 3) both like the 4 month term of office, 4) both like regular PLCs ( It went from a 30 minute PLC to a 10 minute PLC once a month. I'm not happy about that). Both boys have decided to run for PL of their respective patrols.
  15. It's a no win situation that some units will be facing. If you cancel for everyone. you get boys fed up with the girls because it is negatively impacting them, and some may quit. And as you pointed out, if you mention can't getting enough mom's to camp, it's inflammatory. As for going with Scouter's schedules, while I agree wholeheartedly with that, what happens when the only registered female is not willing to camp? what happens if they back out at the last minute? What happens if they back out during the camp out? Not trying to be negative, but my troop is in that situation. o
  16. My unit has only 1 female who camps "regularly." And by that I mean car camping in fair weather. If it is not car camping, i.e. backpacking or survival camping, she and her son will not attend. And I stress fair weather, hint of rain and she and her son will not attend, even if paid in advance. And she is not reliable as she and her son will arrive late and leave early. Especially if she does not get her way. If we had to depend on her for the girls, they would not be able to camp as much as the boys.
  17. I admit I have not taken YPT2 yet. But from reading hte Cub literature on YP, anytime a female is present you MUST have a registered female over 21 in attendance. I will restate the question, do you send the girls home form the meeting, send everyone home, or ignore the rules. Apparently the consensus on meeting is ignore the rule. I'll rephrase 2 and 3 2) What if you cannot get a registered female over 21 to go on a weekend camp out, do you cancel the trip for everyone, cancel the trip just for the girls, or ignore the rules/ 3) What if you cannot get a registered female
  18. My biggest concerns are the following: 1) What happens when "linked troops" are having a "joint" meeting, but there is no female Scouter present for the meeting? 2) What happens when "linked troops" are suppose to have a "joint" camp out, but no female Scouter is able to attend? 3) What happen when "linked troops" are suppose to do a week long activity, but no female Scouter is able to attend?
  19. There were requirement changes. Some of the adventures that were required, are no longer required. And other elective adventures are now required. Plus some requirements for the adventures have changed or disappeared. For example, Castaway no longer requires a week without electronics.
  20. I would rather feel useless than what I felt: concern and depression. After talking to my replacement, a lot of concerns started arising.I spent 2 full years improving the day camp. Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel like I had to do because the CD would not share any information with me, I handed over everything I had so he could see what the Cubs wanted, what was done and working, as well as what didn't work. He ignored it all and started from scratch. When day camp finally started, it was chaos and anarchy. I got depressed big time. I ended up serving as PD a 3rd year, but when younges
  21. While I have not stepped down as SM, I have as CSDC PD and OA chapter adviser. For OA, I was too busy with Cub Scouts to be around much after I stepped down. When I stepped down as CSDC PD, and for those that remember I was also doign a lot of the CD's work too as she would not do what she said/needed to do, I kept my mouth shut. THAT WAS EXTREMELY HARD FOR ME TO DO! (major emphasis). One thing that helped was I picked up a new hobby, model railroading, and focused on that so I could keep my big fat mouth shut. When day camp came, I focused on my Tiger son so that I would keep my mouth sh
  22. At the Cub level, I do not think it's a big deal since National does not track that like the Boy Scout advancement. The June 2015 - December 2016 requirements are very much doable, and the resources are already in place to support it. Besides the few Cubs who know the requirements changed, like the old ones better.
  23. We all have made mistakes. We've jumped in when we should not have. I was absolutely horrible as a new ASM straight from the ranks. I was running things as if I was the SPL, and there was almost a revolt by my friends. Long story short, I had a lot of mentoring that year. And I repeated some of those mistakes as a new Boy Scouter despite knowing better. I occasionally jumped in when i should have left the Scouts to sort it out themselves. That is one of my concerns with the ASPL to SPL route: disagreement among the SPL and ASPL. Others include not following through on 8 month commitment,
  24. Actually reading older BSA literature, the SPL was elected by the PLC. Agree, folks do not have the patience to work out the kinks. They want results NOW. They do not see that it takes time and patience to get a troop going. And being innovative expends unnecessary energy and time.
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