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Everything posted by Eagle94-A1

  1. Thank you. The word earned should have been in quotations marks. Like many others, i have had Scouts stick arpund after earning Eagle because we had . Thank you. The word earned should have been in quotations marks. Like many others, i have had Scouts stick arpund after earning Eagle because we had .
  2. Sadly the drive for MBs is turning off my Scouts. They seeing folks with all 130+ merit badges being earned in under 2 years, especially during COVID, is frustrating, angering, and discouraging them. They know the MBUs, online courses, and even a few summer camps, are giving away MB. Here are the guys earning them the right way by actually doing the requirements and not just by attending a class. I have had 3 conversations to date about this. One got so frustrated, he almost gave up on Eagle because it no longer meant anything because "everyone is getting it." I used @Jameson76 approach
  3. As others have mentioned, the G2SS is constantly being updated, to the point that even the professionals cannot keep up with all the changes (kinda sad when I have to tell the SE something is no longer allowed in the GTSS) Prior to 2012, patrols could camp on their own without adults. UP to 2018, patrols could do day activities: meetings, hikes, grocery shopping, etc, on their own without adults. So back in our day, what happened with your troop, your older Scouts taking over without adults, was perfectly acceptable. While @RichardB is a product of the program and should know
  4. In my 36 years being involved with Boy Scouts/Scouts BSA, only 1, again ONLY 1, has ever said the Outdoor Code as a part of their opening and/or closing ceremony. They do keep the Scout Sign up for it.
  5. What's recruiting? Seriously we have been unable to get into schools for several years. When i was active with the pack,, and could get onto the schools, we would usually be finished recruiting by this point and have 20÷ new cubs. My old pack had 1 new Lion. Council has not helped in this matter. In the past they would not allow units to do their own recruiting. Council i came from wanted units to do their own. But this one does not, and it has been like that for over 20 years.
  6. So you do not want parents going camping with their kids? That's the reason why the 72 hour rule was put into place. At the Cub Scout level, it is family camping. Scout, Sea Scout, and Venturing levels, while not family oriented, as @elitts stated is suppose to be open to parents observation.
  7. Whatever they are registered on the charter as is the award they work on.
  8. Worse threat I have encountered involved an extension for Eagle. Long story short, Life Scout majorly screwed where he was kicked off the benefitting organization's property, and professionals had to intervene ASAP to fix the mess he caused. This was a week or two before his birthday. Scout wanted an extension to do a second project. Troop said he would have to petition National for an extension. And all hell broke lose with mom. She belligerently threatened to go to the media, get outside organization involved, and sue everyone: SM, CO, Council and National, if the extension was not grante
  9. Good luck with finding a new CO. And no you are not alone. Besides the UMC churches, i know 1 church has given their units either until the end if the school year (mid june) or charter (next month) before they need to leave. The District Commissior and unit leaders have approached 2 possible COs, one of them wanting Scouting about 2-3 years ago. Both said no. I So no, you are not alone.
  10. I had a friend who was a web designer and owned his own company. Had a fortune 500 company or two as clients. He did one council's webpage for free, and it was one of the most user friendly websites. Then National mandated a set format and program for all council websites. And here we are today: Websites that suck. Agree we got to get back to the outdoors. "OUTING is three-fourths of ScOUTING." We cannot be all things to everyone. Sadly that is partially true in my neck of the woods. Our professional staff is down, but instead of focusing on helping existing uni
  11. This one is extremely tricky. I have in deed taken a Scout to the hospital by myself, with the express approval of the professional running the camp. (emphasis). One of our camp staffers got injured and I had to rush him to the ER. That situation was OK, but a week later an 18 year old staffer had an accident and again I had to take him to the ER. This time there was complications. Scouter went into shock in my car. Having a second person would have been extremely helpful. But I know it can be a challenge. Last time I had to transport a Scout to the ER, I took another Scout with me. I kno
  12. I beleive @elitts is refering to adults using the buddy system at summer camp, not the issue of having 2 adults in camp. Since the 72 hours rule has been in place, I know of NO camp that has violated it. And prior to that, when 2 adults needed to be at camp one being registered and over 21, I know of only 1 camp that allowed a troop to attend with only 1 adult. Some emegency happened to the second adult a few days before they arrived, and teh camp assigned an adult Staffer to be the 2nd Scouter. He stayed with them in their campsite, ate with them with meals, and was essentially an ASM to the
  13. I know families who are in the exact predicament. Glad oldest has aged out as I do not think I would be able to afford his registration, even at the reduced adult rate, this year. This will kill Cub Scouts and trickle down to Scouts.
  14. Also fewer and fewer HS promote the trades. If anything, the HSs team up with local community colleges to have classes on welding, auto mechanics, etc.
  15. Have them check their library to see if anyone on staff is a notary. They usually will notorize for free.
  16. My concern with mergers is that council customer service will be worse than it is. And right now it is 99% non existant. And .5% of the involvement is telling volunteers we can't do things, i.e. have a clean up day to get camp ready, doing our own roundups, etc.
  17. From what i am seeing, most units are not concerned with the bankruptcy. They are focused on their units.
  18. In one case i am familiar with, the accused was found innocent by the law enforcement investigators, but still remained in the IVF. So even if innocent, your nsme can still be in it.
  19. I got essentially the same message last nite as @5thGenTexan did, except with my council specific info. BUT from keeping up here, I know that we are no where close to the end. Winston Churchill said it best. "Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."
  20. At the moment, NO I am not struggling with it. Ticked off and want heads to roll, YES, but not struggling with my decision to continue on. NOW, I will be withdrawing from all district committees, activities, etc and focusing on my Scouts. My Scouts need me, now more than ever. We are an extremely small troop, with no feeder pack. While we are not struggling now, we will in the future as our Scouts age out. Our committee and ASM corps are the bare minimums. In fact two ASMs became MCs to get the required numbers. And we will lose Scouters as their Scouts age out. Again my focus is my Sco
  21. Mods, if this is the wrong place for this, please feel free to move it to the appropriate thread. @CynicalScouter, @Eagle1993and everyone else posting updated information and commentary on the bankruptcy: THANK YOU! I just got back from a meeting where the bankruptcy, selling of camps, and membership was the topic of conversation. Not only was I not surprised by anything that was said because It has been said here, I ended up telling them a few things they did not know, specifically the presser today. It's sad when I get accurate and reliable information faster her
  22. Yes it can destroy the innocent. I know someone who was cleared of any wrongdoing, but is still in the IVF. And it did affect her reputation in the community. Yep know another individual in the IVF because he questioned the SE on some issues. So yes, not everyone in the IVF is in it for CSA, nor guilty if accused of CSA.
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