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Everything posted by Eagle94-A1

  1. Regarding girls troops, initially the local girls' troop was forced to do joint activities due to lack of gear and adults. Now that they equal their brother troop, they prefer to do things on their own. In fact, this year they are doing two different summer camps the same week. This is something the girls wanted as they believe the boys are holding them back.
  2. Depending upon the diocese, Catholic Churches may or may not be rechartering. I know of 3 diocese that stated no more chartering of Scout units. Locally we have a unit about to fold, and the Catholic Church, which wanted to reestablish Scouting in the parish, now said no.
  3. And as I have stated before, not everyone has the financial resources to be in Scouting as prices climb. I do not know your financial situation, but we have folks who qualify as Lower Class in my unit. Right Now I have 1 definite Scout who is dropping due to the increases, and I may have more. I will be trying to figure out how to help them remain. If $50 is not a big deal to you, I would gladly accept a donation to help cover a Scout's dues.
  4. That is not reasonable for everyone. Are parents charged for attending little league practices and games?
  5. Rates vary from council to council. While the national fee is fixed, councils can add their own fees as well up to an equal amount of the national fee. So whereas Malreaux and Inquisitive Scouter are paying $50, mine is closer to $90. That on top of two boys at $107 each, and and I am paying over $300 in registration alone. While some may say it is cheap, for many in my neck of the woods, including myself, it is a lot. Combine with the additional expenses: summer camp, food, gas, equipment, etc, and I am slowly being priced out of Scouting. Part of me is glad Oldest is not continuing as an ASM
  6. I know back in the day, DEs were required to visit each IH and talk with them about the unit(s) they charter. One DE I know did 3 such visits until he was reprimanded for "wasting your time visiting."
  7. That is a relatively new change in Charter Agreements. Within the past 5 years if memory serves. Prior to that time, it belong to the CO. And with the way the pros are running BSA into the ground would you trust them?
  8. The research behind FIRST CLASS,FIRST YEAR, has some flaws in it. The first flaw I recognized in it as a 15 year old Life Scout was that the research has no mention of activity levels of the units in the research. Not a one. If you got an active unit, you will have retention and advancement. As Hillcourt said, "OUTING is three-fourths of ScOUTING." And if you are active they will stay. And as as Lord Baden-Powell said, " Advancement should happen as naturally as a suntan, it just happens in the outdoors." The other thing flaw was including LDS units in the research. As I discovered late
  9. In 1972, Skill Awards came out and were required for Tenderfoot through First Class. Skill Awards focused on all of the skills in one specific area, and were immediate recognition because you still had the tenure requirements for Tenderfoot through First Class ranks. If you finished the Skill Awards needed for rank advancement before the tenure requirement was completed, you usually worked on the next batch of Skill Awards while you waited. In August 1989, "OPERATION FIRST CLASS" came about. Skill Awards were done away with, and the requirements spread out through the Tenderfoot through F
  10. Could the $500,000 per POC fine could be used to add more money for the victims?
  11. Can they also be fined and/or pay for this case forfeited and applied to the victims? I'm all for imprisonment, but would rather hit them where it really hurts, money, and benefit the victims.
  12. Record retention laws vary not only from location to location, but also what type of record and the information on it. It can vary from 3 to 50 years, and some records longer. Our COR is a records retention guru. When we purged our records, he told us to keep everything 7 years and under. Anything 8 years or older could be purged.
  13. I would call it a sloppy use of words IF no one at National was informed about this. HOWEVER, RichardB, and others, were notified of the error as early as February 2018 when the ban went into effect. Yet the untruth, fib, hoax, deception, misinformation, disinformation, misinformation, fabrication, etc remains. Wait, it will come. In my experience, National will start a ban for one activity, and slowly move on to others.
  14. Here is the chart. https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/healthsafety/pdf/680-028.pdf Lions ( ages 5 or 6) and Tigers (ages 6 or 7)are prohibited from using hand held paint brushes (that will put a damper on those packs that do PWD workshop nights where everyone is working on their PWD cars, including painting them in some cases). And only Webelos and older can use paint rollers.
  15. @RichardB I know better than to not follow the rules. So I do my best to keep up with BSA policies to the point that I have often had to tell my council's professional staff what is and is not allowed by BSA as they are not aware of the latest rules. My biggest problem is that BSA continues to break the first point of the Scout Law, Trustworthy, with the repeated lie in the FAQ found here https://www.scouting.org/health-and-safety/prohibited-activities-faqs/ , that "Dodgeball has never been an authorized activity in Scouting." As I have shared with you and others repeatedly THA
  16. I agree, it National wants units to know about it, it needs to be in the G2SS and other unit accessible literature, not in NCS books that most units never see. Theoretically, the councils are suppose to pass along the info. At least in my current council, it is usually the volunteers who are telling the council what the rules are. Heck my district was informed at camporee that about 85% of the skits, the majority of which have been around forever, are not longer allowed according to new NCS guidelines .
  17. No, the #1 used camp is the old summer camp that has turned "rustic" with cap improvements being done by the OA and individual units. Until 2019 that camp actually subsidized the main camp via the usage and logging. In 2019, it was closed for 9 months while they repaired a road. Council tried to say that camp cost nearly $70/camper to maintain, but used the 2019 camping numbers, which only had 3 months of camping due to the road, as well as the capital expense of the road included in figuring out the $70/ Camper. In fact another council camp was only used once during 2019, and that was becaus
  18. Regarding the multi units from CO rule, that has been around since at least 2002, but it was in the NCS literature, not G2SS. Ditto the Cub Family Camping rules, although some councils never really did much to promote Cub Camping. Heck I remember one Camping Committee member back in the day saying Cubs don't need to camp. As for Councils not providing stuff, the #1 used camp over the past 20 years do not have showers, which was a requirement until recently, nor enough bathrooms. And my council never had a list of approved Cub campgrounds. So several packs used the OA's Where to Go Camping
  19. Thank you. The word earned should have been in quotations marks. Like many others, i have had Scouts stick arpund after earning Eagle because we had . Thank you. The word earned should have been in quotations marks. Like many others, i have had Scouts stick arpund after earning Eagle because we had .
  20. Sadly the drive for MBs is turning off my Scouts. They seeing folks with all 130+ merit badges being earned in under 2 years, especially during COVID, is frustrating, angering, and discouraging them. They know the MBUs, online courses, and even a few summer camps, are giving away MB. Here are the guys earning them the right way by actually doing the requirements and not just by attending a class. I have had 3 conversations to date about this. One got so frustrated, he almost gave up on Eagle because it no longer meant anything because "everyone is getting it." I used @Jameson76 approach
  21. As others have mentioned, the G2SS is constantly being updated, to the point that even the professionals cannot keep up with all the changes (kinda sad when I have to tell the SE something is no longer allowed in the GTSS) Prior to 2012, patrols could camp on their own without adults. UP to 2018, patrols could do day activities: meetings, hikes, grocery shopping, etc, on their own without adults. So back in our day, what happened with your troop, your older Scouts taking over without adults, was perfectly acceptable. While @RichardB is a product of the program and should know
  22. In my 36 years being involved with Boy Scouts/Scouts BSA, only 1, again ONLY 1, has ever said the Outdoor Code as a part of their opening and/or closing ceremony. They do keep the Scout Sign up for it.
  23. What's recruiting? Seriously we have been unable to get into schools for several years. When i was active with the pack,, and could get onto the schools, we would usually be finished recruiting by this point and have 20÷ new cubs. My old pack had 1 new Lion. Council has not helped in this matter. In the past they would not allow units to do their own recruiting. Council i came from wanted units to do their own. But this one does not, and it has been like that for over 20 years.
  24. So you do not want parents going camping with their kids? That's the reason why the 72 hour rule was put into place. At the Cub Scout level, it is family camping. Scout, Sea Scout, and Venturing levels, while not family oriented, as @elitts stated is suppose to be open to parents observation.
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