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Everything posted by Eagle94-A1

  1. Feedback is a gift. Commentary to improve services should not be considered "hate." But it does gets frustrating when you provide feedback, especially feedback you have been specifically asked for, and that feedback gets ignored. Best example is Instapalms. 94% of those polled were either Against (18%) or Strongly Against (76%), yet they did it anyway. IT issues have been around since before SCOUTNET 2000 that came out in 1998. Experts in the field have offered solutions and were turned down.
  2. Are you youth or an adult? If you are an adult, you can go through the district to get into the OA. If a youth, the Troop will need to hold an elections and vote you into the OA as a candidate.
  3. During covid we also did a few zoom meetings, but as soon as we were able to meet outside, we did. While we did not camp as much as we usually do, 9 weekends a year plus summer camp, we switched to day trips for a bit, and then when able to camp, we did some camping within a 1 hour drive. Summer camp was touch and go for a bit, but the local camp did open up and we did our own 5 day camp.
  4. Yes it is going around. We have a troop that CO is kicking them out end of May. They have not recharted, but are still meeting while trying to find a new home.
  5. Yes, the insurers did put in motions to investigate claims which was denied because the judge stated the trust would handle the distribution of funds and deal with the fraud then. There is a post in one of the threads on this topic about several potential fraud cases including: The mother of one claimant who stated her son was lying because he was never involved in Scouting. The phone center operator who was told to make up info on claims if they were unable to get it from the caller. The person named as a perpetrator who was living in another state in college when alleged
  6. Thank you. I hope ever individual who committed fraud to get a quick payout gets hit with fines. Their false accusations not only hurt the BSA, but also and more importantly hurt actual victims.
  7. Mods, If this is the wrong thread to ask the questions, please move it to the correct thread. @ThenNow, what were the stated penalties? If not stated, what are they and do they also apply to the lawyers as well? If money is involved with the penalty, can that money go towards survivors?
  8. Overall everyone had fun but one troop, and that was on me. When I get stessed, i say stupud jokes. One of my jokes was putting the 2 "antisocial" troops together because both want to be away from others. That one SM did not appreciate the joke and was mad. He expressed his displeasure all weekend. Ironic thing is my troop is the other "antisocial" troop. Did a standard cook off with guest judges. That worked well for the units. The judges however almost went into diabetic shock with all the sweets. Events events went well and everyone had fun.
  9. Don't I know it. We pulled campers from the outpost area who were doing Wilderness Survival overniter into DH one time. Got interesting when 2 campers went MIA. Good news was they snuck back to their camp after everyone went to sleep, were safe, and were found.
  10. (sarcasm on) What's NOVA, SUPERNOVA, and STEM SCOUTS? (sarcasm off) I have not had any Cubs or Scouts ever ask about NOVA and SUPERNOVA Awards. They are busy having fun and working on advancement. As for STEM Scouts, have not met any on real life. I do know about STEM Scout who made the cover of Time, but that is about it.
  11. Don't I know it. I am a former professional. One of the points I was told to use to try and start new units was that BSA's insurance would cover COs. I only found out that was incorrect when this lawsuit happened. As posted elsewhere, get the promises in writing. Since units are legal extensions of COs, legally COs own them. CO's can add safety measures that their organization or insurance requires. For example, some COs require Scouters to go through their own version of YPT in addition to the BSAs. Some COs have implemented changes to the definition of "youth supervision" to mean dir
  12. My understanding is that a bunch are on hold due to the lawsuit, and bunch are waiting on a decision from the bankruptcy before they go after COs. Which is one reason BSA has been trying to protect COs. Not before 1976 according to legal documents in the lawsuit. AND the BSA's insurance kicks in after the CO's insurance is finished paying out. Hence why many CO's are dropping scouting units altogether, or are taking more control over the Scouting units. To me that explains the situation with your CO. They just found out how much much BSA'S promises are really worth, and they are on th
  13. My council is selling off 2 camps and some other properties folks have given over the years. One camp we are keeping is in a trust and we just use it. The main camp which cannot have Cub Scout boating activities since it is on a river, they plan on either building a closure in the river (like that will get approved), or they will dig a pond large enough for boats. Mergers are coming and more camps will be closing.
  14. Well, National reassured Charter Organizations that they have the CO's back, and look how that is turning out.
  15. Maybe for the professionals, but I am not so sure about the volunteers. I am waiting for that to come up on Facebook.
  16. Sounds like one Scouter I know. His Idea of "packing light" is having everything in the back of the truck. Usually he has a trailer of cooking supplies. On a positive note, you won't starve and the food is excellent.
  17. My concerns are the following. 1. Service. I am already not getting the help I need from my current council. I have not had a dedicated ( i.e. only responsible for 1 district) DE in over 10 years except for a brief 4 month period when my district and 2 others merged together. What will the service be like when districts will be a lot larger. 2. Camps. I have been told that under the Churchill plan, there will be one Scout camp covering about 160 mile radius. Some that means for some units, especially Cub Scout units from those councils that only approve Cub Camping at their campgrou
  18. Sorry, going off on a tangent and venting. My district and council is in major trouble because professionals have run off long time, experienced, and dedicated volunteers. It has gotten to the point that units are beginning to do their own thing, not attend any district or council events or activities, and are shopping at neighboring councils' stores for Scouting supplies so that none of the units' money supports the council.
  19. And even then, folks will ignore their training. I had one SM I trained tell me "The BSA needs to change with the times." He was doing a lot wrong, hemorrhaging Scouts, and not recruiting Scouting. Eventually and DL I trained and worked with became an ASM, and slowly turned some things around. And one of the parents that was causing problems in my old troop was 'trained." he "didn't care what I'm suppose to do." And how is that working out? The training today sucks. All you need to do is read some of the Facebook posts to see that. And when you do try to help, you get all types of ex
  20. Or they were involved during the 1970s "Improved Scouting Program." One Eagle from ISP era did not understand why camping is so important. They do a lot of car camping and MBUs. In my neck of the woods, that is an understatement. I have heard of district commissioners being yelled and cursed at by professionals, and read one DE's abusive texts to the district commissioner. I myself have been ignored and overruled by the DE about an event I was running. I have friends who have had events changed at the last minute by professionals. I had a friend removed from his district and cou
  21. Completely and totally agree. Check out the Facebook posts to see all the interference new adults with no experience are causing: selecting MBs for their kids, holding back a scout so he the rest of his NSP can advance with him, adults picking campouts, ad nauseum. And if you try to discuss what they are doing is wrong, you are told "you do not know my scout," "my scout has (name your medical issue) problems," "why are you bullying me," etc. My favorite parent comment is still "he might hurt himself using a safety pin." We teach Scouts to use knives, axes, saws, etc.
  22. I am not so sure. Sounds local volunteers will be pushed aside. I see a lot of headaches with all the mergers
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