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Everything posted by Eagle92

  1. Eaternal rest grant onto him oh Lord. And may perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace.Amen.
  2. Agree with checking local laws. What I bought was the following: http://www.opinel-usa.com/proddetail.asp?prod=Opinel-knives-No-7-carbon-steel-folding-knife I like carbon steel since it holds an edge much, much longer, and a sharp knife IS a safe knife. I also like the easy locking mechanism: pull out the blade and twist the top lock and it's done. untwist, fold blade, and twist to secure. Much easier than the button on official CS knives. But any knife will do. And yes Wolves and older can earn Whittling chip.
  3. As mentioned, anytime after June 1 they can work on the next rank IF they are not still working on the previous rank. Some do that, most don't. I suggest not rushing things as if they do things too quickly, the get bored really fast. I've had a pack complain about my CSDC program because we did a lot of advancement work my first year, and they said the Cubs got bored at the den meetings. Got a better balance the 2nd year and I hope to improve this year. That said, there are some things that Cubs love. My son has made 3 tool boxes in Cubs: day camp, Bear den meeting, and Webelos den
  4. Base, I cannot answer that question for all district folks, but I that when I was not in a unit, and a few others I know too, I was so much behind the scenes on district/council events, that I couldn't justify to the wife going to summer camp without having kids in the program. Now that the wife has stated "YOU WILL BE GOING TO SUMMER CAMP WITH YOUR BOYS" ( camps for theSWMBO tone of voice, not shouting at ya), I cannot wait for next year! I am already practicing "Have you asked your patrol leader?"
  5. Dlister, Are you sure about the district members and camping requirement being waived? I don't recall that and we never nominated someone form the district unless they met the camping requirements. Yep I know that OA is considered free labor in some councils. But think about it, if it wasn't for OA lodges, a lot of camp maintenance infrastructure would have to be paid for, increasing the cost of going to camp. A few years back, I did a comparison of our summer camp and other local camps, and we were the cheapest by a lot. And I say that the OA is the reason for keepign the costs down
  6. I'm a little old school, so bear with me, I grew up in a mixed-age patrol troop as Basementdweeller describes: 15-17 yo SPLs and 13-15 yo PLs. We didn't do TLTs but did take advantage of district TLT training when offered, and Brownsea 22 and JLT offered by the council But the adults didn't do much we did. How did the PLs leanr what to do? Using the Patrol Method, we observed the youth leaders we were responsible to, and imitated them when we be came responsible for the patrols and troop. Also a lot of mentoring in SMCs, and peer to peer mentoring too. One on one instruction I guess you c
  7. Had a Scout was being pushed by Eagle dad and mom with the incentive of driver's license and car. On his way to getting Eagle too with 58 MBs. But he got tot he point that he rebelled and dropped out. Only needed to do is a project and POR. Definitely do not want them pitting one parent against the other. But need to encourage him to speak his mind, and take responsibility for his own life. That is the real goal of Scouting: molding a young man who can and will do what he wants and being an active, contributing member of society, not Eagle. And by talking to the parents and discusssing wh
  8. My $.02 worth. 1) As others have said, get rid of the fluff PORs. you are a patrol sized troop. Nothing wrong with that. 2).Your guys are inexpereinced, they need a heavy dose of mentoring by you and other adults who understand the Patrol Method. Keep thoseadults who don't care about the Patrol method out opf the way. Those who are confused, mentor. 3) FORGET FCFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to get kids to keep them involved in Scoutins and advance is PROGRAM, PROGRAM, PROGRAM. Oh and I forgot PROGRAM!. As Green Bar Bill stated, "OUTING is three-fourths
  9. There are no short cuts in developing an SPL. If you need one ASAP you need a heavy dose of mentoring and coaching. Based upon my expereince and observations, developing a good SPL starts the nite that Webelos enters the meeting room and he sees the SPL runnign the meeting, the instructors and older scouts teaching, and the PLs keepign their patrols under control. That's Step 1 Now my troop was one of the guinea pigs with the New Scout Patrol prior to it becoming a BSA recommendation in 1989. My troop was a traditional troop and the NSP failed both times we tried it: in 1986 as part
  10. I to had problems loggin in. After about 40 minutes and 5 changes, I gave up. Been back once since, and had no problems checking someone's YPT. Thing I hate most is the Unit Visit Tracking System. grant you I know why the system is in place and it's usefulness. BUT A) it is too slow and B) It will not allow you to enter multiple units for a single activity, i.e. I cannot input the data for Round Table attendnce on one screen but need to spend a bunch of time entering the info on multiple screens one unit at a time. BUT it is a heckuvalot better than when SCOUTNET first came out and
  11. Also LDS pack still use the pre August 1982 three year Cub Scout Program ( Wolves =3rd grade, Bears=4th rgade, and Webelos = 5th grafe) and no Tigers.
  12. Every other week, but not meetings but activities.
  13. With the exception of 2 folks in my neck of the woods, everything I've heard is negative, very negative. So negative, that only two of the liberal folks I know are for the change. When the topci came up at RT, I mentioned how the UMC and Presbyterian Churches are internal movers for this change. One of the comments was "Can I give you my dollar now?" as my CO is more conservative and he is sponsored by a local UMC. I do not know what will happen, but I see us losing members. As stated repeatedly, I lost one CO when DALE was going to SCOTUS. And I think we just loss the district commis
  14. Pack, Illustrated children's books have 2 copyrights: one for the author and one for the illustrator. Wife used the cover art, and if memory serves as the published journal is in the attic, one .additional illustration from each book. Lawyers got involved b/c wife sent a letter tryign to get permission per the association's instructions. And she did try to stop the presses, but it was to late. Funny thing is this. First lawyer had no problem with it, and we only talked once. Second lawyer didn' think it would eb a problem, but wanted to double check. His second call said it was no prob
  15. Unit key three is very old news. I heard rthe term used to descript the top leader, CC and COR back in PDL1 in '98. Work on the net though id they are goginto haev soem cool feature availabel in MY SCOUTING soon.
  16. To my knowledge, the concept of "immediate recognition" came out in 1989. Prior to that, you got recognized for your advancment, but got everythign at the COH. Some troops continued that model. My tropp didn't change until 1993 when we got a new SM. The way to build up "war chest" is to fill out an advancement report with several scouts names who have earned the rank, write " REPLACEMENTS" on the form, and submit. i would not buy many, maybe one or two extras at a time. I'm a big proponent of "war chests" b/c there are times when national runs out of stuff, especially CS ranks in Jan-Mar
  17. Trust me, you do not want to deal with copyright lawyers. They will hound you. Long story short, wife did book review in grad school. paper got submitted for some competition, and was one of three finalists. The "payout" was a free ticket to the lcoal librarian convention and the paper being publiched in the group's journal. Due to the three publishers being housed in the WTC on 9-11, copyright permission was never secured, and it was too late for the paper to be pulled form the journal. 3 years and a move later, we get calls from 3 copyright laywers. After several conversations, 2 b
  18. In regards to what do the Scouts want? Some events may be so special that folks do not do away with them. I knwo one event, our survival weekend, woudl have ASMs caming back from college for the weekend.
  19. Awards are nice, but it seems like "Everyone gets a trophy" these days. I know that I still get surprised looks when I talk abtou soe of the things I did in Scouting as a youth and how much responsibility i had placed on me at a young age.
  20. Namu, A couple of things. 1) there are two types of insurance, accident and liability. Most units pay for the accident, or councils can make it mandatory at registratrion. But the liability insurance is charged on a per event basis, at least in my neck of the woods. 2) Insurance prices will vary form council to council. So it may be a council policy.
  21. Kahuna, if there is one definitive item that says "SCOUT" ( emphasis not shouting) It's a neckerchief. When I was in the UK, they couldn't understand not wearing one. To paraphrase the Doctor; neckerchiefs are cool. -
  22. If memory serves, the Vatican has pushed for a mandatory retirement of 75, except the Pope. I know my pastor, when he retired, did pastoral work on a cruise line for a year, and then did pastoral work with various hospitals. Some retired priests will serve as needed to give other vacations and fill in in emergencies, and some teach.
  23. If any Life Scouts do this for their Eagle projects, I also suggest contacting their local state archives, and if the are interviewing a WWII vet, the National WWII Museum in New Orleans. I know they, and he NC Archives actually has a "how to" guide to use. Just don't contact New Orleans on Tuesday Feb. 12th as they will be out partying due to Mardi Gras.
  24. Nike, Agree with you 110%, pull records NOW to prevent this from happening again. Fred, Must respectfully disagree. I can understand how hard it would be to say no, but the boy was not registered, and did not meet requirements. He did not meet requirement 2 for Scout rank which is Complete a Boy Scout application and health history signed by your parent or guardian. Since he never completed Scout which is the Joing Requirements, he could not earn any of the other ranks. Further the boy does not meet the ACTIVE ( emphasis not shouting) requirement fro S-L-E whis
  25. You are correct that devices are suppose to be worn on the knot, even if not earned multiple times. Unlike the military, one knot may cover multiple awards, i.e. the youth religious knot covers multiple awards in multiple programs, and the Training Award you have covered not only Boy Scouts, but also Sea Scouts, Exploring prior to1998. and Venturing. Same with the Key. So a device on the knot tells a person in what program and/or what actual award was earned. In my case I am suppose to wear on my religious knot a CS, BS, and Sea Scout devices, on my Trainging Award a BS device, and on my
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