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  1. I’d word it differently. This will make it so that people who were using the “free” MBC as a loophole will now have to pay.
    4 points
  2. This policy was the 'safety minute' discussion at our Roundtable last night. Just so happened that our Council President, Assistant Scout Executive, and Council commissioner were visiting last night. Yes, councils (and I would hope that includes all) do background checks for MBC applications. The money for all of those folks who have for years used the MBC freebie rather than paying the standard adult registration fee has to come from somewhere. While we did not ask our guest what the cost of the CBC is, I would think it would be similar to what I paid as a school district employe
    2 points
  3. It works until the Camping MBC actually wants to see a Scout in action. Registering all your MBCs into Troop positions is kind of the antithesis of one of the stated purposes of the MB program, isn't it? Too many of our MBCs are already ASMs.
    2 points
  4. I think it helps. However, there is a huge variety in experience and culture between units. There are units that are more engaged in training, rules, regulations, etc. Many other units are either unaware (due to so many different sources of data) or just ignore the rules. I think the only fix is for councils to be more aware of unit leaders and unit culture/behavior. Relying on COs will not work. So ... this video will be helpful for the units who follow rules and pay attention. However, I question if that is the biggest safety issue BSA faces. I wonder if the bigger issue is that
    2 points
  5. There's a lot to be said about that approach. When so much is unpredictable it's good to avoid surprise and sometimes it works as well to expect the worst and be pleased when that doesn't happen! Hang in there.
    2 points
  6. @InquisitiveScouter, keep complaining about it and those 19-20 year old ASMs will be reclassified as program participants. I want to make it clear how much of my life involves deeply personal one-on-one conversations with 19-20 year olds of the opposite sex. It is very hard for some young adult women to navigation their world — many are facing abuse, caregiver burdens, financial stress — and they open up about it to very few people. They often look for second father figure and, along with their friends, arrange a meeting with him. Sometimes that person is me, often I can rope a second eld
    2 points
  7. IMHO, CO's should be given (or demand) a copy of insurance policy as part of chartering process. My $0.02,
    2 points
  8. This one snuck in when the other change was announced (about adults staying overnight). A registered female adult leader 21 years of age or over must be present for any activity involving female youth or female adult program participants. So, what is the change? In the past, "female adult program participants" wasn't listed. So, my understanding, is if you have a female 18-20 attending an event, you need a registered female adult leader 21 years or older.
    1 point
  9. SAFE sounds good on first reading , when carefully looked is at first clear the the troop leadership has the responsibility for safety other part are more vague as to what makes up skilled the very form states that "Motor vehicles used to transport Scouts must complete Pre-Trip Transportation Inspection before travel for each driver and vehicle" GSS - Transportation #9 Motor vehicles used to transport Scouts must complete Pre-Trip Transportation Inspection before travel. This includes correcting all deficiencies. Yes if all goes well no one will ask, Have a problem involvi
    1 point
  10. Yes, I made my comment earlier.
    1 point
  11. I'm right with you. But I also need to focus on what might be, so that I face no further disappointment on this matter.
    1 point
  12. "At the last minute, the Boy Scouts of Wyoming cancels its appearance at the 2019 Heart Mountain Camp pilgrimage's opening ceremony, but Harumi "Bacon" Sakatani (age 89), a teenage internee and former Boy Scout during World War II, is adamant about raising the U.S. flag." Scout Salute,
    1 point
  13. Check this out: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=563464852479447&set=a.547497750742824 EFFECTIVE SEPT 1 ALL ADULTS ATTENDING OVERNIGHT EVENTS/ACTIVITIES OF OVER 72 HOURS MUST BE IN A FEE PAID ADULT LEADER POSITION. Many units do activities that span over 72 hours such as the Gettysburg Historic Trails program that may take a long holiday weekend. This will mean that parents that wish to accompany the group must now cough up a fee paid registration. My sons unit had a dad n lad Gettysburg trip from Friday to Monday on the Memorial Day weekend or once the school term end
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. I think it is another useful tool in the arsenal. I support anything that helps keep Scouts, Scouters, and our assets (personal and organizational) safe but doesn't kill the program, and I think this meets my criteria.
    1 point
  16. I think that the insurers are going to continue to make a very significant push on the BSA to tighten the screws going forward after the amounts that are floated in the bankruptcy case. These are some very massive losses they are (potentially) going to pay out. @KublaiKen, I would say assume nothing at this point, and be as vigilant as possible. Will there be a big visible change? If your council is like mine, Commissioners to this point rarely liked to rock the boat and truly get firm on anything other YP issues with units, so I question if they are going to suddenly start monitoring units on
    1 point
  17. A big thing for me is that I am the policy holder and not the BSA. 🙂
    1 point
  18. My #1 gripe is using the term "leader" vs Scouter or "Adult Supervision". The scouts should be leading. The adult Scouters are there for supervision and safety NOT to lead. (Except for cubs). And YES this matters.
    1 point
  19. No, adult program participants are clearly defined as members who are 18 but not yet 21 and are registered in programs like Sea Scouts, Venturing, and Exploring. So those two positions are not adult program participants, nor are they "an adult fee required position as listed," since they aren't on the list. Obviously they can hold additional registered positions, like at the unit level as mentioned above, but that shouldn't be a requirement, should it? I think those positions should be listed, for clarity if nothing else.
    1 point
  20. RE the BSA going Chapter 7, that's HIGHLY unlikely under the relative progress of the current plan. The "heavy lifting", as in lawyers and professionals working and running up bills, has been done to a large extent. Continued drain will be painful but not unsustainable for the period of time while this works its way through the courts. IF, the plan is completely tossed out it's going to be tough for the BSA to start over but the big issue is the importance of the third-party releases as they relate to the over 1,000 charter orgs. The LC's have said, and said in District Court, that CO rele
    1 point
  21. I've already mentioned this elsewhere but I'd chuck all of the advancement and turn the program into playing outdoors. Then, the cubscout handbook is nothing but ideas on how to play outdoors. The den leader handbook would be ideas how to play outdoors, safely. It's something nearly every kid would want to do. No schedules, no requirements. Pinewood derby is fine, as is kick the can. If the scouts want to do arts and crafts or go to the fire station, that's fine. And there's no need to keep track of how they played in order to give them bling because that's the definition of playing. The
    1 point
  22. Interestingly, our new CO wants to see the policy, and we are still going through those hurdles now. It is a dark tunnel, with no light in sight. I am actually surprised it isn't asked for more by COs, especially now.
    0 points
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