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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/21 in Posts

  1. Just watched the new YPT3.0 training one of our soon to be new committee members did tonite. In the training it states #1 job is to remove the Scout from the situation and make sure they are safe #2 is call 911 or local law enforcement.
    3 points
  2. I spoke a little too soon. The TCC Town Hall meeting Thursday has been postponed. Given the mediation and court date ongoing/upcoming it's probably safe to assume that there's enough in flux for the TCC to wait until there's something more definite to report.
    2 points
  3. He has about as much impact on the outcome of this case as those of us posting here does.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. I hear this same thing about Sea Scouts and Venturing. IMHO, if you are worried that another program is "stealing" your scouts then it is obvious the program in the troop needs to change. These are all complimentary programs and can provide many great opportunities to youth that want to be activie in scouting.
    1 point
  6. I think that might work but also agree that the SM response might be problematic. If the belief is that OA takes scouts away from the troop, then a scout being in OA, by whatever means they happen to be inducted, would still be a problem with the SM. It also won't help if the SM feels that a scout went around them to get what they wanted. That said, IF this happened in such a way, it could serve as an example of how scouts can serve in OA and also remain fully active in the troop. If the SM could be persuaded to see this as a bit of an experiment, maybe that could open the door for expand
    1 point
  7. That's just lazy. Chimneys are easy to start with some newspaper, kindling, etc. They're basically designed for exactly that, starting a small fire underneath and letting that burn upwards until some coals are ignited. And it's way more in line with scout-style fire starting to build a small kindling fire under the chimney anyway. I don't know why anyone would use fluid in a scout setting.
    1 point
  8. I never used a timer. The scouts had fun just watching the rockets crash into the end and fall apart.
    1 point
  9. This thread started in the bankruptcy thread with a post about the LDS relationship with BSA and a statement that the LDS is more at fault than BSA and should contribute a large amount to the settlement. It quickly veered in a deeper discussion about LDS reporting practices and after a few pages of posts, I thought it would be best to pull the discussion out of the bankruptcy thread (as it had little to do with bankruptcy) and make it its own topic. Part of that goal was to allow those who were not following the bankruptcy thread to realize what discussion was taking place and take part (if
    1 point
  10. I think it depends on what the adults think the "fun and wholesome" should look like. If the adults always think in terms of clean, easy and well-organized activities I think even if you keep the kids engaged while the activites are actually happening, you won't really excite them into wanting to come back. I'm picturing lots of handi-crafts, well organized standard games, uneventful camping/hiking. I think "adventurous" and "new and interesting" is far more important than trying to plan a "classicly fun" program. My secret to being a Cubmaster was to either stick with activities that
    1 point
  11. Right. Our problem isn't getting along; it is that they are all too busy running their units to then turn around and dedicate time to district (and council) related issues.
    1 point
  12. We use charcoal chimneys. If we have a fire going, we put hot coals under the chimney. You can also tear the top of the charcoal bag off and light that under the chimney. We've also found that for dutch oven cooking, the Matchlight type charcoal with lighter fluid in it doesn't burn as hot/long as charcoal without it, so more is needed. Don't be Eddie Murphy's Uncle Gus with the lighter fluid.
    1 point
  13. I’ll restate: WB isn’t for anyone at any time. You have one advantage: you’ve read how much we don’t like when young adolescents are treated like children. You know that there’s a “Cub Scout Leader” switch, and that you have to tone it down. (FWIW, when I became a Crew Advisor, I needed to find the ASM switch and tone that down.) You were a Boy Scout, you can dig deep and remember what you got out of that program … what went well, what didn’t go so well, what you’d do differently. Knowing this puts you a step ahead of lots of adults. Being humble to your youth covers the remaini
    1 point
  14. I don't think you can have institutions taking things into their own hands when it comes to reporting YP incidents. That's how I think this whole thread got started. The discussion has been about degree -- some (me and others) feel it should not occur at all, others have argued it has a role. The topic initially came up as a result of a document used in one particular church, but it has not to my mind targeted that church. I haven't been thinking about that church when writing comments. I've been thinking about the process and how its delineated in the various states. I think you are seeing th
    1 point
  15. I have never had a job where I wasn't a mandated reporter - do such careers exist? Isn't being a mandated reporter a standard requirement of almost any job? Either way, now I'm a bit confused , mostly because much of the content of this thread is, frankly, veering off-topic. Ironic, as so much of what has been posted has been part of an effort to legitimize this discussion about the Church as being "about Scouting," though now it seems to be about YPT, or mandated reporting ... just what exactly is this discussion supposed to be about? and how much of it has strayed from that topic?
    1 point
  16. You're not wrong. https://www.scouting.org/health-and-safety/safety-moments/charcoal-safety/ It takes decades to learn how to undo a bad habit, and you just found one example as to why. That said, I started collecting some 2nd degree burns when when we were scouts and our new camp introduced charcoal fire starting with kindling, using chimneys made from #10 cans. It took a while to learn that hot-pot tongs were useful for things that weren't pots!
    1 point
  17. This is kind of amusing. I see angry people turn any group toxic, but their wealth and race don't really have much to do with it. If there's one common thread to toxicity in my district it's the council exec. But I think it's less toxicity and more good old fashioned burnout. Our council and district volunteers get along with each other.
    1 point
  18. Virginia: Three generations of Koehr family men earn 22 Eagle Scout honors https://www.fauquier.com/lifestyles/three-generations-of-koehr-family-men-earn-22-eagle-scout-honors/article_86c7e9a0-c86c-11eb-b3ef-e3180905ae18.html related topic
    1 point
  19. I'm also not comfortable with policies that say call before reporting ... in any organization. It infers creepy motives. The reality is it can quickly create a mess. The reality is false reporting does happen by the over zealous or those with other motives. BUT, I'd rather see that over-reporting than any delay in reporting. Even the hint that there is a policy of "call us first, before you do what is legally required" is just not great marketing and definitely not good teaching and it might result in someone not reporting something they should. I'd rather see the police and public
    1 point
  20. FYI, add another State to the list of those that are opening "Windows" for lawsuits to proceed: https://katv.com/news/local/arkansas-law-to-benefit-sexual-abuse-cases-against-boy-scouts-of-america This is why Councils in States where there's no legal path forward for victims at the moment should be fighting hard for a permanent injunction and not play the "it doesn't apply to me so why should I have to pay" game. In discussion for a long time, Louisiana was used as a State where the laws would NEVER change. Well, not so much and now 1,350 BSA claimants, if they are 21-55 have a litigati
    1 point
  21. When I was talking about emotional appeals I was referring to the logical fallacy known as an "appeal to emotion"; I wasn't accusing you of being overly emotional or anything. Though I'll grant you that my tone was perhaps a touch harsher than I really intended. That said, my problem with your arguments is unchanged. The issue we are discussing is whether or not it's reasonable for employers to establish a policy requiring contact with the Legal/HR departments before making a required report of abuse or neglect to a state agency. You believe it's not reasonable. But your actual argume
    1 point
  22. The following discussion explains why. This strongly implies the Scouts WANT to work/serve/help. Perhaps the place to do these is in the OA, and their efforts are not welcome in the Troop? Example of "Scout Led" vs "Adult Led"?
    1 point
  23. Crossovers individually demonstrate their skills to the Troop Guide, Instructor, or Patrol Leader. AOL are treated with the same regard as other new scouts.
    1 point
  24. I just viewed a photo of camp staff demonstrating fire starting to Cub Scouts. The staff member can be seen squirting lighter fluid into a charcoal chimney. Wouldn't this fall under the GTSS where it says use of liquid fuels for starting any type of fire is prohibited?
    0 points
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