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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/12/18 in Posts

  1. The SPL should get to pick his #2 guy. A smart SPL picks a guy who complements his strengths/weaknesses. We tried elections where the guy coming in #2 in votes was ASPL and they did not get along well. Though I have seen a SPL pick the runner up in a 'National Unity Party' kind of scheme.
    2 points
  2. Here is one one link. Here is another. Here is a third.
    2 points
  3. You were right. It was time for me to follow up. The word is that the registrar needs to process it through the system. But I now at least have a receipt for my check. (And I did send the YPT certificate, etc.) Thanks for the advice. My previous experience with BSA? None to speak of. Previous experience with scouting: GSUSA, including TOFS troops, and opportunities to interact with Girl Guides from other countries. This left me with the sense that scouting/guiding is not an activity you go and do once in a while, instead, being a scout/guide is something you are. And it is
    1 point
  4. I hear you. We all do. That is why the greatest character attribute scouts can learn from adults is humility. Barry
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. I personally do not like the ASPL -> SPL. What if he doesn’t want to be ASPL and then SPL? I mean, that’s how it usually works but still. The way my troop and every Troop around us do it is the SPL is elected first, then SPL chooses ASPL, then PLs are elected.
    1 point
  7. While our program is like yours, I've observed the most mature troop programs had the commonality of electing the ASPL every six months with their SPL serving one year terms. I proposed this system to our PLC and they said no because they liked our 6 month SPL terms and saw no reason to rock the boat. So, that was that. Our system performed well, so I had no complaint. But I agree that our SPLs needed about 5 months to become productive. They work so hard, they think they need a break at the next election. I say, they think the need the break, because they can't seem to stop being an
    1 point
  8. Actually reading older BSA literature, the SPL was elected by the PLC. Agree, folks do not have the patience to work out the kinks. They want results NOW. They do not see that it takes time and patience to get a troop going. And being innovative expends unnecessary energy and time.
    1 point
  9. "" If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy."" = Red Green =
    1 point
  10. Could be. John has a long mustache from Longest Day
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Perhaps we are all being trolled by some Russian who is trying to divide us Scouters by a controversial jacket post.
    1 point
  13. Here is an example of a scout diagnosed with Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome which to this layman appears similar to Down's syndrome and how smarter scouters delivered on the promise of Scouting. http://www.9news.com/article/news/health/persistence-pays-off-how-boy-scouts-helped-this-little-boy-overcome/73-537236536
    1 point
  14. IMO, her question appeared to be more about basic parenting than scouting but we moderators allowed it. The same question being posted on College Confidential and a Men's Clothing website is rather odd, though there is nothing wrong with posting the same question on whatever forum will allow it. Your suspicion appears warranted, but we moderators would need proof that she/he was the same person to take action regarding your concern of dishonesty or other violations of Scout Oath and Law. FYI, members usually issue a report on questionable or unscoutlike posts. Last week, I banned a pro
    1 point
  15. I wish I was a glow worm, a glow worms' never glum, 'cos how can you be gloomy when the sun shines out your bum?
    1 point
  16. Corollary: Stupid happens fast. Get smart, slow it down.
    1 point
  17. Life Is Hard; It’s Even Harder When You’re Stupid
    1 point
  18. I would ask that any "Quote" be attributed, even if it is yourself. "The true meaning of life is the planting of trees under whose shade one does not expect to sit." = Nelson Henderson = In my collating/writing/editing/publishing/emailing of our District eNews, I always lead with a pithy saying, either serious or not so, but thought provoking. Yogi Berra and Mark Twain and BP are some of my favorite sources.
    1 point
  19. The best leaders of all are the ones the people do not know exist. They turn to each other and say "We did it ourselves! " Sun Tzu
    1 point
  20. No. If it was required to be an official scouting activity, it would say something such as what camping says "at designated scouting activities or events". Same with any other MB requirement. Trust and verify. Picture. Who was with you? Let me talk to them. etc. etc. etc.
    1 point
  21. No course fees for the courses on my.scouting.com. Free.
    1 point
  22. I think rain checks my schedule too... so it can rain.
    1 point
  23. Ooh, me first... "Experience is the hardest teacher. It gives the test first, then the lesson." Ha! I really like the quote. It may not be "motivational" but it strongly fits with our family motto of "Be Kind and Persevere."
    1 point
  24. Reminds me of all the Chuck Norris jokes... Chuck Norris has a bear rug in his tent. The bear is actually alive, but it's just too scared to move..
    1 point
  25. As opposed to a legitimate question. She posted the same thing on at least four other sites recently. An odd topic for someone pot-stirring (Jacket-wearing for 8 yr olds is hardly controversial.), so perhaps she is for real. But the denial of other posts is clearly dishonest. So...
    1 point
  26. Hi all, I have an issue I'd like resolved regarding my daughter Charlotte .She goes on numerous guides camping trips mainly to get to know the other guides from other areas and, due to the fact it can get cold, especially at night when they are around the camp fire singing songs and generally interacting, I always try to ensure she is wearing her warm jacket and has it done up but she refuses point blank to wear it so I leave her to her own choice but she then complains to me whilst I'm tucking her in bed, that she is frozen.Any tips?
    0 points
  27. That is complete bull. A board can not make any changed or require additional things beyond what it states in the requirement. I suggest reading the Guide to Advancement, it is extremely enlightening. The board can however ask how he demonstrated leadership in his position but after he answers it must be moved on from and can not be held against him. The requirements are the requirements regardless of how a board or its members may feel. Again, read the Guide to Advancement, I am so glad I did because there was a lot of surprising things in it. For example, If a scout doesn't show up to the B
    -2 points
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