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Everything posted by InquisitiveScouter

  1. What "signers"? The risk is the same as for your current CO...and the charter agreement has BSA providing insurance under that agreement.
  2. Option 6. Create your own 501 c(3), "Troop XX Boosters" or some such... Become your own chartering org, sign your facilities agreement, carry on... Transparent to your Scouts.
  3. If you have time... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syP-OtdCIho In a nutshell...all people act from a sense or construct of hierarchical needs or drives in their lives. Whatever exists at the top of that hierarchy serves as your "God." It does exist, or you would not be able to function in the world. So, what is your greatest good (or what is of greatest value to you)... and what is your duty to act towards imitating that good (or realizing that value)? Worth-ship = worship (it's actually the origin of the word) This ought to be BSA's new Declaration of Religious Pr
  4. Lol...so, in your council, asking questions is "spreading rumors"?? Truth is dead, and we have killed it. (with a nod to Nietzsche)
  5. That is why I used the passive voice in the statement... That is to say, if you are following the principles you signed up to in the application (agreement) you made with the BSA, then you cannot welcome atheists, as the national organization does not. BTW, I, too, disagree with BSA's position on this. But that's not the point. When any prospective member, and family, comes to us, I make sure to review the application with them, and discuss the DRP. (Full faith in advertising.) In all my years of Scouting, I have only had one family (adamant atheists) who would not agree with
  6. They are not welcomed currently. The application for membership excerpts the DRP... "The BSA maintains that no member can grow into the best kind of citizen without recognizing an obligation to God and, therefore, recognizes the religious element in the training of the member, but is absolutely nonsectarian in its attitude toward that religious training. Its policy is that the home and the organization or group with which the member is connected shall give definite attention to religious life. Only persons willing to subscribe to this Declaration of Religious Principle and to the Byl
  7. Very normal for this...record keeping isn't your average council's strong suit.
  8. I had to laugh here when I put in my paperwork to be a Scoutmaster about 7 years ago now. The council registrar told me I had to do IOLS... Eagle Scout, 15 years camp staff, former ASM/SM for 11 years, 4 x NCS grad (Scoutcraft x 2, Aquatics instuctor, Commissioner), Woodbadge (1992l...would they grandfather me for that requirement? Nope. OK, so I took IOLS...and was deeply unimpressed. There were three instructors that were awesome...the rest, I wondered why they were there. The level of knowledge and skills was extremely lacking. I began to understand why Scouts repeatedl
  9. I think @PACAN means sash with average amount of merit badges... 21 required for Eagle @ $2.79 current = $58.59, plus sash cost of $11.99 = $70.58 [My Eagle has 39 MBs currently, so replacement cost would be $120.80} A 23% increase would make that $86.81...and you average Eagle Scout has many more than 21 MB's... I can see over $100 easy for that...
  10. My son is close...will finish this summer, I think...I guess we better start looking for a medal...will make a good collector's item if he decides to drop his pursuit of it.
  11. Your council registrar can run a database query to see how many there are in the council records. (Yes, this is possible. I could do it when I had access to the system 😜 ) My guess is the answer is near zero.
  12. Camp here in Northeast is $485 per head, plus a $50 round-trip bus ride, plus supplies fees for certain MBs
  13. Involvement of Abused Alumni Post-Bankruptcy? YES Other than persons appointed to serve on governance committees as a result of the bankruptcy settlement, do you think BSA alumni who were abused will return to serve youth in the BSA? SOME WILL, SOME WON'T If so, what do you think they should or will do as BSA volunteers? WHATEVER THEY WANT Is a sense of reconciliation or forgiveness likely or even possible? THAT DEPENDS ON THE PERSON. IMHO, NO. Will BSA volunteer parents of today’s daughters and sons and those who step forward to lead the BSA in the fut
  14. As many have pointed out, the perception, mine included, is that National (and the local council) does its "dumping" on volunteers...consistently. I have never been a part of any organization that practices "shoot the messenger" more consistently than BSA. There are also a string of failures, demonstrating a pattern of disregard for BSAs mission and purpose, and a disregard for the value that adult volunteers bring to their portfolio, which many, including me, have experienced. They are failures, because they are being PAID!!! And many of them, extremely handsomely, to provide serv
  15. Hate group? What prompted that? A hate group = An organization whose goals and activities are primarily or substantially based on a shared antipathy towards people of one or more other different races, religions, ethnicities/nationalities/national origins, genders, and/or sexual identities. The mere presence of bigoted members in a group or organization is typically not enough to qualify it as a hate group; the group itself must have some hate-based orientation/purpose. [Anti-Defamation League] We have no specific shared goals, and no activities, other than sharing experi
  16. BSA bought Scoutbook, and does not provide support for it. When they ended the Customer Help Desk for my.scouting.org, they dumped all support requirements on the local registrars, without any warning or training. Scoutbook support is now done by volunteers. It seems like it takes an act of God to to elevate an issue through a registrar to the National support desk, but that is the only way National takes input now. the volunteers of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council monitor the forums on my.scouting to help people. National does not monitor the forums there, unless it is to ID disgrunt
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