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Everything posted by InquisitiveScouter

  1. Our fees for 2022 were $72 National and $66 Council, total $138. $163 for new Scouts. Council has not yet announced 2023 fees. What have we seen from our fees locally? Nothing. Our DE (who is stretched way too thin) did not have the bandwidth to visit our IH to get our 2022 Charter Agreement. We did the legwork for him and got all signatures, then delivered it to him. Shouldn't be that way. But, hey! There is a Council Golf Tournament and a Trap Shooting Fund Raiser on the Council's books! Why do we pay fees for things/services that are not available, or we don't
  2. Congress has been sitting for a long time on legislation introduced to reform bankruptcy law. I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that lobbyists have been hard at work to have this die without a vote. https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/4777
  3. Hey, wait...isn't the purpose of a Troop to produce as many Eagle Scouts as possible in as short a time as possible?
  4. Just stick with facts you know. You are not (I think) a spokesperson for BSA, so be up front about that. Any ideas you communicate are your own and not the position of BSA or your council on the matter. If you want to have something to relay regarding BSA's position, reach out to your DE and SE for your council's talking points. Then, please be so kind as to share them here.
  5. Very poorly worded.... I would read this to say you must determine whether you can adjust sights before you begin shooting for score... If you can adjust, then do requirement l) and show that you can shoot 15 shots (five groups of three) that can be covered by a quarter. (It doesn't matter where that grouping is on the target.) Then, m) make the adjustment and then shoot 25 shots (five of five) for score (which aims for bullseye) In this scenario, Scouts must shoot a minimum of 40 rounds. If you cannot adjust, you must shoot 25 shots (five groups of five) that can be covered
  6. No, you can't. The registrars will not allow this. MBC is a "no fee" position. All unit positions are "fee" positions. Registrars can see this. (The only "no fee" unit position is Institution Head (IH) ) If you are in a "no fee" position, and register for a "fee" position, the registrar will charge you. Once you have a paid "fee" position in a primary unit, you can then multiple into other fee positions in other units at no charge.
  7. This used to be a work-around to avoid registration fees... but no longer. 1. What happens when a merit badge counselor (who didn't have to pay registration fees) wants to become an ASM as well? - They must fill out an application and pay the fees to become a registered unit leader/unit member. 2. MBC is a district/council position so how does that work if the MBC is a parent in a troop--would this MBC have to then pay fees to be dual-registered as an ASM for the troop? - Yes. Note: MBC's are not registered with your unit. They have not been approved by the COR as a un
  8. Bingo! We have a winner! Well, we can hire someone for oversight, but then, your council service fees increase. On the bright side, you may actually get some service then!
  9. They have to agree to recognize your COR (you have to have one for chartering) and sign the Charter Agreement http://www.scouting.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Annual-Charter-Agreement-Charter-Organizations-.pdf
  10. Normal. Being a bit of a worry-wart tells me you want to do a good job as SM, and that the Scouts are in good hands. You are responsible for all things health and safety related, so it is normal to have anxiety over those things. It keeps you sharp and frosty!
  11. Just finished the film with my lovely bride, and my daughter [inaugural Eagle Scout who is a rising college junior). Although wifey has heard all points from film from me before, they were never delineated, condensed, and connected by me in such a good way as the documentary does. She thinks (and so does DD) I should leave the organization. Dear Daughter said, "It makes me ashamed to be associated with Scouts." I haven't processed that yet. One question that popped into my head: Does the Congressionally sanctioned BSA "monopoly", and the revenue stream generated from that uniq
  12. We will probably experience the same amount of neglect as do we currently 😜
  13. Yeah, we have multiple Scouts with nut allergies, one with a shellfish allergy, and even one allergic to...get this...bananas, strawberries and citrus fruits! Poor kid 🙁
  14. One of our guys just finished National Camp School at Ten Mile River. He said they announced they will be selling approximately 8,000 acres (of 12,000) . No price mentioned... Will be sold to State of New York?? Anyone got words on this??
  15. Our Chief Scout ought to be someone who deeply benefitted from the program... an Eagle Scout whose course in life was changed by their experiences in Scouting...someone who realized the "American Dream" and has continued in Scouting because of their success and a desire to give back. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Dream If we tell their story like that, and make them the "face of Scouting," imagine the appeal... Demographics of the individual shouldn't matter, but the Chief Scout story would be more appealing if they were a minority, "underprivileged", immigrant, or etc. It
  16. The condition is fair. I'd give between $25 and $50. But, I have been out of the collecting game for about 10 years. You may want the owner to contact someone else for a valuation: https://boyscoutpatchtrader.com/contact-us/
  17. How terrible it will be for those who call evil good and good evil, who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness, who substitute what is bitter for what is sweet and what is sweet for what is bitter! Isa. 5:20
  18. And when these are done intentionally, we call them lies.
  19. I believe this applies only if they are registered in your unit. That is, registered leaders for your Scouts must be approved by your CO, and registered in your unit. However, National will defer to your local council on how to interpret and implement this. And, how this applies to OA is anyone's guess...
  20. Lol, got this email today: Looks like we are really pushing the country club experience... read the part on accommodations a few times... I think the messaging in this dilutes and distracts from the mission. What say you? ------------------------------------------------------- Hello InquisitiveScouter, I’m personally reaching out to you today to share some information I think you’ll find exciting. You know, just the other day I was sharing a memory of my early Scout camping adventures with a friend who likes to camp but was not a Scout. I often find
  21. Hello @BisonBison, welcome to the forum!
  22. It would be a bit of a pain, but you could just form a "youth group" with the Y, use the program without uniforms and badges, get some insurance, and have fun Scouting!
  23. @Spatulate... all Scouting is local. Just like the BSA has some policies, procedures, and actions which many disagree with, you may find the same in OSG. (They changed their name to OSG in order to "cancel" Baden Powell.)
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