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Everything posted by InquisitiveScouter

  1. Because the money kept coming in... so the volunteers were expendable. But they are slowly killing the goose that lays the golden egg, and they cannot see it.
  2. During my SM conferences, I ask each Scout, "Other than you 😛 , who is the best Scout in this Troop, and why?" And then I challenge them to emulate the successful behavior they see in others. I also ask them, with a promise of anonymity, "Which Scout challenges you the most, in either a positive or negative way?" In about 75%(?) of answers that they bring up a negative example. Usually some bullying or poor behavior that goes on when adults aren't watching. I take notes and I observe more closely to address the behavior. Often, Scouts talk about how someone goes to merit badge colleges o
  3. I said certificates... and NO PLAQUES, agreed! shoulda said gift certificates or gift cards
  4. Or knots, or certificates, or the Troop paying for their Scouting classes or outings!!!
  5. Again, Native American Heritage Preservation is not in our mission set... and never was. Another "cringy" is watching drumming, singing, and dancing... especially when there is no meaning attached, Then it becomes blind mimicry, and pretty bad at that.
  6. make and print your own basic topo maps at caltopo.com
  7. P.S. Approaching Midsommar 1987, I had the distinct pleasure of helping to construct the midsommarstång!! I went into the forest to help gather flowers and birch branches for the pole!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9bJpgyf1X4&ab_channel=GraceonTour The Swedish Scouts taught me the song, "Lasse går i ringen", and on Midsommar, we tried to break the record for dancing!! (Apparently, there was such a thing.) The sun set around 10 PM (IIRC), but I only made it till about 3:30 AM before I gave out 😛 Sunrise was about 4:00 AM!!! A new world of history, culture, food, and l
  8. AES, I experienced this while I was in Sweden as well, and looked (admiringly) at it as a deep connection to familial, community, and cultural roots. You have expressed well exactly what the issue is here... people who have no connection with something deeply meaningful (to those with a connection to the culture) are making attempts (often poor) to copy (with sometimes embarrassing results) for no reason other than some fictional ceremonial purposes. Thank you for putting a "Scandanavian" slant on the context of this discussion. It is helpful to shed light on the issue. (Min fafar
  9. 574 recognized tribes in US. What about native Hawaiians?? https://www.usa.gov/tribes What qualifies as a "largest nation"??
  10. Neither the BSA nor the OA has a purpose or mission as a Native American Heritage Society. I love what the OA is at heart, and it has nothing to do with any real Native American lore. I say ditch it, and walk away. Structure it around the colonial period and a call to service for freedom. I can think my way through that set up easily.
  11. It took me about 2 years to change the culture of the Troop. And I am retired and spend most of my time working at the unit level. It's been running OK for about 4 years after that, but it is still on shaky ground because people are lazy and apathetic... adult volunteers, Scouts, and parents. I give it about eight months after I depart to fail... unless a like-minded dedicated Scouter comes along to shepherd the process and hold feet to the fire. However, most of the principles in all this--- PLC and Patrol Method--- is the heart of Scouting, and in ALL the literature you read. Yo
  12. In our lexicon, the terms "morals" and "ethics" ought to be decoupled. Without a concept of god, there is no basis for morals. https://theconversation.com/morality-requires-a-god-whether-youre-religious-or-not-42411 There is only ethics, and ethics change according to the consensus of people... The new Scout Oath: I promise do my best to follow my conscience and do my duty to my family, community, country, world, and universe, and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and ethically straight. Th
  13. This is the route that Trail Life USA took. Scouts there can be of any/no faith. Adult leaders must be Christian. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trail_Life_USA
  14. No survey here, and I routinely get them...
  15. We use Scoutbook. The PLC decides our trips and events during the Annual Planning Conference. (We have two APC's per year, so we always have a minimum of six months of activities on the books...) An adult helps the Troop Webmaster and Troop Scribe enter the events in Scoutbook (due to Scoutbook edit permissions.) For "regular" events, our planning horizon is 90 days. Prior to the 90-day clock starting, the PLC has to designate a Youth Planner for the event. The Committee tags an Adult Planner. The Youth and Adult Planner use this checklist (a bit outdated, but still useful...) t
  16. LOL, "Chief" is an English word. And there are/were tribal chiefs (chieftains) around the world in multiple countries/lands throughout history. It is not "appropriation" to use that word. The etymology is French...
  17. Agreed! I met you at Philmont some years ago when I was there at PTC getting WFA Instructor certified. (I'm sure you thousands of people 😜 ) I have about 50% of our unit currently certified in CPR/AED, and work to get/offer training to folks in our council. Have trained over 200+. Now, getting folks to dedicate time and effort to do First Aid or Wilderness First Aid training is a challenge. I've been pushing for an AED purchase for our Troop trailer, but that's a high-dollar pilferable item, so we have not gotten consensus/committee approval to purchase yet. (About 60-70% of our
  18. @RichardB I heard this recently, and it rings true, but... comments.?? "As a group, youth are more likely to be injured on Scout outings. Adults are more likely to die." LOL
  19. How about apple-smoked pork belly? Is that a suitable substitute?
  20. I'm going to ask my doctor for a prescription for damnitall. (Dam-nit-all). He loves a good quip, but has probably heard it before 😜
  21. My health suggestions are more along the lines of hygiene and first aid... - Bring some wet wipes. For after toileting, or at night prior to bed for a "bath" using a few... clean in this order: 1. Face (face, neck, ears) , 2. Front (torso and armpits), 3. Feet, 4. Fanny (groin and rear), 5. Fingers (wipe and and sanitize) After wet wipes, do the Gold Bond (use gold container = body powder, do not use blue container = foot powder with much higher menthol content. Unless you like the ICY BURN 😛 Talc dust is bad for you to breathe in, so do this outside, not in your tent!) - Bring
  22. ??? From the Declaration of Independence: "...the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them.." "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--" "We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions,..." "And for the support of this Decl
  23. OK, sister!! A correction... BSA has nothing for Buddhists, nor any other religion. Religious emblems are offered by private organizations from various faiths. When a Scout earns one, BSA recognizes the achievement with a knot. To get an award, you must contact those non-BSA organizations: https://www.scouting.org/awards/religious-awards/chart/ Scouts may earn different awards. After receiving an Award, you may get the knot to wear (in place of the award medal) from your Scout Service center. https://www.scoutshop.org/nsearch/?q=religious+knot Scouts who
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