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Everything posted by Eagle94-A1

  1. When I not chilling out in an arm immobilzer and doing "Pain and Torture," I'm a medical librarian at a small rural hospital.
  2. Please keep posting comments and ideas please. More tools in my arsenal, the better job I can do. Stosh mentions PLs and giving them responsibility. One responsibility I want to give them is the ability to sign off T-2-1 Requirements up to their own rank. Challenge at the moment is that all of the PLs are Scout. The troop has been more focused on the "Outing" and less so on advancement. We have guys in the troop 2, 3 years, and are still Scout, even after going to summer camp and being active. Troop has gotten into "advancement mode" due to Philmont. Funny thing is with the exception of t
  3. I admit I have not looked at all the details. But from the literature it takes 14 months to get both the Webelos Badge, and AOL Badge. I'd focus on the Webelos Badge, then as soon as they finish, start working on AOL. Unless you are LDS, then I would either work on both at the same time, or skip Webelos and go directly to AOL. IMHO the powers that be didn't really think through the Webelos program full when they came up with it. I bet we see some updates in the years to come.
  4. Stosh, Sorry about the confusion. The meds I'm back on are messing up my cognative ability. Can't wait to be off them for that aspect. But it's great having NO pain whatsoever.
  5. Thankfully summer camp is taken care of. Older Scouts are going to Philmont, the rest of the Scouts are going to a summer camp they never have been to before: our council's camp. On a positive note, SPL is starting to take charge. Slowly but surely.
  6. Sometimes it's due to grades. I know I know I keep mentioning band, but at the HS I went to, the different sports were considered PE, and they got a grade. During the season, they got out of PE class, with the intention that they did homework. that doesn't happen around here, but may elsewhere. Sometimes parents put the pressure. Sometimes they are reliving their childhood. Sometimes there is a hope of getting that scholarship and goign to college. Scouting doesn't have as many scholarships as sports. Sometimes it's peer pressure. Sometimes it's boredom. if you are in a troop t
  7. My thoughts. 1) YOUR SON (emphasis) should contact the old troop and get a copy of the records, even if they turned it in to the new troop. His rank, his responsibility. 2) YOUR SON needs to bug the heck out of the SM to the point of providing COPIES (emphasis again) of his signed portion of the blue card. Squeaky wheel get the oil so to speak. 3) YOUR SON needs to contact the council office and get a copy of his records ASAP (yep emphasis). I've seen too many times where paperwork that was turned in to a council and council either had the wrong dates or didn't put it into the rec
  8. Closest i've come to giving a patrol a menu is this cook book: http://www.macscouter.com/cooking/docs/PHLMNTCB.pdf Gave every patrol one.
  9. SO TRUE! I've had multiple encounters where a council's records were incorrect because the person imputing the data was using the date they were placing the reports into the computer and not the date the award was actually earned. Also encountered where the council records were never inputted the data at all, but that is mostly on the Cub Scout side of things but still affected one Eagle I know. In all instances, the Boy Scout Hand Book advancement sign off pages, or photocopies in my case , were used to correct the council's records. Took over a month after passing my EBOR to get the c
  10. Someone mentioned band. In these parts, you miss a band fuction, you lose points on grade.
  11. Yep, I that will be the case. One thing I'm hopinng will happen is to use ''ego'' i.e. you guys have been to Philmont, and if you want to similar trips, I need. your help to get everyone else up to speed.
  12. Yep it's what we call Sunday School. Stands for Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, but sometimes known as Catechism. My middle son freaked out when I told him I did CCD only 1 year. When he asked how, told I went to parochial school and had theology classes everyday.
  13. I was told the pin for the Light of Christ award was the youth's lapel pin. Both boys wore it on the suits for First Communion. The "Parents' Pins" were originlly "Mother's Pins, and would go on a ribbon that the ladies wore. Name changed some time in the 1990s, except for the one in the Eagle Presentation Kit. That is still called a mother's pin since the there isa tie tac for dad. As for the Council Pin, if you go to jamo, you are authorized to wear it onthe hat, hence hat pins. I actually mounted my pins for dispay in my office. Unfortunately I haven't found them since the las
  14. I admit, I let son skip CCD when the troop camps, Next year, however wil be confirmation, and I'll be doing some travelling. But I too have seen it where sports comes before church. I have a problem withthat.
  15. Unfortunately nowhere. Only pins authorized for. the uniform are Sea Badge trident, Powder Horn, the Emegency Prep pin, and various knot devices. In all honesty, when I worked for national supply and had to wear pins, it was a major pain, litteraly and figuratively.
  16. Back. One concern is tring to change the culture, and the Scouts just going along with it without them thinking about it, offering ideas to improve, etc. Basicically being a bunch of automatons, and going along with it. I want them to OWN the change. Not be just adult led. Hence the 'Balance" in the title. Ok,I'll be back
  17. I know on the HS level, sports counted as a PE class, and band was a music class. It affected your grades. But a club sport? My oldest had something similar happen.His martial arts class started demanding he compete in compitions, attend workshops, etc. And that was way too much for a 7 year old.
  18. Way my old troop ran the SPL job, he ran it all. He made sure everyone did their job. He mentored and counseled PLs, made sure instructors were ready to go, etc. More organizational and planning than hands on. More later
  19. Back. My personal game plan is the following. 1) Talk to my friend who is suppose to take over. He's been with the troop since it was recreated, and has provided some vision as evidenced by us going to Philmont. But between his job, the Cub Scout pack, and upcoming nuptials, i do not think he has the time. So I want to talk and make sure I'm not stepping on anyones toes. Plus I will need his support with my evil plans 2) Talk to COR/CC about the switch. 3) If all approved, then talk to the Scouts. Try to get them to support the changes.
  20. NYLT is out for at least 2016 as the only ones olde enough to go are Philmont bound. A litte info about the troop. 3 patrols. Olders Scouts, 13-14 years, 3 First Class, 1 Second class,and 3 Scouts Patrol of 12-13 yos who have been in at least a year if not longer and are probably the best run. 1 Tenderfoot, rest Scout. NSP All Scout Scouts did the annual planning. 3 activities "pushed" by the adults. January is a lockin with either ILS-T or First Aid Review, in addition to climbing ( Scouts have said don't mess with t
  21. Well being out of work has given me a lot of time to think about my son's troop. Most of you know that the troop has had issues in leadership, specifically an SM with health issues trying to get the troop organized and going with little weekly help from other leaders because most of the ASMs are also Cub Leaders and the troop and pack meet on the same nite. So it's been intersting. SM, in trying to get things up to speed has done more adult lead than youth led. I've worked some with the Dec-May SPL and a bit with the May-Dec SPL to try and get things more youth led, and more intersting tha
  22. Doable, but he will have to work. And he will need time to do things on his own.
  23. I've been preaching the evils of NSPs ever since my troop was one of the "guinea pig" troops that used it in the 1986-1987 time frame, and it was a complete and total mess. We went back to integrating new Scouts into one of the 3 mixed aged patrols
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