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Everything posted by DuctTape

  1. Often kids will use the phrase "yelled at" for a wide range of actions. Few involve actually "yelling" or even a raised voice. Of course, sometimes real yelling does occur. Not having been witness to the OPs incident I do not know if actual yelling occurred, or the group was chastised, or... But my experience tells me to ask the kids more clarifying questions to discern what he meant by "yelled at". More often than not, there was no yelling, not even a raised voice. Usually a stern statement of expectations.
  2. That assumption is also part of the issue. Because the program has been allowed to be run incorrectly, the quality diminishes. The real value of Scouting is lost and we end up trying to compete with all the other youth activities and camps. If the BSA would focus on Quality instead of quantity then the scouts would benefit and the known quality becomes its own marketing tool. Major advertising campaigns are done for a variety of reasons, one is when something is in its fledling stages and is unknown, another is when the quality is lacking so the marketers use advertising as a way to "anchor" t
  3. That is a good one too. I modified an oft stated maxim in the backpacking community. Sleeping bags can be warm, cheap and light but you can only choose two.
  4. Thank you for the insight. So if mb factories were curtailed (to be in line with the GTA) and a Scout camp provided other trophies/ribbons/patches then the issue could be resolved?
  5. The awesome scouting adventures in the old books were NOT high adventure or grandiose trips. They were scouts as a patrol doing fun scouting things. Most were patrol hikes, or weekend camping trips.
  6. Agreed. And the BSA used to do this 100 years ago, albeit a different medium. There were scores of books and comics portraying awesome scouting adventures for the boys to read. Most were not even published by the BSA, but by others (I assume BSA had no problem with it since it was free marketing.) I have a couple of these old books from the teens and twenties. What you describe is the 21st century version. Doesn't need to be an Adult (like Grylls) it can (should??) be actual Scouts!
  7. I am not sure I understand the parent perspective of "paying good money with nothing to show for it". Here is why I am confused. Let's say parents and Scouts have 2 options: Option A is Boy Scout Summer Camp Option B is a non-scout summer camp. If Scout Camp ceases to be a merit badge factory the claim is they don't want to spend good money and not get advancement so instead they will go to a non scout camp. Why choose a non-scout camp where there is nothing to show for it?
  8. Recruitment methods can be Cheap, Easy and Effective, but you only get to pick two.
  9. A scout is trustworthy. Any council that allows (let alone promotes) one of their camps to regularly and systematically bypass the guide to advancement with willful ignoring of the merit badge guidelines should have their leadership removed.
  10. in my experience "join nights" only recruit those who were most likely interested to begin with. In other words, even without the join night, they would have joined scouting. One doesn't fish successfully by tossing a line and hoping the fish come to it, instead they toss the line where the fish are. Instead of join nights (or in addition to) go to an event where the kids and parents already are and recruit them. Summer festivals, or events run by the chartering org are two suggestions. I apologize if you already know and do these things, it wasn't apparent from your initial query, an
  11. It has been mentioned several times, however the body of research into that claim is mixed. For every study in support, there is one that refutes. The same is true for research suggesting coed is better, that research is mixed. I believe the reason for the inconclusive research is that humans differ greatly in so many ways that any attempt to find a single variable which explains the differences is futile.
  12. @@NJCubScouter We are about 5 hrs away. I know the camp has decreased the number of weeks the camp is operational recently.
  13. <p>My troop is not part of that council but we go to Sabattis because they do patrol cooking. Our council camp uses a dining hall.</p>
  14. I would use the grocery store gift card to buy snacks and drinks for my volunteers.
  15. Our camping as a webelos was with the troops we visited in the spring. we didn't join a troop until the following fall. None of this crossover in april or earlier.
  16. My point was providing quality, not about cost. Fulfilling the promise of adventure doesn't cost much. I would argue it might even cost less.
  17. Besides waiting until 3rd grade for Cubs, I would also eliminate the arrow of light exemption and have Boy Scouts start at 12 years old. I am not concerned about numbers dropping off. I have said it before, I would rather we have half the number of scouts and a quality program with the boys interested, leading, and active in real scouting adventures then the current focus on numbers and advancement. Quality vs Quantity. Unfortunately most business people seem to focus on the McDonalds strategy instead of Ruth's Chris.
  18. While I disagree with the SM request to have the scout resign his position as presented, I also disagree that this is a duty to god first issue. It seems to me, and I could be (likely am) completely wrong, that it is more of another opportuinty has come up and he would rather do that instead of the activity he said he would with scouts. I also can see dad recognizes his own influence here, and it is quite possible the boy is doing what dad wants not what he wants. All that said, the preparation, communication, and leadership demonstrated by the boy to make the transition is laudable.
  19. I am not against the idea to limit boys fun. Quite the contrary. I see it as a likely increase in adult interference when too much already exists.
  20. Not a fan. Allow me to explain. While giant structures, arches, gates etc... are "fun" I think too often these become the focus take away from the main purpose of pioneering. Rarely are the giant towers and trebuchets the product of boys ideas and work, and for the most part are not useful. IMO the main purpose and focus of pioneering is to make camp life easier by having the ability to make gadgets, and useful (small) structures so one dorsn't have to transport everything from the trailer. I use lashings on almost every trip, even if just to make a tripod to hang the pot over the fire. I ofte
  21. Each district is also responsible for certifying the mb counselors. If counselors are signing blue cards for any scout without completing the requirements as written, that is a concern to be brought to the attention of the district. In line with your "strengthening local standards" idea, a suggestion to the district could be for them to remind the mb counselors of their expectations and possibly require training. Our scouts recently returned from camp with signed blue cards for camping mb. one of our parents knew his son has not completed the 20 nights (he just joined), and now the questi
  22. I view the SM corps as a model of the patrol method in an ideal world. The SM is the patrol leader and through his leadership is an example for the other PLs. Each ASM has a specific duty just like in a patrol. Many of us lament the lack of Patrol Method; how many have the SM and ASM modeling it at meetings, outings etc... The boys will mimic lack of leadership. As Scouters it is necessary we act, organize, communicate, lead, etc... in a manner no less than what we expect of the Scouts. Not just as individuals, but with our structure and methods. I would argue this also extends to the Troop Co
  23. I understand the frustration. One thing I have noticed is that we (all?) have troop meetings, but how many have patrols which meet weekly? Few, I would guess. Probably close to zero if the Patrol meetings are not part of the troop meeting. I have been trying (unsuccessfully) to encourage Patrol meetings IN PLACE OF (capsfor emphasis) troop meetings at least 1x/month. One problem is most of us use churches, schools, firehalls, etc as meeting places and the patrols dont really have a place of their own. The "patrol corners" is an attempt at providing the infrastructure resource, but IMO fails mi
  24. Stosh, your response that "she owed me" is similar to what I say. I agree with the rest of your sentiments.
  25. Stosh, I love the visual created in your SM minute. With your permission, I would like to add your "act" to my repertoire.
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