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cchoat last won the day on October 15 2016

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62 Excellent

About cchoat

  • Rank
    District Commissioner
  • Birthday 06/01/1962

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  • Occupation
    Military Pay Supervisor
  • Interests
    Scouting and sailing
  • Biography
    US Army retiree, been in scouting since a Cub in 1971, and have had the ability to travel the world and serve in just about every volunteer position council level and below. Currently serving now as a Scoutmaster and District Commissioner in Louisiana. Silver Beaver, DAM, Doctorate in Commissioner Sciences, ULM, just some of the many awards and training skills I have picked up over the years. Three bead Wood badger, The Beagle is a cross between the fact that I am a Bear, but have served as a Troop guide for Eagles. (BEAgle)

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  1. Our council does not put on a Commissioners College, but those of us who are interested travel to outside councils that do host them. We will get together a few commissioners to split driving and hotel costs. I hold a Doctorate in Commissioner Science.
  2. Pale Horse, that's a good catch. What I mean to say is with all the controversies swirling around scouting today, and the increased potential legal issues that could arise due to the policy changes in admission of girls into the program, possible gender discrimination, YPT issues, potential for medical issues involving scouts under one's care, etc.., should scout leaders carry liability insurance?
  3. Congratulations on your choice to seal your membership in the Order. I went thru mine in 1984. Of course, many things have changed since then, but the bonds of Brotherhood are lasting.
  4. With all the discussions about the potential for lawsuits over recent policy changes made by the BSA, do you, as a Scout leader, feel that it may be necessary for either you or your Chartered organization to take out personal liability insurance to protect yourself / itself against lawsuits? Is anyone already doing this?
  5. Sadly, even if you had two deep leadership, with both adults registered leaders, all the BSA procedures followed, and both adults being highly trained emergency doctors, there would still be a potential lawsuit. That is the way of today's society.
  6. I know this is a strange thought, but while I was reading several posts about the admission of girls to the 11-17 age group, and the potential for a rush to be the first "Eagle", I had a funny thought... In today's PC focused environment, with all of the other changes the BSA has made to date, why couldn't a "girl", who gender identifies as a "boy", be permitted to join a scout troop today and begin advancement? Think about it....and expound.
  7. Fully agree, as you could be talking about my chartered organization when you speak of shoehorning in another troop meting. They would not get a good time or night. In my very large sized, very low population density rural district, (at highway speed, 65 miles an hour, it takes about an hour and a half to travel from one end to the other north/south and 45 minutes to an hour east/west) we currently have eight registered units, three of them LDS, who will be gone in 2020. All of them are small and clustered around the two major population areas. We already have to few "leaders" who step
  8. With the departure of the LDS, I see National very quickly moving to do away with the separate but equal plan. What they will do is let it roll out, fail, and announce that its ok to have co-ed units because "that's what the volunteers want. All boy/all girl patrols would work for YPT purposes, but I see them also being "optional" in the future as well. My two cents.
  9. Live long scouter, started as a Cub Scout in 1971, Arrow of Light (a new award back then), Boy Scout in 1973, going on to earn Life Scout and OA before moving to the Explorer program in 1978. Served in various different Audit positions around the world (served 21 years in the Army) from Den Leader to Cubmaster; Committee Member, Assistant Scoutmaster to Scoutmaster; Merit Badge Councilor, member-at-Large, District Roundtable Commissioner, ADC and finally District Commissioner. Wood Badge Troop Guide, T3, Doctorate in Commissioner Sciences, Silver Beaver, DAM, Distinguished Commissione
  10. "Win all you can" is dropped in the new "Wood Badge" syllabus currently being field tested.
  11. Actually, the District Award of Merit is for service at the District level, as opposed to the Unit level. So it really wouldn't be appropriate to recommend the COR unless he is active at that level. And the Scouter's training award has requirements attached to it, that the COR may not have yet completed. We have several awards in my district to recognize leaders at the unit level. The "Spark Plug" award is for those leaders that encourage and set an example of service to scouting to others
  12. As the District Commissioner for a large geographical, but sparsely populated district with only eight registered units, running a roundtable using the BSA guidelines is not feasible. There are not enough people to break out into smaller groups, so we do a combined Roundtable. Our normal roundtable starts with every unit leader present giving a short summary of what their unit did over the past month, followed by the DE putting out information about the council's activities, a short training session based on prior requests or changes in the program and then we throw the floor open to anyone
  13. As a Scoutmaster, two trained and qualified ASM's I have, but what my troop really needs is a Troop Committee. There is a lot of behind the scenes stuff that really needs to be spread out, to avoid burnout. I need people to do the back office stuff (Advancement Chair, Transportation Chair, Activity Chair, treasurer, etc.) so that we can concentrate on our jobs. A national campaign advertising not only for youth, but for adults is an excellent idea, that can only aid us in recruiting leaders. Training is a problem we can overcome. But without the adult volunteers, all the training in the world
  14. Just added a copy of "Mr. Scoutmaster" staring Clifton Webb to my collection along side "Follow Me Boys"... Next addition will be "Moonlight Kingdom" Not boy scouts, but a good movie that we showed during a staff workup weekend for a Wood Badge course I staffed.
  15. I as Scoutmaster, hold a mandatory "Welcome to scouting" meeting for all new parents when their sons cross over from Webelos, and sit one on one with parents whose sons join during the year. The purpose of this meeting is to explain how a troop is run differently than a Cub Pack, and that as Scoutmaster, I am the official "Air Traffic Control Operator" and that all "Helicopters" are grounded, no exceptions. Parents seem to understand this when presented with context, why we do things this way. I keep parents who wish to stay for the meeting separated from the scouts, and remind them that they
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