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Everything posted by T2Eagle

  1. Eh, do you know anyone who doesn't have a driver's license today because they couldn't pass the test?
  2. Flew over top of my childhood home. My sister got a great snapshot.
  3. You have to redo the delegation after each time you recharter. So my Advancement Chair was fine until we rechartered in January. Then she lost access, and I had to go back in and redesignate her as a dlegate.
  4. Our hospital system in Ohio has gone to universal masking recommendations for everyone in the building in the hospitals: visitors, non clinical workers, everyone. Wearing a mask provides some protection from larger droplets that other people are spewing, and it protects others from you since there are lots of asymptomatic folks walking around with it. Wearing a mask never harms anyone, so long as you are not using up supplies that would otherwise be used by healthcare workers
  5. If you're not buying the content, then someone is buying you.
  6. Everyone in the world is going to wish that they did everything they did three weeks earlier than they did it. NY is somewhere around 1 week away from running out of hospital beds. If you don't live somewhere that is in lock down, put yourself in lockdown now, and maybe you'll escape the nightmare worst. In Ohio, we're on lockdown, we're going to hold our first troop meeting via Zoom this Wednesday. Our goal is to have everyone in uniform, at home. This week will be about troop elections plus ideas for future meetings. Our goal is to meet every week at the same time as our regular m
  7. yeah, it's a rare year that goes by that I don't recharter a kid --- or two --- that I never see again.
  8. Mine was in the nicer part of the basement of our CO's church, meaning the part nice enough to serve food on occasion. Gerald R. Ford was President. Our EBORs today are identical to qwazse's. Well, at least they were, I suspect the next one in our district will be done via Skype.
  9. Here's an interesting question I just received. A scout who's Eagle project was scheduled for a couple weeks from now, and then turns 18 a few weeks later. Where does he stand. My best guess is that all sorts of rules are going to be waived everywhere as a result of this crisis, and this is going to be one of them. But we just won't know right away.
  10. I'm seeing ads for printer and desk I already purchased.
  11. We cancelled a campout this weekend. Schools are closed here in Ohio, including our Catholic parish school. We've received guidance from our parish CO that any meeting approaching 100 people is cancelled, which could mean our COH in a few weeks. Our regular meetings are allowed to go forward because they're smaller than that, BUT the other restriction is that we should maintain social distancing if we do hold a meeting. They defined that as keeping a distance of three feet, although I have seen some recommendations of six feet. So we're not sure yet what we're going to do about meetin
  12. We received this from our council earlier this evening. "Scouting continues, and we encourage each family to use time together for work already found in your Scouting Handbook – earn Cub Scout electives, learn now and prepare for your next Scouts BSA or Venturing rank advancement, and plan to finish or start new merit badges. We recommend Public Health merit badge and the associated belt loops – there are lots of ways to use this time to better yourself and those around you. Meetings for your unit (Pack, Troop, Crew, Post) will continue at the discretion of your unit leaders and ch
  13. Red is the old language, green is the new language. I don't see any substantive difference between the two. It looks like they just moved it around a bit. If he wants a new blue card just get a new card. if he wants him to do a new 13 week budget have him talk through with the counselor why. If they can't come to a meeting of the minds have him seek out a new counselor. It's worth noting that most scouters don't even know that rules like the Guide to Advancement exists, let alone what it says. It might be helpful for your son to include the relevant wording from that when communicat
  14. I am unclear what problem your committee perceives it has. You had a male SPL who was nominally the SPL for both your male and female troops. You now have a female SPL fulfilling that role. What question are you needing to answer now that you didn't need to answer before? My understanding of the linked troop model was that a CO would have two separate troops that might or might not operate in close parallel with each other. Under that model you would have two SPLs, or if you decide one troop is too small to need an SPL you would have one patrol size troop led by a PL. From y
  15. One more note, there is no registering with the council. Once you complete the national registration process the council then "approves" your registration and you are part of their contingent. Also, there is almost certainly a committee formed or forming to steer all the preparation for your council's contingent. If you want to have a say in how things happen, or at a minimum really understand the process, volunteer to be on the committee. One of the professional scouters in the council is assigned to the committee, call your council, find out who that is and tell them you want to vo
  16. I had trouble for about 12 hours. I never saw any notice, and thought the site was just down. But when I got back in there were lots of posts during the time I couldn't.
  17. Interesting that in 1922, just four years after the Spanish Flu epidemic, its prevention was not a part of the merit badge. Most likely because its cause and preventive measures weren't yet widely understood.
  18. I'll get to my rant in a few lines, but I think the answer to your question is first, as Latin Scot said, those cards for ranks are optional certificates not records in the way that blue cards are records. So it is much less likely that not having one of them is going to cause consternation in comparison to not having a blue card. A 17 year old Life scout getting his paperwork together for Eagle is not going to be challenged as to whether or not he was Tenderfoot or Second Class along the way, but during that same time and circumstance there does need to be some record somewhere that they ea
  19. I was making reservations today for a weekend campout at a neighboring council's camp, and I was surprised at the cost. The camp has virtually no amenities or facilities, so we're really just getting a flat spot, plus a latrine and water somewhere on the property. The cost for us as an out of council unit was $40 a night. In comparison, our council's camp charges $20 for a weekend regardless of in or out of council. I'm not complaining, but given the disparity I'm curious what other councils are charging.
  20. Our troop uses NSPs for the first six months after crossover. For the most part we want to make sure the newest scouts don't get lost in the maelstrom that is a troop using the patrol method. Things really are new and different for brand new scouts. For most of them it's the first time they're away from home without a parent, it's the first time they're responsible for tending their own gear, the first time they're more than half a school day removed from the comforts of home and hearth, and the first time the folks in charge of them are amateur youth leaders rather than seasoned parents an
  21. There are a lot of good reasons to meet someplace different. Just about all the Eagle SM conferences I held over the years were held at my house. I never held them the same night as our troop meeting because I wanted a time where we could both be relaxed and focused. Patrol meetings, or other events where a group of scouts needed to get together to work on something (prep work for a camporee or klondike derby where they're building props for instance) are almost always held at a scout's house rather than the school/church where we meet. For the more regularly scheduled meeting
  22. Don't guess about any of this. Get the top people in both organizations, council and CO, involved, and be ready to be completely candid both about facts you have, suppositions you may be making, and the difference between the two. Talk to your CO or IH, and make sure they know everything. Call the SE, only he can really make this kind of thing happen; don't stop at the registrar, a DE, or anyone less. Be completely candid, and insist on the same level of candor from him. Ask what he's going to do and when, ask him what you should do. Keep contemporaneous notes about every conve
  23. Swatara Lodge 39, Lebanon County Council had a deer as its totem.
  24. This seems like a fine project to me. I would ask about the amount of work necessary, is it enough to have shown leadership? I wouldn't assume it isn't sufficient. It's just that I, and probably most folks, am not familiar enough with it to make my own comparison to other projects. If his estimate makes the scope seem small, it would seem easy to expand it to more than just one pile. I do think an educational display to go along with it would be a very good enhancement and would strongly encourage that even if there wasn't a concern about it "passing." I did a quick search for hab
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