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Everything posted by RememberSchiff

  1. In addition to "Eagle mill" troops, there is a growing trend of savvy parents working the system to produce an Eagle son before he enters high school, so 7th and 8th grade "Eaglets" are becoming more common.
  2. Wouldn't it be nice if Scouting Heritage MB had a requirement to explain the why of wearing a neckerchief and wear one for an activity or period of time? Does the merit badge pamphlet mention the neckerchief?
  3. The New England Patriots' motivation phrase "Do your job" has been in the media and given the current world affairs, maybe a hook that leads to further explanation of our mission and program. Together we have a job to do. and yes, its a bear. My $0.01
  4. Yes, I think it is a good story to discuss with scouts.
  5. I still wear a real neckerchief, square of course. It is immensely functional as I often demonstrate on outings. Unfortunately, my troop currently has opted-out of neckerchiefs but I am trying a new approach - the necker as gear not as uniform. My fiendish plot starts with a wilderness survival campout which requires scouts to wear a neckerchief and use it during the weekend activities - water filtration, first aid, signalling. My $0.02
  6. Blw2, you may find Buffalo and Budget's AT story interesting. http://www.salisburypost.com/2017/02/26/buffalo-budgets-big-adventure-tough-year-hikers-salisbury-men-conquer-appalachian-trail/ It’s difficult to decide what was the most impressive part of Buffalo and Budget’s conquering of the Appalachian Trail in 2016. The men are older than most people who take on the 2,189.5-mile AT, which extends through 14 states from Georgia to Maine, or in the Salisbury hikers’ case, from Maine to Georgia. Schiemann (aka Buffalo) is 59 and a retired pensioner with General Electric; Kolkeb
  7. http://wwmt.com/news/local/local-boy-scouts-rescue-dog-that-fell-through-ice Recommend watching the WWMT video. Kalamazoo Troop 205 on a Polar Bear weekend at Roto-Kiwan Scout Reservation when scouts on a hike saw a dog fall through ice in Scout Pond. Scouts fetched a canoe and their Scoutmaster but there were no paddles and apparently no PFD's. What to do? What would trained Scouts do? "Scooby is Dooing just fine".
  8. My point is the BSA will not openly discuss program changes, council mergers/camp closures, releasing the pervert list, membership policy changes, financial transparency, and ... as they want to avoid confrontation. They just manage reactive decisions when faced with legal action. My $0.02
  9. Well as we know, the BSA has had a policy of "avoiding confrontation" at all levels, so choice #1 seems in our future.
  10. From wiki Scouts Canada In 1972, Scouts Canada began accepting female participants as part of its Rover Section who are ages 18-26. This was expanded in 1984 to include the Venturer Section who are ages 14-17. In 1992, co-ed Scouting was an option for all program sections (Beaver: ages: 5-7, Cub Scouts ages: 8-10 , Scouts ages: 11-14) and became policy for all sections in 1998.
  11. Amateur Radio Balloon K2BSA-11 http://www.arrl.org/news/view/amateur-radio-balloon-to-be-part-of-k2bsa-activities-at-2017-national-scout-jamboree 02/23/2017 A high-altitude Amateur Radio balloon, K2BSA-11, will be launched from the 2017 National Boy Scouts of America Jamboree in West Virginia. The balloon is expected to reach an altitude of 48,000 feet and will transmit on 144.390 MHz APRS. An onboard GPS/computer will shift APRS frequencies based on the balloon’s location around the globe. Carrying out the July 20 launch from the Summit Bechtel Reserve will be Bill Brown WB8ELK
  12. Relax, have a seat, a cup of coffee, and let your scouts figure out what sound the Coyotes make.
  13. Good point. The group discount at National parks and other government stops for BSA troops used to be substantial even free. I hear the candidate for Secretary of Interior is an Eagle Scout, hmmmm.
  14. seemless transition has made Webelos into Cub Scouts II and Boy Scouts into Cub Scouts III ...another anti-adventure concept. Remember when Cub Scouts started in third grade as Wolves, then Bears (4th), then Lions (5th) with Webelos just a few months in 5th grade. We learned the Scout Oath, Law, Salute, and square knot and it was over the bridge to the next adventure. No transition. Today Weebs even need to transition into a Boy Scout uniform beforehand. Okay I get that National would be too embarrassed to return to what worked in the past. So let's try the sports approach - tryouts
  15. You may be comparing outhouses/pits to flush toilets/septic systems; 16yr old counselors to adult; bug juice to real orange juice.
  16. My expectation is that my First Class scouts should be able to do that now, certainly those in the PLC can. Granted they increasingly have to go "outside" of Scouting to hike and camp themselves.
  17. The adventure, back in the day, started with getting away from home, Mom, and Dad! Yes our adventures were mostly thrifty, local adventures (hikes, campouts), but we scouts planned them and very often ventured without adults. 300ft? how about 3miles! And we didn't have cellphones; we sent a runner if anyone got hurt. Good lesson, don't get hurt. No earbuds, pay attention (situational awareness), lookout for your buddies. So today, what is closer to adventure from a kid's perspective : 1. closing your bedroom door, putting on headphones, and connecting to fellow (patrol) Xbox gamers
  18. I too prefer scouts get/create a job and pay their expenses. Worked for me, back in the day.
  19. Explain the financial goal/need. Allow scouts and their families flexibility - scout pays (has jobs), family pays (opt-out), and/or scout participates in troop fundraisers. Fundraising fatigue is real. Many of our unit parents want one upfront unit fee/year and pay as you go for activities and awards. Can't understand them, our unit has only six different fundraisers a year, oops forgot FOS, seven.
  20. Rather depressing. Maybe Beautiful Day - U2?
  21. You're kidding right? Our scouts made a recruiting poster with troop photos illustrating the Aims and Methods of Scouting. We found it very effective.
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