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Everything posted by local1400

  1. Gearshocker, welcome to the forum. Im new myself and its great to get ideas from all around the country. Check every day and dont be shy. Jump in and let your pontification be heard!
  2. "Can't we ALL just get along?" This past August I attended an annual conference for officers of the union I am a member of. I took advantage of as many workshops as I could. One in particular was called 'Acceptable or Not-Workplace Behavior'. The presenter said something that really hit me. "If you tell a joke at work, you better make sure everyone is laughing."
  3. Michelle, you are right about public speaking. Thats the number 1 fear of people, while death is number 2! I never earned that MB! But being a leader is very rewarding the kids usually respect you more than they do their own parents and you can make a positive impact on some kids life.
  4. Avoid chili, baked beans, and other loud, offensive foods! smily face.
  5. Trevorum, I am glad you brought this thread up today I really wanted to weigh in. I cant believe scouts today do not want to wear a uniform. Maybe EMT you should ask the boys what they want to be when they grow up. Police officer, fireman, courier, pilot, soldier, doctor, nurse, pro athlete, custodian, even sanitation engineers all wear some sort of uniform. If they all wore t-shirts, how would you tell what someones TRUSTED occupation was? Kids made fun of scouts in my day, we were called lots of names then too, but I am not emotionally scarred for it. I am sorry that those kids who tried to
  6. Im a grown man and I cant do a pull-up! I think this scout is not being served very well by the program. Most all his peers who joined with him must be F.C. or Star by now, so help him now or he may be another sad statistic.
  7. SSScout-where in ME did you camp? A lot of camps have fallen to the fate you envisioned but there still are a lot of camps left. I work in South Portland and am curios about camps both public and private. Since I work for a railroad some of the old-timers talk of summer camp trains and the thousands of city kids who spent their summers "up hee-ah in tha sticks". And to echo some others, my best days of my 36 years were spent at my council camp, 4 seasons camping and 4 as a staff member. I,ll never forget the friendships made at what for me is my special place.(This message has been edited by l
  8. Welcome Shane and thank you for volunteering. Don't be afraid to jump in on any subject you see posted. This forum has great "old timers" as well as young voices that I learn from all of them.
  9. While I don't always agree with BrianBufs', or anyone elses' posts for that matter, I think this forum is for ideas and to help each other ( I think that's in the scout oath, right?). Always remember the 12 points of the LAW. Scouts are courteous and kind, even to stupid ideas! And for you Brian, you seem to generate alot of controversy and it is very tiring. I want to come on this site and learn a fresh idea, or even an old one ( I like to recycle). I like neckerchiefs, I love them in fact. Just wear it and stop crying. You dont have to wear it all the time but you should be SETTING the examp
  10. MarkS, I dont know about your specific area, but according to the BSA website there are over a half million adult leaders for under 1 million scouts in the USA! I dont think leadership is an issue. And parents can just drop off their kids to scouts-they dont have to stay and cheer them on. I think the scandals and allegations have kept alot of parents from getting their kids signed up. I have noticed the same decline in memberships (and more than a few closings and mergers too) of Catholic churches and schools in the New England area where the same type of scandals are rampant. It is sad that
  11. Eamonn, I dunno but I think "P.A." may be the long hours and hard work and all the sacrifices you AND your family have done/made to learn how to improve your program and bring the very best to the scouts who deserve it. But I'm only speculating. Local.
  12. I know of several units sponsored by the local Volunteer Fire Dept. if the dealership doesnt work out.
  13. I dont see anything wrong with being chartered by the parents. The Troop I grew up in was chartered in 1912 by "A GROUP OF CITIZENS" You know what? They still are even though the troop merged in the 90's with the 'other' troop in town who was sponsored by the Kiwanis I believe. You know why the "group" works? NO kid feels he wont fit in because he's Methodist and the CO is the Congregational Church!!!!!I myself attend Baptist services but would not likely go to a scout troop at a Catholic church (NO OFFENSE anyone). Also some parents may not allow their kids to attend if say Dad is a Lion and
  14. Well if everyone is ready to give up on their neckerchiefs, then you can mail them to me. I run a small but growing NECKERCHIEF REFUGE and AMNESTY home. Here neckers from the USA may live without shame and jealousy. Like patches, neckers tell a story about who you are and where youve been. So if you are ready to send them to the home, P.M. me and I will send you my address. Two of the seniors here were Camp Staff at Watchung in the 50's!
  15. First of all leaving a note on the door is certainly cowardly!A SCOUT IS LOYAL. SemperParatus---you certainly have dug up the goods. It seems the council was not HONEST when it gave the reason for termination. I am glad I am Union.Unions were created because of employer behavior just like this.I think every unit in the council should stop the FOS and sustaining member monies from coming in then the PEOPLE will be heard. Sorry about your brother,but even if the council reversed its decision when the contributions dried up there would be hard feelings.
  16. Ya, Beav -lend me some toes! Who gets 8 hours of sleep anymore? I work a 10 hour shift(on occasion 12) and commute 3 hours round trip daily. But still give what little I got!
  17. "We have cookbooks and a bunch of simple recipes downloaded from the Internet all put in binders. For this upcoming trip, SPL asked the Scouts a couple of weeks ago to bring some recipes from home or to at least think about something they like and bring ideas for last night's meeting. I thought that was a great idea, but none of the guys followed through on it." It sounds to me that these scouts failed to do their assignment and therefore should eat what is served. Another point to consider is the eating habits in the home. Johnny may come from an organic food only while Billys family eats fa
  18. Having a spotter in your boat for waterskiing is a law in my state and just may well be a USCoast Guard regulation, dut I will defer to the Sea Scouts on that. Eamonn?
  19. Eagle06- Im very impressed! Here you have earned your Eagle and are a JASM. Im guessing you are 15-17 and still trying to make improvements when most boys in your position would be thinking of the next gig. I always found the Patrol leaders handbook very helpful (the 80's version) for good organization ideas. Of course, getting anyone to follow those ideals is another matter. Good luck and I expect to hear more from you as you sound like youve got ambition and desire well above your peers!
  20. Will this be out on DVD by Christmas?
  21. When I ask the Missus a question and her response is just "Fine" , then I know its not and look out!
  22. Eamonn, dont be upset with yourself. I probably misunderstood your point. I love this forum, all the ideas, banter, sharing etc... Its nice to hear everyone else's problems and successes too! BTW, I work with a man named Floyston. local.
  23. I dont have any children and I still volunteer even though our troop has 35 Scouts and 14 Scout Leaders. Growing up my troop had 4 SM's in 8 years and only 1 was a parent of a scout-aged child. Like me, all had been scouts and loved the program so wanted to give back. Think of the decades of knowledge handed out over and over!
  24. SR540Beaver, wheres those brass knuckles when you need em???
  25. Save the Beekeeping. We should all hafta learn to make honey!
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