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Eaglescout06's Achievements

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  1. I see thats what i thought that makes sense. Thank you for the reply!
  2. For the youth and and the adult leaders in the venturing program? Ive been having trouble trying to find this information. I believe the youth is 14-20 but what about the adult leaders?
  3. Thanks for all the suggestions. As I can always use more ideas about how to bring my patrols together. On number 1. Thanks for all your help about the phone tree and giving me alternative uses. The problem is the SPL doesnt check his email or can get on the phone enough. (Hes a homework pusher I also think maybe I should teach the younger scouts about email and how useful it is and possibly set them up with emails which are no problem! On number 2. The problem with the patrol leaders is in our troop that job is taken not seriously. Like I remember one time a scout told a younger kid that I think it was PL or APL did not count for stars leadership requirement. I was like "what? Yes it dose". Those werent my exact words but something along those lines. Our troop is more as a whole than individual patrols but I have to admit everyone is having fun and we rarely have problems but I would like to add more patrol value to the troop. On number 3. Thos are great ideas you have given me I should also remind them of the eagle dinner. Has anyone else done the eagle dinner? I know my father (whos also and Eagle Scout) has done it and loved it! Thanks for the suggestions feel free to reply back to what ive replied with. Beavah I think our troop is DEFINTLY not in the advancement method there big into high adventure sometimes and i think that could hold up rank sometimes.
  4. Ive spent probably about 1 month now trying to organize patrols as a JASM and im having trouble because our troop is not big on patrol oriented which most of them want to be but there not sure how to get out of a bad habit. Mostly cause our troop got small for awhile but is now bigger with a lot of new scouts. Here is a list of things I need help on. 1. I need some pointers on how to get a call tree effective to the point where everyone shows up wearing the right thing and doesnt go to the scout hut while we are at the YMCA pool. 2. I need help making the patrols more like a team. The new kid patrol is like a team, meaning everything is run like a patrol there because they havent found other things that interested them yet. 3. How can I make them understand scouting is VERY important? Is there any examples? I always bring out the military bonus but id like to know more. Otherwise the troop is doing real well and always gets a good report on campouts and is always asked to come back to certain events some I do have them to be thankful for! I really do like my troop a lot as it is. I would also like to improve things though too. Thank you for your time.
  5. Why doesnt he become a committee member? Its no more or less work but its a very big deal as those are the people who decide your rank advancements. Im pretty sure he can still go. I mean parents go all the time and there not leaders.
  6. "To which our SPL Eagle scout replied that he didn't have to be here and he could be like the other older scouts that don't come to meetings anymore (like we should be glad he is still here) and he didn't appreciate being told he was playing favorites (not his exact words but to that effect.)" Yeah he shouldent really say that at all. Thats not scout like behavior. "Just so you can be clear that I am not just a parent complaining about a close call during a uniform inspection, or should I say popularity contest. Only two scouts present had scout uniform pants on, (all three choosen wore jeans or kahki pants, mine had the new scout pants on.) Only one scout had on a scout hat, guess which one, yep mine. The only thing my scout did not have on was a neckercheif slide (due mainly to the fact that this is the first meeting he was allowed to wear the troop neckercheif, since he just earned it at last weeks court of honor, but it was tied neatly in a slipknot until we can get him a slide) and his merit badge sash (which it was my understanding should not be worn at regular meetings just special occasions, like court of honor.)" The troop inspection is supposed to have everything on! For instance like what your scout would wear at a board of review or at a court of honor. If they were wearing any pants but the scout pants then there wrong and would not have passed the inspection or board of review. Like now im starting to do troop inspections as a JASM and i dont give out prizes or any of that stuff. I remind them that what if this was your board of review this could have cost you a rank. To get a rank you have to be in full scout uniform. The hat is up the troop. Sorry for spelling as i am short on time and my MS word seems to have skipped over some stuff i did the best i can editing. Thank you
  7. National area council and the mattaponi district.
  8. Hi I found this forum a long time ago when I was trying to get a "right" answer on the requirements for the William T. Hornaday Award medal I believe? I found this place on the search engine. I thought id tell a little bout myself. Im currently and JASM (junior assistant scout master) in a troop in Virginia. I also recently received the Eagle Scout rank more or exactly about 3 months ago. I hope to come to this for forum to learn and talk about scouting as it is one of my favorite programs. P.S Im sorry for the double post in this forum i just had to ask that question first. Thank you!
  9. Ah ok good! Thank you for the reply!
  10. Hi there! Im new to the forum and I dont see any rules topic anywhere? Im curious dose this forum allows actually boy scouts to join meaning actually scouts in scouting. Thank you very much.
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