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fred johnson

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Everything posted by fred johnson

  1. This triggered a bad memory of a troop that used to do patrol lines after camp. The SM taught the SPL that to drill "patrol lines" to drop some trash on the ground after the patrol line had passed. It did drill the details of patrol lines, but it was one of several issues that broke my trust for leaving my son with their troop.
  2. It would be interesting to see how that resolves itself. It is hard to see how an organization that has a statement of faith is not a faith based organization. It's hard to see an organization that has 70+ percent of the units under faith based organizations not having a faith component. Of the civic charter orgs, it's a mix. Many are "a group" of generic people that could be using scouting partially because of the faith component. The largest real civic organization is the American Legion which in it's own preamble recognizes the influence of "Almighty God" and declares allegiance t
  3. Ya know ... nothing in the original post points to a bad troop. ---- With any organization, some nights are good and some are bad. Unless things are critically bad, it takes more than a few meetings to get a feeling for it. ---- Troops often change personality as the SPL changes. Usually the SPLs who I think will do great are not the best and those that I worry about shine. Go figure. ---- if you don't have a show stopper issue with the troop, then work it out and help them be a better troop. Your CO supported you in your cub scouting year. Show support for your CO and
  4. Agreed. Your next immediate contact should be the district advancement coordinator. If that does not work, contact the council advancement coordinator. Don't wait. it's your son. I'm sure he's worth it.
  5. Not written down? We'd count it. Approval can be pre or post as long as it's service to others. I fully agree. It's about teaching scouts to do a good turn. I worry the bank book approach to advancement may teach the wrong thing at times.
  6. Thank you Sentinel947... I was frustrated and got suckered in. My apologies.
  7. Brian ... Get a grip. You have been beating up BSA because it's a faith based organization for twenty years. You've called many people bigots, bullies, hypocrites, hitler and etc. It's easy to find entries from you since 1995 and earlier. Merlyn LeRoy 2002-12-27 ... "You'll have to point out the "good" in a youth program that has as a central tenet that only theists can be "the best kinds of citizens" (and it's particularly egregious when the government unlawfully charters such discriminatory units) Merlyn LeRoy ... 2005-08-31 ... "Sure - don't you think it was unethical of the BS
  8. Merlyn ... You're the Stalin of the web era. You accuse others of treachery when you can't live side by side with those who disagree with you. Instead, you want to kill and destroy. You accuse others of hatred and bigotry when that's exactly what you're doing. Tolerance is a two sided street and you throw accusations cheap and quick because I think differently than you. BSA should remove barriers to homosexuals. Fine. That's a good idea because even though the large majority of faiths do not support it, there is not a 100% consensus. Let each charter org decide. But my chart
  9. This is just another version of hate and it's the same ugly destructive hate that Merlyn LeRoy shows all the time in these forums. He's not a scouter and only is here to be a thorn in the side of others who disagree. I agree. Allow gay members to join. Then we don't discriminate. That is what most churches do too. Sure you can be a member but realize that we believe that the way you lead your life is wrong. It's not hypocritical. It's just being open to letting anyone be a member. Again it only becomes an issue when the purpose of one organization is used to advocate for another
  10. Service hours are not "awarded". I really hate that thinking. Scouter leaders are not sitting on high with benevolence to those surfs in their troop. We view it as service hours are "recognized". Have you helped others? And as hard is this candle light vigil is, it is EXACTLY the intent of the service hour requirement. People were in need. They helped. It was the right thing to do. Of course it fulfills the requirement. Anything less is sending the wrong message. Service hours always help people in need. Homeless. Hungry. Sometimes the people are just harder to recognize s
  11. BSA GTA addresses this. And it is re-iterated in BSA advancement news. http://www.scouting.org/filestore/advancement_news/512-075_AugSept.pdf BSA does not require pre-approved service projects. It is helpful but it is not a requirement. Also, BSA does not require planning service projects and BSA explicitly states it does not require planning service projects. So, our troop interprets "approved" as pre or post. As long as the scoutmaster is good with it being a service to others that meets the intent. I think that is what the requirement means.
  12. Okay. I just read what "MyBoy" wrote on Sunday 9:02pm. ... "He said in a meeting a few weeks ago to all the scouts 'no camp out, no rank advancement'. I'm pretty sure that's his beef." Yeah, that's an SM trying to solve a perceived problem using authority he does NOT have. You want scouts to camp. Make it interesting. Make it new and exciting. Make it well organized. Scoutmasters can NOT use their advancement as a tool to manipulate. Please note that there are zero camping requirements for Star, Life and Eagle. Potentially, you can complete all camping related activity BEFORE ea
  13. We only have a short story from the original poster but ... ... There is nothing to test. ... There is no reason to delay if the scout has completed the requirements. ... There is no reason to ask for a list of everything the scout has done in the last two years. Testing? I assume you were tying to find a position to justify what the SM is doing.
  14. I really like what packsaddle wrote. I really fear the Webelos 2 den leaders who want to use B&G as the crowning event focused solely on the Webelos 2.
  15. Wish you the best ... I've been in your situation and I know many many others currently in it. Your stuck because you are a registered leader for that CO, but you can't "fully" support the CO. You are grateful to the CO, but you have to passively subvert their efforts by being the contact point for other units. In fact, when I read your notes which are honest and well written, I cringe. I cringe because I see walls blocking communication being put up and I see hard feelings that will inevitably develop. It happens all the time in scouting. The fault is not on you or the troop or your
  16. Generally VigilEagle is right. The risk is extremely low. Odds are the IRS won't pursue it because the groups are too small. But that makes it an all the more interesting. It's a classic moral dilemma. An ethics challenge. Do you do follow the rules even though no one is looking? If you don't agree with the rules, do you work to change the rules while being compliant or do you just ignore and break the rules? Do you approach the decision with odds are no one will get hurt or that we do the right thing? Is it okay because we don't like the IRS rules. heck, no one likes the IRS to begin w
  17. Yeah, lots of units have ISAs. I have not heard of a scout unit fined. But other groups have been affected. here's the one that I originally learned from. The booster clubs agreed to pay the fine because the IRS threatened to go after the parents for not reporting earned income. So instead, the 501c agreed that they screwed up and thus paid the fine. One of the fines was $60,000, larger than the annual budget of the booster club. http://www.kentucky.com/2008/12/16/628251/audits-trouble-bryan-station-high.html Our troop sells so little it's really not a big issue. Our pack
  18. Eagle92 ... you are exactly right. A UC takes a very special combination of tact, courtesy and charisma. You hit it on the head. I just don't think there are enough extra scouters with those skills to go around. And if they do exist, they are grabbed to staff council, district or unit positions. I would greatly appreciate a grandfatherly figure offering sage advice. I just don't think scouting can staff such ranks given the level of needs everywhere else. The UC model needs major fixes. If for no other reason, I've been involved in five units over 14 years now. (two packs, three t
  19. Unit commissioners. You've hit on another broken BSA model. Every district I've talked with has problems with their UC ranks. A functional district UC staff is like a yeti. Scouters say it exists but no one has ever seen it themselves.
  20. Eagle92 is in a no win situation. He's right. As a leader from the pack, he is a representative of the CO and has responsibility to represent them well. He also has responsibility to support their efforts. But he's also a parent and as such can put his kid into any unit he wants. I'd assert he can't promote another CO's unit as he's already registered and promised to support his CO. But, that's me. COs support the units. So, unit leaders should support the CO. Anything less is two faced. The problem is Eagle92 can't as Scouter99 (not picking on you) "send them" anywhere. There is no
  21. Rent-a-scout ... Interesting idea. I like it. I'd want to keep the troop out of handling the money, but otherwise a very good idea. My only fear is the scout who does plenty of work, but keeps the cash for other things. Still like the idea though.
  22. "somewhere in 8 figures of salary, someone can think to call a tax lawyer ..." ... I think BSA did that and thus the no scout account statements.
  23. Why ... that's easy. Because that's how BSA has set it up. When? ... that's presuming it should Should? ... that's the really interesting question. IMHO, BSA is a great program but has a lot of dated, broken parts. It's almost like BSA should say we are taking two paths. Those who want to continue as is, can continue with the 2013 rules, policies, procedures and structure. But then at the same time redesign the major parts. Adopt the one unit concept. Co-ed. Advancement that overlaps less with school classroom materials. BSA gets stuck in the past way too much. The BSA program
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