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Everything posted by Eagle732

  1. I always advise my scouts that elections are scheduled every 6 months but they can decide to change leadership any time they feel that the current leadership is not working for them. In fact when I see that the leadership (SPL or PLs) is not working I encourage the patrol to make a change. Just knowing that a change can be made if performance slips keeps the leadership on it's toes. Kinda like in the real world, if you don't perform you get the boot;)
  2. Agree, too much on one page. Kinda like trying to put ten pounds of..., well you know the rest. I would suggest they offer two versions, one bilingual and one just in english. Choose which one you want to use.
  3. "We had a man and a woman attend Wood Badge. After the course, they each got divorced and then married each other." Must have been the Woodbadge for the 21st Century
  4. Oh for heaven's sake why don't we just use the SpiralScout Oath and be done with it? I'll save you by not pasting it! http://www.spiralscouts.org/node/35
  5. No problem with ATVs at camp. The problem I have is Council using flashing promotion adds, emails, asking leaders to spread the word the there will be an ATV program at camp this year and then........ NOTHING!
  6. My council camp advertised ATVs for this past years campers but they were never there. The program was suppose to be a one day class on safety, maintenance, practice on a closed course and then a trail ride.
  7. They already know what we think, they can read it here. Or they could ask it here. I don't know if any of the National folks read this forum but I'm on Scouts-L and there are a few National guys who comment there.
  8. Does your troop specify who should call a merit badge counselor? Is it OK for a parent to call or do you request the scout make the call?
  9. Who are the moderators? On another forum I belong to the moderators names are in red so they are easily identified. The reason I asked "We have moderators?" is because I have not noticed any moderation. That's a good thing.
  10. It's like the thread never happened therefore nothing has changed. Policy remains the same.
  11. "...his letter offered hope" Hope and Change, where have I heard that before:) I do not depend on anything council or district does for my daily program. Better to depend on yourself. I guess we need council to keep advancement records, and our district does Eagle board of reviews and some required training for new leaders. Other than that I have no need for them. I use to be a big district supporter, no more. Just my 2 cents
  12. I think a patrol of 6 or 7 is a good size. We have been keeping patrols near the 10 registered with 7 or so in attendance at any one meeting. Just seems like they have so much to do that the average boy misses meetings on a regular basis. When we get a new batch of boys in we let the new boys choose their patrol. When a patrol gets to 10 that patrol is closed and they have to choose another. Most patrols end up with 8 or 9 boys and rarely does a patrol get filled. Merging a patrol would go the same way. have the members of the closed patrol choose their new patrol. I've never had to
  13. Well I think the OP has a point, even if he's a newbie. I don't blame him for lurking considering the way some people have been treated here. As an example I remember one time a scout mom on her first post asked about where certain patches were suppose to go on her son's uniform. A few here gave her a pretty hard time including telling her in a very impolite manner to just go look it up herself! She pretty much told everyone off and never posted again as far as I know. I know for the last year or so I've reread what I am about to post deleting some statements due to my concerns ove
  14. Your guy makes a hundred grand more than my guy. What's up with that?
  15. A fellow firefighter, he can take the heat for sure. And I'm sure you're use to some lively political discussions around the kitchen table at the station!
  16. But at least you're respectful when you do it:) We don't have to agree but at least we should agree to be respectful. If you want to avoid the heat stay away from the political forum.
  17. Tim, Don't hold your breath. I've made several requests for more respect among members but mostly they go ignored.
  18. NJCubScouter, I hope you're not insinuating that I intentionally was making an unfair comparison. I, in fact was sharing their vow and promise for entertainment purposes only and made no comparisons whatsoever.. Since you requested it - "maybe you should post the oaths (or whatever they call them) for those age groups so we can get a true comparison with the comparable aspects of Boy Scouting. ". - here it is. I'll spare reposting the RainDrop Vow or FireFly Promise THAT THE 18 YEAR OLDS ALSO PLEDGE TO. You can scroll up a few posts and reread if you choose. I still like it, it's
  19. I think Chuck Norris is great. The fact that he supports BSA makes me like him even more. I'm nominating Chuck Norris for spokesperson for BSA!! (assuming Mike Rowe won't take it) Go Chuck!!!! And if Chuck's not available I nominate Ted Nugent!(This message has been edited by Eagle732)
  20. I wonder if their Pagan Kids Activity Book holds up better than the BSA handbook? http://www.spiralscouts.org/activitybook
  21. I can't go to Philmont if I'm too fat. That's discrimination!
  22. OR Supply could get enough of the defective books returned to make it worth their while to produce a quality item. I'm sending at least a dozen back. I have handbooks from the 20's and 30's that are in better shape than a 6 month old book of today!
  23. I like there Oath and Promise, takes me back to the 60s. From the SpiralScouts website: "The RainDrop Vow: I make this vow to remind me now to be kind & good like a RainDrop should. The FireFly Promise: I promise to serve the Wise Ones, To Honor and respect Mother Earth, To be helpful and understanding toward all people, And always keep love in my heart."
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