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Everything posted by Eagle732

  1. Troop24, The Eagle names only thing was a joke. We've had the discussion before about troops that put all their Eagle's names on the side of their trailer. And about how troops using lightweight backpacking gear don't need big trailers to haul all their gear. We travel both ways, heavy with multiple trailers (we own 4) and light with just a pick-up to haul all the backpacks. It all depends on you program, either way it's all good if the boys are getting out.
  2. It's not a problem with the zippers, it's a problem with the scouts. Bet the broken zippers are bottom zippers, not the side one. Scouts like to just unzip the side and push their way through the door putting too much stress on the bottom one. Or they get the flap that covers the bottom zipper stuck in it and force it. My local guy that I buy tents from replaces zippers for $40 each. These Eureka Timberline 4s are $200 now.
  3. Last night I attended our council's Philmont Advisor's meeting for 2013, the first of several to come. It was all about physical fitness with lots of warnings about meeting the weight requirements. They told us without a doubt that if you are over the weight limit you will not go on the trail, you'll be heading home. Don't know if they were just blowing smoke or not. I'm gonna loose a few just to make sure.
  4. Tampa, you know only Eagles get their name on the troop trailer Twocubdad, maybe it's a small trailer just for hauling backpacks because no one in the troop has a pick-up
  5. When you're done painting it tag in in Maine and save enough money to buy a couple of those big BSA emblems for the sides. Seriously, it's worth putting your troop number and town on the sides. A neighboring troop's plain white trailer full of equipment was stolen. When they notified police and gave them the description of the trailer the PD said it was highly unlikely they would ever find the trailer without something more identifying than "white trailer, 6' x 12' ".
  6. I have served in one of the top staff positions at our districts cub scout day camp for 9 years now. Although I don't handle finances I do attend the staff meetings where it is discussed. Here's what I know about our CSDC finances. Council handles all the money. Registration fees go directly to council. CSDC is issued a debit card for approved purchases District owned and maintains the equipment used year after year (BB guns, bows etc.) Council wants 30% off the top of all moneys collected Our CSDC is a major fundraiser, gross income over $70,000 District events such as
  7. "Important to note that although the SM was proud of the accomplishments, he was not the counselor for all 65 MBs." No but the SM has overall responsibility for the quality of advancement in his unit. If merit badges are being given away (not earned) then the SM needs to stop it. Maybe he can't take away the 65 MBs already earned but he can look into other camps that offer meaningful MB instruction.
  8. I just assumed and you know what happens when you assume;) Our winter camp at the council camp costs $8 per person, no food, patch and camp fee included. Don't know where your $15 goes, patches are about $1.50 each. Maybe it goes in the FOS (Fund Our Salaries) pot? For a lot of scout families every dollar counts. I don't know if councils are sensitive to the that. We try to keep costs down by going to a lot of state and national parks.
  9. Basement, I don't know about every where else but here the Council charges for use of it's facility. District, Unit or individual scout, all get charged for using the council's camp. Not sure what the OP is asking. Are you asking how many CS and BS activities a District holds or how many District activities a unit attends?
  10. Actually what I pointed out is what B-P said. I think it's whatever works for the unit. Unfortunately I have seen large troops overwhelm other units and run them out of business. And don't tell me about a good program is what makes a troop. One of the major influences in making these big troops is that all the boys go where everybody else is going. The kids nor the parents know good program from bad and think Webelos 3 is normal. I know a SM a few towns over who is absolutely the best SM I've ever met. He is a retired park ranger and knows everything about scout craft, animal, plant
  11. One Hour, I'll defer to Baden-Powell who said that he felt a troop of 16 was about what he thought he could effectively handle but that most Scoutmasters would be twice as capable as him. He felt that 32 was an effective number for a troop. Here's an interesting take on the subject: http://www.boyscouttrail.com/blog/559.asp My unit has 4 patrols of 9 or 10 boys each. We are at capacity today, we were about ready to fold 5 years ago.
  12. I could do it in 5 months easy. I wouldn't encourage it for my Scouts. Our goal is 1st Class by the second summer camp. BSA use to have tenure requirements for rank, 2 months for Tenderfoot, 3 months for 2nd Class, and 3 months for 1st Class.
  13. Your ticket is personal, you can make it as hard or easy as you want. You get out of it what you put in to it.
  14. Reminds me of an old saying "If you can't dazzle 'em with you're brilliance then baffle 'em with your BS"
  15. "I did look up one fellow in the NESA book, he wasn't listed, but I am not sure if that proves anything." I think you have to pay or buy the book to be in it. I kept getting emails and letters from Council trying to solicit a donation to be in the latest edition of the Eagle book. I didn't pay. Wonder if I'm in it? Of course I could be full of BS and not really be an Eagle This is the internet you can pretend to be anything you want!
  16. When the heck do you have time for merit badges during meetings? By the time my guys plan the next camping trip, do menus, plan patrol activities, have patrol meetings, check and clean gear, dry and repack tents, do inter-patrol competitions, and work on Scout Skills there's no time for merit badge classes. We do offer First Aid once a year because we have qualified instructors (EMTs) but we do that an hour before the meeting.
  17. What I hear is not so much bragging about how many Eagles a troop has but how BIG the troop is. Those troops with 80 to 150 boys love to brag about how big they are. I wonder how many Scoutmaster Conferences the SM hands off to ASMs? Does he really know how each boy is doing? How can he even remember ever boys name? 80 boys is about twice what I would want in a troop. I just don't think I can effectively run a program with that many.
  18. Those Eagles that stay in until 18 become ASMs in my troop. I have one now who is a Political Science major, he's our counselor for the Citizenship merit badges. He works with our boys during holidays and the summer when he comes home. The boys get far more out of working with him then earning these at summer camp. Even though I only see him a few weeks out of the year he is an extremely valuable part of my team.
  19. I would expect your wallet to be about $350 lighter The Woodbadge for the 21st Century was all about leadership skills. Is it worth it? Only you can say after you're done. And years from now if you're still involved in Scouting and you think it will be of value you can take it again. It's up to you. It should be very entertaining for you to watch all the old farts playing Boy Scout! I bet you can teach them a thing or two!
  20. OGE I'm not mad at you. I never thought that your opinion was that you hated anyone. I've read enough of you posts to know you're a good guy. I think 99% of the people who post here are good, dedicated scouters, we all just have a difference of opinion. Of course some of us are right and some of you are wrong ; )
  21. Not one family has mentioned this at all to me even though our newspaper (Baltimore Sun) just ran an article on the front page Sunday edition on an Eagle turning in his medal. I've been recruiting boys into the program for over 10 years and I've never had a parent say to me that they would join except for BSA's policy on gays. Nor have I ever had on quit over this issue either. It's not an issue for me and it's not an issue for them.
  22. Sentinel, consider yourself lucky. I can introduce you to one if you'd like. It''s a fascinating story that continues today.(This message has been edited by Eagle732)
  23. Oh we can still have X number of service hours required, but some here don't like prescribed service hours either. Can't please everyone but since I'm just making these requirements up I can make them into whatever pleases me
  24. I expect them to make proper choices in life and be good citizens.
  25. fred, the discussion has gone on for 10 years but now the ground rules have changed and units can set their own expectations. That's a big change over National's previous definition which essentially was if you paid you're active.(This message has been edited by Eagle732)
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