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  1. Past hour
  2. Not required, although some may like to (my son doesn't like the feel of the scout shirt on his torso, so wears an undershirt or a performance "activity uniform" shirt underneath). I wear a performance shirt underneath if camping in cooler weather, etc Reference top button, as the ASM in charge of Trail to First Class said, "You're not in church, so undo that button!" 😄
  3. Less willingness, or less ability/time to do so? My wife and I are already having talks about how far down the Scouter rabbit hole do we go. I'm an ACM for the pack with our youngest (just got his Wolf), and an ASM for the Troop where out eldest just crossed over. My wife is the Wolf (now Bear) DL and Pack Treasurer. (Our CM is also an ASM, and our pack CC is also an ASM - the joys of kids split by age, and the CC, CM, and our sons are all in the same Den, so that could be "fun" for the pack in 3 years...). I did the NRA RSO training last weekend as my wife works with one of the Coun
  4. Today
  5. See? This is what happens when you don't ask your Highway Commissioner if she ever was a Cub Scout....
  6. Last time National improved the program, Bill Hillcourt had to come out of retirement to lead it.
  7. I’ve been preaching for a more simple cub program for many years because it pulls down the membership for all the other programs. But, I fear it’s the troop program that will be changed, which doesn’t need change. National has rarely shown to make changes to better the program toward a better program. Barry
  8. 2 reasons. 1. Guys will always hide their feelings, emotions, and turmoil. Especially when when trying to make an impression on similarly aged females. But even as adults the societal norm is that men need to be the tough, unemotional and independent, despite that folks say otherwise. Sadly I know folks who have major physical and emotional traume, and when they go to their wives or significant others, they have been told to deal with it themselves, or worse divorced because the health issue caused roles to be reversed. Their support is all men's groups, and even then some of this doesn't
  9. That's what this looks like to me. Obviously being young can be rocky and the adult world needs to offer compassionate and skillful support, but I am curious about why this just wasn't a thing when I was that age myself and now it is.
  10. Most of the best Troops and Packs in my area have older scouters involved. One major issue is that there appears to be less willingness to volunteer the massive amount of hours scouting requires from the upcoming generation of parents. One Troo I talked with mentioned that in the past there was some competition over who would be Scoutmaster and now parents want a program but don't want to volunteer. This may be a N of 3-4 and may not be widespread, but I get the sense that BSA sees a problem. Simplifying programs could be beneficial but could also lead to some really bad outcomes. I
  11. Once BSA moved to admit girls, it should have changed the name to reflect its dual membership. Once BSA decided to accept girls' membership dollars, and charge girls the same fees that it charges to boys, it had a duty to make sure the general program experiences and opportunities were similar. That's what a well managed, functional organization would do. If it didn't want girls, and it didn't want their membership numbers and their membership dollars, then it would have made sense to retain the old name and the old perspectives and live with that. But that's not what the organization did, and
  12. Western Society has focused on girls and women for the past 40+ years. Even the current studies that say girls need all girl environments at times, neglects the fact that boys need it as well. It's on my to read list, after I finish my current series, but A SELF MADE MAN, written by a women who impersonated a man for 18 months, discusses how society is so focused on women, that the mental, physical, and social needs of men are completely neglected. The author's conclusion: "I really like being a woman. ... I like it more now because I think it's more of a privilege." Part of
  13. And here again we see reality in the U.S. Somehow, not sure we can pinpoint the change, our cultural viewpoints relating to interactions of youth at "those critical years" got skewed to paranoia, rather than growth and learning to deal. Maybe like the concept of the glass half full or half empty? Something less than positive happens somewhere and it is hyped by media and people with skewed reasoning and becomes an issue where it really is not the norm, nor usually a problem. Then the fear mongers grab it and make it worse. Then somebody does a "study", one preordained in most cases, and
  14. I have been told that Scouting has been my surrogate family, with the adults in my life being surrogate fathers, the Scouts in my youth as surrogate brothers, and depending upon what age as an adult I was, me serving in a older brother or father role. I have served in various roles for over 30 years, and until recently also had a passion for Scouting. Read some of my posts over the past 5 years so see issues. I have rebuilt so much over the years, and the current state of Scouting is deeply depressing: declining membership, inability to get council support, ad nauseum. My troop is dying
  15. Definitions vary, but generally a sapling is defined as within a diameter (less than 4-5 inches) at a certain height (4.5ft) aka the diameter breast height (dbh) and not by the height of tree. Saplings can be quite tall (over 10ft) depending on species, sun exposure, and soil condition. Height of Tallest Saplings in 10 year old Appalachia Hardwood Clearcuts https://www.fs.usda.gov/ne/newtown_square/publications/research_papers/pdfs/scanned/OCR/ne_rp381.pdf
  16. TBH when Scouting America announced that they would allow girls to join, but hastened to add gender -separated still to preserve the benefits of that, my immediate thought was "what benefits?" They never even explained what they were meant to be, and until encountering this anxiety about girls in Scouting America I had never heard of all these problems with doing things together with the opposite gender at any and all ages, not just in scouting but anywhere. Well, I take that back - I have heard about it from refugees. But from my Swedish POV their complaints sound like optional problems
  17. I wish it was that simple. Prioritizing my obligations was simple on Monday. 1. Work related that I couldn't blow off or my boss would find out? 2. Scouts. 3. Everything else. Kids had a sports game the same day as a Cub Scout event? No brainer, we'll be camping. I have a hard time being loyal back when an organization is disloyal. I'm just Scottish and German enough to take it personally and say "Screw it" even if I really want to be there.
  18. FINALLY ! Our time with Pinewood Derby shows results : : :
  19. @Armymutt, I empathize, brother... And I want to encourage you. As a veteran, I know you grok what servant leadership is and means... and I know it is frustrating to see, hear, and have others around you who do not. (and to have to live through the consequences of their questionable decisions.) The ideals and values we espouse are best transmitted (and maybe ONLY transmitted) through your example and presence. Without the likes of you, we are lost. Thanks for putting on the uniform... both of them 🦾 Continue to stand in the gap.
  20. I've been thinking about it for a couple of days. I've come to the conclusion that the BSA was pretty much my home. It may sound silly, but I can remember the first day I walked into the BSA office in my current council. I had never set foot in that place before, but I felt like I had just walked into my home once again. I did a little reading on rebranding this morning and found out that it's not unusual for brands to lose 20% of their loyal customers following rebranding. I was extremely passionate about the BSA and worked hard to revive a unit, expand the program, and be involved as mu
  21. I was thinking that, but Scouting America is no less of a trademark threat.
  22. Just a guess.... GSUSA may well be ok with seeing us rebrand as Scouting America but would consider it a bridge too far if all we do is drop the word girl from their name.
  23. Scout shops were given a limited number of the newest uniform shirt that has a QR code sticker put on the receipt asking for feedback before committing to a full roll out. It makes sense to me that if we are going to incorporate the name change on uniforms going forward that it will cost nothing more to have the new version branded accordingly. (by the way, I have one of those new shirts; better fit and much more comfortable than the last revision) I would also expect that they will do as they have with every other revision to uniforms or literature and continue to sell current stock bef
  24. My take is that it needs a tagline: (Except for Canada, Mexico, Central and South America) No clue why we can’t be Scouts USA.
  25. Ben Shapiro’s take …
  26. One of our most popular weekend events is an annual wilderness survival weekend. This despite the fact that most of our scouts have already earned the MB.
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    • Not required, although some may like to (my son doesn't like the feel of the scout shirt on his torso, so wears an undershirt or a performance "activity uniform" shirt underneath). I wear a performance shirt underneath if camping in cooler weather, etc Reference top button, as the ASM in charge of Trail to First Class said, "You're not in church, so undo that button!" 😄
    • Less willingness, or less ability/time to do so? My wife and I are already having talks about how far down the Scouter rabbit hole do we go. I'm an ACM for the pack with our youngest (just got his Wolf), and an ASM for the Troop where out eldest just crossed over. My wife is the Wolf (now Bear) DL and Pack Treasurer. (Our CM is also an ASM, and our pack CC is also an ASM - the joys of kids split by age, and the CC, CM, and our sons are all in the same Den, so that could be "fun" for the pack in 3 years...). I did the NRA RSO training last weekend as my wife works with one of the Council rifle/shotgun instructors, and he mentioned that they are always short of RSOs, so I might be called in there on Saturdays or evenings. We have a Camporee this Saturday (pack is taking 41 in total - cubs, scouts, and adults - woohoo!),  then I'm off with the eldest to a 2-night camp the following weekend. Yet to plan is the probably wilderness survival camp with the Troop for June, and we have summer camp in mid-July - one parent going with a Scout can put more pressure on the parent staying home with the other kid(s), especially during summer break and the parent is still working. Add in that both kids also have other extra-curriculars that we need to get them too, and time gets to be squeezed.
    • See? This is what happens when you don't ask your Highway Commissioner if she ever was a Cub Scout....
    • Last time National improved the program, Bill Hillcourt had to come out of retirement to lead it.
    • I’ve been preaching for a more simple cub program for many years because it pulls down the membership for all the other programs. But, I fear it’s the troop program that will be changed, which doesn’t need change. National has rarely shown to make changes to better the program toward a better program. Barry
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