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About rallybug

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    Junior Member

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  • Occupation
    Computer Software Tester
  • Interests
    Air-cooled VWs, reading, Scouting
  • Biography
    Originally from the UK, moved to Utah a while ago, cub and scout in the UK from late 70s to very early 80s

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  1. Our eldest does Code Ninjas (learning to write code in C#, Python, Java for things like Minecraft mods) - that costs $220 a month. Our youngest (just transitioned to a Bear) does karate three times a week, I think that was $3k for 2 years.
  2. Very council-dependent, and age of scout etc. In comparison, for my scout who just crossed over: $86 registration (no dues), summer camp is $100 this year (troop covering the remainder through fundraising), other monthly local 1- or-2-night camps are $10 per night, his uniform was bought for Webelos with much room to grow into, so that will be a while. As a family, we've bought, for him, a tent, hike shoes, hike boots, wet weather gear, going to need a better sleeping pad than my 20-year old Therm-a-Rest 😄and we'll gradually upgrade stuff as we need to (for him and me..)
  3. And that an extended full-size passenger van (Chevy Express, Ford E-Series) must be a 2005 or newer currently - although as both of those didn't have head restraints for the passengers, to my mind they don't make great transport vehicles anyway (Chevy and Ford didn't/don't care about passengers and whiplash...). The newer (well, maximum 10 years old now..) Transit, on the other hand, does have head restraints for every seat.
  4. I would say that, here in the US today, a "man embracing the traditional 'provider' role" leads to many fathers who aren't present in their child's life - so many people have to work really long hours, whether that is actually working or with a 2-hour commute each way, that they barely see their kids, and they can't rock the boat because their health insurance is tied to keeping that job, or the mortgage/rent they have to pay is so high they can't move to a job with a better work/life balance ...
  5. Not required, although some may like to (my son doesn't like the feel of the scout shirt on his torso, so wears an undershirt or a performance "activity uniform" shirt underneath). I wear a performance shirt underneath if camping in cooler weather, etc Reference top button, as the ASM in charge of Trail to First Class said, "You're not in church, so undo that button!" 😄
  6. Less willingness, or less ability/time to do so? My wife and I are already having talks about how far down the Scouter rabbit hole do we go. I'm an ACM for the pack with our youngest (just got his Wolf), and an ASM for the Troop where out eldest just crossed over. My wife is the Wolf (now Bear) DL and Pack Treasurer. (Our CM is also an ASM, and our pack CC is also an ASM - the joys of kids split by age, and the CC, CM, and our sons are all in the same Den, so that could be "fun" for the pack in 3 years...). I did the NRA RSO training last weekend as my wife works with one of the Coun
  7. From what we were told at (boys) Troop committee meeting last night, it will be girl patrols within a combined troop - our troop decided not to join the pilot program at this time as a) the feeder pack is about 4 years away from crossing over any girls, and b) there is a girls troop and boys troop under the same number already at the next (contiguous) city to ours, so it would make sense for them to have the opportunity to try it, especially as they have just lost their meeting place.
  8. Not charging $230 a year might go a long way to improving their demographics...
  9. We’ve just gone through our Cub Scout closet and found this old pony bead container with a list of what colors are for what. I’m guessing mid to late 80s as Tiger Cubs are mentioned, but as it is a typed sheet (rather than printed), I’m guessing not into the 90s - any ideas?
  10. This part I hate - the DE's job shouldn't be number of units, it should be number of Scouts! A few well-run units is much better for the youth than a multitude of badly-run/tiny/dying units. It's better to keep the Scouts than lose everything, surely!
  11. Costs beyond uniform purchasing cost are very council- and unit-dependent. Crossroads of the West fees for adult leaders starting May 1st 2024 will be $71 ($65 + $6 for council - the Pack and Troop that I am involved in pay those fees for adults) and $91 for youth (Explorers will be $56). Neither the Pack or Troop charge unit dues - Pack and Troop both provide an activity shirt, Troop provides the unit number patch at crossover or registration, $15 for a Troop necker. Summer camp for our Troop will be $100 per Scout - the rest of the cost is covered by the Troop. Pack is covering day
  12. Fine and dandy seeing the blog post about it, but then not following up with any more information a month later is annoying, but I suppose par for the course...
  13. I mean, that comment about "liberals" (that has now been deleted...) shows some discourtesy right there.
  14. I'm guessing that things will change as current youth members age into Scouters if they stay involved in Scouting, but probably nowhere near as quickly as other people may want. Every time a scout goes to a World Jamboree, they see plenty of people their age in co-ed contingents, and will have for years, with how long UK, Australia, New Zealand, etc have been co-ed in all scouting levels. At some point, I would guess, Scouts BSA will change AoL from single gender dens to co-ed, in preparation for Troops going co-ed with them as they cross over the next year. "Can't have girls going i
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