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walk in the woods

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Everything posted by walk in the woods

  1. For my son's project he put in a date range, as in, we'll be fundraising between these dates at times and locations to be determined.
  2. Another reason to have some guidelines is I'd rather not be the unit that ends up on the NBC5Chicago News while the unit is trying to figure it out... http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/elgin-gay-boy-scout-steven-palewski-213239131.html. FWIW, this type of situation is why I believe some charters are walking away.
  3. If I turn your question around, why do we need firm rules on male/female tenting and facilities in Venturing? Why not let the individual units sort it out for themselves? We have a prohibition against sexual activity of any sort so why the additional rules?
  4. So I saw this on Wikipedia, the definitive source of all knowledge: During the years, Baden-Powell himself edited the text numerous times, notably in 1911 adding: A SCOUT IS CLEAN IN THOUGHT, WORD AND DEED. Decent Scouts look down upon silly youths who talk dirt, and they do not let themselves give way to temptation, either to talk it or to do anything dirty. A Scout is pure, and clean-minded, and manly. Maybe the problem is we have attempted to synthesize the Law to one-word answers and simply have failed to fully appreciate the meaning. That said, I noticed this on the UK s
  5. Why climb a mountain? Because it's there. Same mentality, somewhat less lofty goals. Universities and non-profits are often very soft targets. Was it malicious as in "changed the content" of the site or malicious as in just crashed the site? The latter may have been a random autonomous worm that happened to find a hole in the site's defenses. Some of these folks think they are performing a public service. How better to point out flaws than to crash sites and force folks to take more advanced security measures. The softer targets also make for really nice targets for folks putting t
  6. You all make me laugh. "I have Mormon friends..." Now, where have I heard that before........
  7. Other than the circular references about being clean in your speech and actions..., what's nebulous? Do you have an alternative to suggest? But for me, I'd say no, I think the concept of clean is clear .
  8. Why do I hear a Doors song ringing in my ears.....
  9. The document posted in the other thread specifically addresses the issue in this point in the FAQ: Will local units be able to deny membership to youth based on same-sex attraction? No youth may be denied membership in the Boy Scouts of America on the basis of same-sex attraction alone. I suppose you could argue that means a CO can restrict membership to only members of it's organization (church or Elks or Moose or otherwise), but it's law suit bait from my perspective.
  10. KDD, for many folks it is guilt by association. We all belong to the BSA and therefore, by definition, either support or silently tolerate the policies thereof. For many folks that simply not a tenable situation. And the choice of revolution like Moose suggests simply isn't worth the effort. When put into a position to choose between their values and a volunteer organization, the decision to leave is simple. During the debate we were often told about liberal families who refused to put their kids in scouting because of the old policy. There were some on this board who threatened to take
  11. Moose, A lot of folks call that standing on principle. Stay and fight for yours, that is your right. But do not deny folks who disagree the right to follow theirs. Regardless, the debate is over and nobody here has answered my question. Why do any of us care about what TLUSA is doing? They made their decision and left, which is what they said they would do. Why are scouters in the BSA taking pot shots at them and their organization?
  12. Yeah, sorry moose, not buying it. The reason the liberal wing of the BSA isn't happy is they weren't able to force their opinion of morality onto another group (sound familiar). And now, rather than move on and start building their new organization inside the BSA, there's a bunch of you sitting on this forum taking pot shots at TLUSA. Most of you are just flabbergasted that anybody would disagree and move on. The folks at TLUSA did exactly what they said they would do, they moved on. Time for the liberal wing of the BSA to do the same. BTW, TLUSA has created a new organization in 4 months
  13. I find it humorous that the folks that were pushing the conservatives out of the organization and now spending their time wringing their hands about the membership requirements of their new organization. You won folks! Congrats! Now, what are you doing for the new BSA? You all are like 60s radicals who spent their time fighting "the man" only to find out that they have become "the man" and don't know what to do anymore. Time to lead folks. Build a new beautiful diverse BSA and draw folks and money back into the fold. That's the promise, right?
  14. See, you Mr. Brew are a rabble rouser and trouble maker of the first degree. Always with your common sense and have fun ideas. Well, it's all fun and games until somebody gets an eye put out! When we want to go race go-carts or play laser tag we do it with the church youth group.....
  15. I agree that those metrics will be important. I'm not sure the 2014 numbers will matter so much as the trend over the next 3 years. If the BSA stays in the headlines due to law suits and such I suspect the trend line will be negative. I also suspect the trend line may be negative for anything that looks or smells like scouts. KDD asked the 'does size matter' question earlier. I think it doesn't particularly for AHG or TLUSA. AHG been at it for 15 years, 18,000 youth is the last number I saw. I'm more interested to see what the two organizations do together. I'm assuming the TLUSA 18-
  16. I purchased a couple things specifically for Jambo. I purchased the GoalZero Guide10Plus solar kit. It worked well, except for in the rain and all. I've used it on a couple of outings since and have been getting good results with it. It also charged my Galaxy S4 directly and my little mophie brick, although the brick got really hot sitting in the sun. Not sure I'd buy another one. I charge a battery pack before a weekend outing to keep my phone topped off if needed. I'd have to evaluate the weight/need on a longer trip. Not a scout item and probably in the category of TMI, I purcha
  17. I suppose the real question is why does anybody here care? The vote was taken, the folks at OMH followed through on their promise to leave and start a new organization. People look to be going with them. More than a few voices on this board said in effect, "don't let the door hit you on the way out" and "we're better off without them." Done and done. We'll see where the chips fall.
  18. Well, at the risk of reigniting the entire debate, the BSA policy says: "no youth may be denied membership in the Boy Scouts of America on the basis of sexual orientation or preference alone" And the Wikipedia page defines sexual orientation to include: 'According to the American Psychological Association, sexual orientation "also refers to a person's sense of identity based on those attractions, related behaviors, and membership in a community of others who share those attractions' So, if the APA definition of sexual orientation includes a "person's sense of identity" and the BS
  19. Thanks. Now I'm going to regret reading this thread all day. At least until I get that song out of my head.
  20. "A really quiet kid..." "Really sweet but really awkward..." "Always been a quirky kid..." "Related more with adults than with his peer..." "Giant Sweetheart" "Kindest kids I ever met..." Welcome to the greatest fear of the parents of autistic/Asperger's Syndrom boys. So, so, sad.
  21. We had the same experience in the BWCA last year with that bag filter. We skipped the supplied pre-filter for a coffee filter on each bagful but that was only moderately better.
  22. Sometime back there was a thread about a single charter for a "Unit" that contained all the program levels (much like the AHG model or at least similar to my understanding of the UK scouting group model). I think there's a lot to like about that model. Some challenges for the committee to manage but a lot to like.
  23. Just a checklist . FWIW, ET1 Simmons, Reactor Div USS Carl Vinson, 81 - 87.
  24. If you're interested in the basis of the email, https://scoutnet.scouting.org/mml/i/myscouting/GL/Jamboree/Black_Flies_at_Garden_Ground_Mountain.pdf. Apparently some mommies were concerned their precious little juniors got bit by some black flies.
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