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Everything posted by Crew21_Adv

  1. Fellow Scouters, As the District Trainer. I teach my fellow Scouters, that nothing goes on during Pack Meetings or campfires that was not rehearsed or reviewed by the emcee, Cubmaster, or SPL. Absolutely nothing. Even run ons that appear to be random, are scripted. I've seen a few run ons that get the crowd pumped up at the end of a campfire or ceremony. I've seen extremely foul language used during a skit that was not reviewed (the skit ended within seconds). I've seen slow quite songs, being changed without any approval and they crowd gets pumped up again. So even for ru
  2. Scoutmomrn, Greetings! IMHO. Concern is good, if its moderate. If I can make an analogy, and relate it to the recent hurricanes on the Gulf Coast. If a resident leaves their home too earlier, it can (and will probably) be looted and they return with home still there but everything of value stolen and gone. If they stay, nothing will be looted or stolen, but they have a unknown risk of losing everything. Their home may be completely demolished or it may withstand the weather and come out of the hurricane as though it were a light afternoon rain. Is it worth the risk? The r
  3. Fellow Scouters, Greetings! Well my wife is a real trooper. We we met, we both had teenagers. As we dated, we told each other our backgrounds, likes and dislikes, etc, etc, etc. To include what social clubs and what professional memberships we maintain. As we began to date more frequently, after three or four weekends of camping or other events with the Scouts. She asked what she needed to do, to spend more time with me. I handed her an Adult BSA Application. Of all the luck, our anniversary is has usually been during the Summer, which has been a busy Scouting month
  4. WarrenW, Greetings and Congratulations fellow Wood Badger! I usually just wear the thong and beads. You will find this is more common for every day Scouting. But for ceremonies I wear the beads, neckerchief and woggle. I prefer wearing my BSA beads with my British neckerchief. The BSA beads are just slightly larger than the British version, and similarly the British neckerchief is slightly larger than the BSA beads. If a Scouter has a larger neck, or is barrel-chested then the BSA Wood Badge neckerchief may look like a Tiger cub neckerchief around the neck . Not too bad, b
  5. Fellow Scouters, National has been moving to more standardized training for a while. But you can probably figure, that they wanted to be sure that online distance learning would take hold and be a preferred method. (which it has been catching on). National has been standardizing training since Fast Start began on VHS in the early 80's. Ages and Stages go back to 91, then 97 before the NLE VHS version was released. Also, similar to what anderle stated. Training has to be available. Although its an advanced course, Powderhorn; the only time I was able to register for a week l
  6. jet526 and Fellow Scouters, Greetings! I see two possibly three different topics here. First topic. The Candidate was not ready. Was he a bad youth? It doesn't sound so. Was he Eagle quality? Maybe not yet. But maybe a month from now, his performance may be improved. That is up to the EBOR to determine. Definitely, he should not have been compared against other candidates, it should not appear to be an election vote. He should be compared against the National requirements and district expectations though, did he complete all requirements. Yes. Though mayb
  7. CNYScouter and Fellow Scouters, Greetings again! Good points! I can empathize to a limit. I agree new training is important, staying current is important, but do we label previously trained Scouters as Un-trained? Can some of these items be conducted by distance coaching or one on one, vice classroom attendance. Some Scouters (or returning Scouters) have alot of available time on their hands. Others are busy every weekend, if it is not work, then there is Scouting, youth sports, church, etc, etc, etc. I've done both, full work shifts on weekends. And other yea
  8. Fellow Scouters, Greetings! This topic has come and gone over the years. (I'm slightly afraid that someone might quote one of my previous post, so I hope I don't contradict myself today) To CNYScouter. No. I have not heard about units not being able to recharter, and loosing units due to this current rumor. If you view the Centennial Quality Unit or the previous Quality Unit, there is an amount of basic training that Scouting request for all immediate contact Scouters. I have never heard anything from national sources about being retrained, except for curriculum
  9. Fellow Scouters, Just to chime in. Some Districts sell, (or sometimes its earned like a Scouters Merit Badge), a district neckerchief, a district bolo tie, or a district name tag. Or a Red Jacket (or what ever jacket you use) District Patch. Like click23 has stated with the insignia guide, the insignia guide has made allowances for ladies to place certain patches in above the pocket vice on the pocket. Mainly because boys, men and ladies all come in different shapes, sizes and etc. Similar questions have been asked in this and other forums (and it remains mostly a he
  10. Fellow Scouters, I try not to use the term simplify. I don't agree that is what we and BSA have done. I have had associates in Scouting and also my profession that desired nothing less than 100 percent perfection. (which I believe is impossible). Nothing less was acceptable to them. They believed that any achievement must be a struggle. Nothing less than blood, sweat and tears to obtain perfection. If these associates were at the council and national level, the first and last Eagle Scout would have probably been back in 1910. Myself, I always believed an achievement sho
  11. CNYScouter, Good question. Per the Venturing/Ranger Handbook. Venturers may be Den Chiefs. Also, per the Den Chief Handbook. Den Chiefs may earn and wear the Award. But per the Insignia Guide on scouting.org, it states Boy Scouts (without stating Venturers). I would vote for yes. He should be able to wear it, till 21. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  12. DeanRX and Fellow Scouters, I do not have my entire library with me, but the skill award requirements were almost all placed into the rank requirements. Most all of the skill requirements remain intact in the program. But the skill awards "belt loops" were removed. BSA programs (and advancement) have changed over the past nearly 100 years of Scouting. Intially there were no Star and Life Ranks. Eagle was awarded after the First Class rank, and requirements have changed slightly (not dramatically) over the years. Again, I do not have the professional studies. But leading int
  13. Fellow Scouters, Maybe not as a Troop's "class B" t-shirt. Although I've heard much, much more offensive things around the campfire and even here in our forum. But isn't that the great thing about Citizenship in the Nation. That we as Americans have the right to wear a T-shirt like this (and other similar T-shirts that you see on college campuses, high schools, malls, on the beach, downtown, and out in the country). I'm not going to run out and purchase one of these T-shirts, but about 18 years ago, I owned a "I'll fly 10,000 miles to smoke a camel" T-shirt. I don't think a
  14. Scudder, Greetings! As an Advisor and Assistant Scoutmaster allow me to give you my opinion. I have not seen detailed regulations, beyond the G2SS. I have not made the trip; but the Florida Seabase, BSA (as well as other privately contracted similar programs) allow Co-Ed Venturers to sleep within the same berthing area, along with appropriate adult and staff membership. The question should not be if Boy Scouts and (Co-Ed) Venturers be able to take a multi-day trek together. If that was the quesion, I would expect the question would be yes. I do not believe there are r
  15. Jet, Greetings! Dues are really to sustain the finances of a unit program. With dues and fundraising, we have paid for all advancements and positions of responsibility, we have purchase and resupplied Troop equipment and consumables, and we have rechartered the Troop. So our annual budget is planned out, the troop has sustained a regular 5.00 monthly for dues, fund raised 2-3 times a year, and been beneficiary of ocassional grants. The Troop I serve ask 5.00 a month for dues. The Crew I serve also ask 5.00 a month. The Crew suspended dues for one calendar year after a s
  16. Fellow Scouters, Greetings! I have heard about the Young Marines (as well as other national pseudo military programs, auxiliaries, and cadets for both youth and adults). They do have some positive similarities, and also some vast differences with the BSA. I do find it humorous that Pappy felt that he had to write a final memorandum to the Scouter Forum. We're not his Commissioner, Chartering Organizations, or specifically the parents. I'd prefer to read that Pappy is starting a Young Marines unit; rather than not rechartering a Cub Pack and Scout Troop in order to have t
  17. fishbelly and Fellow Scouters, I too have scratched my head at a few Eagle Scout candidates. Usually it was for the Scout just showing up to the project and EBOR, while the troops took care of everything else. On rare occasion I've known few troops to tell the Council Advancement Committee Chair, that they already conducted a project and held an EBOR and didn't know that there were required signatures (or forms). Not that these were bad youth, just that they merely showed up. While their troops did a disservice to them. So, fishbelly, I can empathize, sometimes with more (
  18. Fellow Scouters, Greetings! I've heard about the upcoming EDGE course replacing the TDC as well, and expect it to be an expanded version of the NYLT topic. EDGE has been a part of the new NYLT topics since 2003. The Staff constantly use the EDGE techniques, then a one hour Leading EDGE/Teaching EDGE topic and approximately two hour application on Day Three of NYLT. Teaching the Patrol Leader to teach and lead using GPSs before the Adventure Hike. It is a great concept. I don't see EDGE being stretched to eight hours. But possibly, taking certain TDC topics (Communica
  19. Annie, I, Concur with epalmer84. The new CS training curriculum has not yet been given to National Supply yet. I believe original curriculum and DVD issues were distributed in July, with the DVD revision distributed in August. I received both in August. Eventually, it should be handed over to National Supply. But for now, check with your DE or SE for the second distribution of the revised DVD. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  20. Annie, Greetings! Sounds like a joke that Scouters were pulling on each other. Or Urban Legends just beginning. Here is what I've been told. (So like everything else, take it with a grain of salt.) While my DE and SE, are pretty darn good, they don't know exactly everything, but they are pretty sharp with BSA programs and emerging programs. They have stated, that National briefly considered a Cub Scout Kindergarden aged program, similar to the GSUSA beginning the Daisies so many years ago. I've been told that national had consultant firms and paid researchers, but determ
  21. AntelopeDud, Greetings! Your Council Contingent Troop should be an actual Troop, from now, thru the Jamboree, until the transportation returns them back to your council. Like all other troops, we held elections, after the endorsement of the Scoutmaster. My contingent asked for resume's and positions they desired to run for. (All were fine resume's, they all were endorsed.) The resumes read more like school transcripts. Ranks, Camps, High Adventures, positions held in their units, and youth training attended. All resumes were distributed simultaneously to the troop, a week
  22. Fellow Scouters, I had to respond when I saw Mr Boyce's comments. Well, I've seen Pfadfinder in Lederhosen, and BSA Scouts not in hula skirts, but in Samoan lava-lavas. I do have a few friends and fellow Scouters which frequently wear Utilikilts. I'm glad its not part of the official BSA uniform. But heck, fellow Scouters wear jeans, unit T-shirts, and etc. So why not a kilt once in a while. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
  23. Scouter1960, Greetings! I skimmed over this thread quickly, but you've gotten excellent responses from everyone. Specifically, jblake47 commenting on a behavior award, and Scoutnut commenting on moving the pace along with multiple activities. My own attention span is maybe 30 seconds before I become distracted. So I can empathize with some of the Cubs, Boy Scouts, and Venturers. If I can echo some of the previous comments. I've seen other Cubmasters (though they were friends) and their Pack meetings would run longer than an hour. Cubs and siblings were uncontrollable.
  24. 353Beaver, Greetings! You've revived an old topic. But I concur with your thoughts. I think that the request for Wood Badgers to take off their beads and re-attend the new course is only to enhance numbers and attendance. The primary target audience is the new leader (Cubs, Scouts, or Venturing) that has just began Scouting with their son. But if recruiting falls low, the next audience are those Scouters which may already be committed to Scouting, the pre-WB21C Wood Badger. I honestly believe there are extremely few renegade Scoutmasters that prefer to do things their
  25. Pack212Scouter and fellow Scouters, Sounds more like an excuse for not being prepared for any flag retirements that day. Surely, the Cub-O-Ree director couldn't believe in a totally new urban myth like this. If a person is unprepared, unfortunately it is much easier to lie and have a scapegoat excuse. Scouting Forever and Venture On! Crew21 Adv
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