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Everything posted by InquisitiveScouter

  1. No, Barry, it is the volunteers at the unit level who are "teaching" it. I find few examples in the professional corps who are teaching it. And I look for them. When I do find them, I praise them profusely and support them. Publicly and privately. Can't speak for @yknot of course. The last three DE's I had significant contact with, who walked the talk, have left BSA employ. Two of the three because of the internal rottenness they could no longer stomach. It's been a long while since I have interacted with an upstanding SE. Totally agree this is my subjective opinion, and o
  2. There really is no concrete thing as an "organization." That is an "agreed-upon fiction." People constitute organizations, and without people, there is no organization. When I refer to the BSA, I refer to the people running it, leading it, and making and/or carrying out the decisions. And, as is this case, people often hide (retain anonymity) behind the shield of an organization. Also, there is a difference between mistakes and immoral actions. A mistake is something generally done without intent, or out of ignorance. I am very forgiving of mistakes. Even then, I defer to Lincoln,
  3. Doesn't that say volumes about the way this organization conducts itself?
  4. Yes, I have observed the trend of SEs finding people who have drunk the kool-aid and recruiting them to their boards. (BTW, why would the SE have any influence over who is on the executive board?) Typical boards are NOT representative of the people in the community who make up the volunteer corps. I find their interests and agendas are not aligned with the ideals of Scouting, as their actions routinely demonstrate.
  5. Gents, you are operating under a misguided assumption... "The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law." Vision "The Boy Scouts of America will prepare every eligible youth in America to become a responsible, participating citizen and leader who is guided by the Scout Oath and Law." Nowhere in the mission or vision statement does it say the professional corps, or national or council boards will subscribe to the values and ideals of Scouting.
  6. No ruffled feathers here, brother. I am heartened by your righteous indignation and want you to stay and keep giving us that perspective.
  7. It does, but still leaves tremendous scars and sensitivity. One minute at a time, brother...one minute at a time... Don't know you, but my heart goes out to you. Not much solace, I know, but sometimes just knowing you are not alone helps.
  8. I'd really like to see any empirical data that shows the 18-20 y.o. is more of a danger to Scouts. Without that, I believe the policy should say just one adult over 25 years (yes, 25 years old) to run an outing, with another adult over 18.
  9. Frustrating. When we cannot get basic administrative tasks dealing with membership right, our confidence in the integrity of all other processes erodes. Best of luck as you wade through the mess. Have you spoken directly with your registrar?
  10. Concur...I encourage them to shoot for the National Outdoor Awards. https://www.scouting.org/programs/scouts-bsa/advancement-and-awards/noa/ Eagle Scout has become too academic...all training, little to no experience.
  11. Yeah, this is a judgement call...there is no definitive answer. Put it back on the Scout...ask him if he really considers this to have met the spirit of "mountain biking" rather that some legalistic definition (e.g., "I rode a mountain bike, so it must be "mountain biking") IMO, paved is definitely out for "mountain biking", and there are some well-groomed crushed stone trails in our area (rails-to-trails), that I would also not count as mountain biking. We do have a long, somewhat flat dirt trail with lots of mud, and a few ups and downs fortified with gravel to prevent erosion, an
  12. Awesome! I did not know you could do this! Thanks! In my.scouting (if you are Key 3 or a delegate) under the Roster, select the individual, then select Print, and from the pull down menu select Unit Advancement Details Report. This will generate a report which looks like a complete record. Here's a sample of mine....dates removed to protect identity 😜 Adult Award Veteran Award - 20 Years Adult Award DoD-USM Outstanding Volunteer Svc. Training Awards C51: Den Leader Training Awar
  13. @NJScout1980, welcome! Thanks for your input, and I wish you the best in your endeavors. Agree with all you have said except one sentiment... baby and bathwater... The baby is Scouting. The bathwater is the BSA. We could throw out the bathwater and keep the baby. I do not advocate fully this yet, but do not see progress on the "reorganization" front...so await the final outcome of Chapter 11. I see no problem with Chapter 7. We can find our way without the BSA
  14. If you wish to have this "on your record", then you will need to go thru the paperwork process. Did you know you each adult has an official awards record as well? If you are on good terms with your registrar, you should ask for your own record. Please be mindful of your registrar's time; I do not recommend you ask for this frivolously.
  15. I believe the only way for that to occur would be to remove the money. Just about everything I have seen that is "wrong" with the organization stems from the consolidation, the pursuit, or the protection of money. Was BP on to something when he essentially asked for that? To my Brother Scouters and Guides:Cecil Rhodes said at the end of his life (and I, in my turn, feel the truth of it), "So much to do and so little time to do it." No one can hope to see the consummation, as well as the start, of a big venture within the short span of one life-time.I have had an extraordinary ex
  16. Sorry...terminology...should be orthotics versus orthopedics...lol
  17. Your footwear is critically important. Do you currently need arch supports, or have a wide foot? I do, and use New Balance trail running shoes, as they accommodate my orthopedics. Next...crawl, walk, hike, backpack...I'm sure you are past the crawling. Do you walk a lot? If not, start there. Even on a treadmill, if necessary. Can you walk five miles at a good pace (you have to define this for yourself) with no problems? If yes, you are ready to do longer days hike. Carry Scout Essentials only, hit a local urban trail, and shoot for 10 miles. Recuperate, evaluate your footwea
  18. Yeah, but with rocks, you don't really know the temperature, unless you warmed them in boiling water. If warmed by a fire, they could more easily cause burns because their temps could exceed 212F.
  19. Yeah, but with rocks, you don't really know the temperature, unless you warmed them in boiling water. If warmed in a fire, they could more easily cause burns because their temps could exceed 212F.
  20. I think this works even better to trap heat. With the bag unzipped and laid on top, it is twice as wide. Heat wants to go up, so as long as you don't stick your extremeties out from under, it works well...for me at least. That is sleeping on the ground and not on a cot, though. Give it a try and let us know...
  21. I sleep pretty splayed out, and I roll and move a lot. If I zip up my sleeping bag, it is miserable. I put down two insulated pads, and then lay a fleece blanket over the top of those. The sleeping bag lays opened up, on top. The more loft you can keep in your bag, the warmer it will be. Rolling over in a sleeping bag flattens out the loft. Stretching out in a sleeping bag also stretches your sleeping bag and kills the loft. Basically, an open sleeping bag is like a big comforter.
  22. Ready for the next round of tips? 10. Coolers become warmers: If temps are below freezing, do not put ice in your coolers to keep food fresh. Put in full water bottles with water at around 40F in to keep food from freezing overnight. Limit opening the "warmers" and close the lids quickly. We use old 1-liter soft drink bottles. Each patrol gets two. They work out nicely. Wash them out at home, and put in potable water. (Great way to re-use, versus trashing items or wasting money on bags of ice.) In a pinch, if water bottles or jugs are frozen, you can use the water from your "war
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