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Everything posted by InquisitiveScouter

  1. Welcome! And may the Good Lord bless you and keep you and smile on your effort!
  2. 20 Centuries of Catholic Church on review, but with obvious analogies to the century of BSA... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRsaxXrjk3w&ab_channel=playinhard please take 20 minutes to view
  3. Hope you don't mind the suggestions. It is we who do these things. It is we who bring the idea to life. Scouting is an idea and a movement, but it doesn't do anything of itself. BSA is a organization with a culture... The people in that culture knew there were wolves in the fold. They made decisions about dealing with the wolves that seemed (repeat, seemed) to sway more towards protecting the image and existence of the organization rather than the lambs in the flock. And, the continued decisions, actions, and conduct of those people, throughout this process, still seem (repeat, s
  4. Exactly, we did not solicit the donation. Units may accept any and all unsolicited donations. Make sure you never give the council's or national's EIN when doing this, otherwise, the money is technically theirs!! And use your CO's EIN only with permission!! It's an IRS reporting thing We are talking several thousand dollars. $500 per employee per year... YMMV
  5. Follow up: So, it all depends... Grants can be tricky, depending on the IRS reporting. In order to apply for this grant, the grantor wanted an EIN to verify we were a bona fide non-profit. Depending on nature of the grant, grantors and grantees may incur some IRS reporting requirements as well. https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/private-foundations/grant-defined https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/private-foundations/grants-to-noncharitable-organizations https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/private-foundations/reports-from-grantees In this
  6. We live near a big pharma corporation. Several parents work for them. When the parents donate volunteer time to our Troop, the company will also make a $500 donation to the non-profit who sponsors you. We asked our chartering organization if they were fine with us using their EIN for IRS reporting purposes. They gave us enthusiastic approval. The first year we did this, the corporation sent the check, payable to our unit, to our local council. Fortunately, someone in accounting caught it, instead of trying to deposit it for the council. The council Director of Development w
  7. Welcome @MattySchnides! Zero percent!!!!!!!! And the DE response is laughable.🤣 Units do not exist to provide a cash cow for the council. Give them zero and ignore any other correspondence on the matter.
  8. It is bad...no need for any of that. It's just a scheme to generate revenue.
  9. Yeah, all around bad idea, IMO. Agree with @Sentinel947 Call them and ask for your Silver Buffalo medal, certificate, and knot! At around $25 per, and time to produce the certificates...if 10K survivors asked, you're looking at $250K min and a good amount of man-hours. Anyone willing to call and find out the phone number/contact info for the process??
  10. Used to be a neighbor, Barry! Lived in Enid from 89 to 93. Great Salt Plains Council it was back then...
  11. Welcome back @physics32 I wish I just made this!
  12. It was a discussion forum, not a forum to engage with BSA employees. When someone put forth a wrong idea, others invariably stepped in to correct it. I think they shut it down because the discussions pointed out so many flaws in the way BSA publishes and promulgates information, that they just wanted to eliminate the embarrassment.
  13. Was not meant as any insult to survivors... Please be careful, if you look for offense, you will always find it Any castigation of BSA is deserved given the track record. Ton of bricks, bad juju, heavy hand, iron rod, righteous sentence...choose any phrase you wish.
  14. OK, then find another adult to go camping and offer it up. Even if you only get two Scouts, go hang out in the woods!
  15. Have you complete the Youth Protection Training online??
  16. They cannot unload Summit...half a billion dollars in debt 😜
  17. Are you willing to be an adult leader to take them camping?
  18. A second in-depth look at this... BSA is about to face the next excrement wave just as they see the light at the end of the tunnel on bankruptcy proceedings.
  19. Yes, all at once, unless specifically required to be sequential, like the fitness stuff. So, you can help your Scout by 1) asking him if he would like to earn ranks (try not to impose your own sense of performance, accomplishment, and achievement); if he wants to earn, then he has to learn. That is absolutely the best when self-motivated, not imposed by others (you, Troop leadership, etc.) 2) if #1 is a "yes", then just review the Scout requirements with him, and let him pick one that he wants to do and learn first. Show him that the page numbers for those things are listed an
  20. Maybe...there is a physical fitness requirement for Tenderfoot (T), Second Class (2C), and First Class (1C), which requires, among other things: (T) An initial fitness assessment, (T) a plan to improve, tracking activity for 30 days, (T) a final assessment to measure improvement, (2C) 4 weeks of tracking 30 mins per day for 5 days per week (2C) fitness discussion and continuation plan, (1C) another 4 weeks of tracking 30 mins per day for 5 days per week (1C) fitness discussion and continuation plan So, all the fitness stuff takes a minimum of three months. I find that this is th
  21. Welcome WilliamC! Much to talk about here! And, if you wish, a bit easier to retain your anonymity. Fleshing out ideas sometimes get peoples' feathers ruffled a bit, but that it the way it must be.
  22. Here's another head-scratcher... https://discussions.scouting.org/t/please-ask-your-council-to-request-to-national-to-reinstate-the-program-forums/290465
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